variable acceleration

[ˈvɛriəbəl ækˌsɛləˈreʃən][ˈvɛəriəbl ækˌseləˈreɪʃən]


  • Based on analyzing the available means for designing speed-up / down curve a new method is proposed that is applicable for any known variable load which is linear with the angular acceleration .

    针对系统的负载特性,在分析已有步进电机升降速曲线设计方法的基础上,提出了一种设计步进电机升降速曲线的新方法,该方法适用于与角 加速度成线性关系的已知 负载

  • So Variable Structure Control Theory is used in angle stabilization of roll and Model-following Variable Structure Control Theory is used in acceleration stabilization of pitch and yaw .

    因此,本文采用了变结构控制理论设计倾斜角稳定系统,采用了模型跟踪 结构控制理论设计俯仰、偏航通道的 加速度稳定回路。

  • First the operating parameters of the LHP are analyzed at the condition of steady state . And then the numerical model of evaporator is established in different acceleration working conditions . Finally the fluent software is used to simulation the variable acceleration conditions .

    首先对影响性能的参数进行分析;然后建立 LHP在不同 加速度工况下的蒸发器的数值模型;最后用Fluent软件对已经建立的蒸发器方程组进行数值模拟。

  • By means of variable substitution it is found that the differential equation of motion is a Bessel equation . Based on the equation responses of elastic displacement velocity acceleration of skip and cable tension close to sheave were deduced .

    通过 变量代换,发现箕斗运动微分方程是可求解的Bessel方程,从而得到了装载过程中箕斗的弹性位移、速度、 加速度和天轮处钢丝绳的张力的解析表达式。

  • CAD variable geometric method for solving the velocity and acceleration of robot arms

    求解机器人臂速度和 加速度的CAD 变量几何法

  • A new variable acceleration Impulsive Response Function has been presented and applied to optimization of isolator arrangements .

    文中提出了一个 振动 加速度脉冲响应函数的新 变量,导出了相应公式,并进一步应用于减振器布置优化方案计算中,取得较好效果。

  • Taking of inventory boundary in which the productivity change suddenly as decision variable and taking production-inventory total cost advancing with lead-time after weighted as the goal the production-inventory policy has been optimized with the method of simplex mode acceleration .

    以生产速率发生突变的临界库存为决策 变量,以生产库存总成本和加权后的提前期之和为目标,应用单纯形 加速寻优的方法对生产库存策略进行 加速优化。

  • Taking the variable parameters squeeze film damper ( VPSFD ) as an example the effectiveness of the variable parameters control on the vibration of a rotor system in the steady state and the acceleration processes is studied in this paper .

    本文以可变参数的挤压油膜阻尼器作为控制元件,研究了转子在稳态转速及 加速 运动过程中进行 参控制时的瞬态响应问题。

  • A Concept of variable throttle shift is advanced to ensure the same acceleration before and after shifting .

    为保证换档前与换档后的 加速度相等,提出了 油门换档的理论。

  • Simulation shows that the computational cost of this method does not increase with the complexity of the model of moving target . Moreover the method has the higher tracking accuracy for the moving targets with variable acceleration and quick turn in a corner .

    仿真表明,该方法的在线处理运算量不随所跟踪的运动目标模型的复杂性而增加,并且对 加速和急转弯运动目标具有较高的跟踪精度。

  • Variable Structure Robust Control for Acceleration of Electric Vehicles Speed Governing System

    加速度 电动汽车调速系统 加速度 结构鲁棒控制

  • A method of permanent magnet synchronous motor ac servo system with variable structure acceleration control is proposed .

    本文提出了一种交流永磁同步电机伺服系统的 结构 加速度控制法。

  • A Guidance Law of Variable Structure Adaptive Research for Target Escape with Acceleration

    一种攻击 机动目标的 结构导引律研究

  • A variable structure cascade double loop controlling algorithm was proposed to keep the engine speed on a constant speed during the start up process . A neuron adaptive PID controlling algorithm was adopted in the acceleration loop to overcome the nonlinearity of the clutch operating system .

    着重分析了离合器接合点前后的冲击,根据分析结果提出了 结构串级双环控制发动机恒速的起步控制算法,针对离合器操纵系统的非线性, 加速度环采用单神经元自适应PID控制算法。

  • The two - variable optimization scheme of the global motion trajectory is presented with an unknown velocity and acceleration for a minimum local vibration .

    研究了使局部 振动最小的整体运动的 轨迹优化方案。

  • Event horizon to observer with variable acceleration harmonic analysis of the annual March of precipitation over the main land of China

    加速 直线 运动中的视界我国大陆降水年 的谐波分析