variable-speed pump


  • Optimal Control and Configuration of Variable-Speed Pump Station for Water Industry

    水工业 系统 变速 泵站优化控制与配置研究

  • By calculating the energy-saving benefits of variable-speed pump the relation between back pressure and energy-saving benefits are analyzed .

    通过 水泵 变速节能效益的 实例计算,分析 变速节能效益与 系统背压之间的关系。

  • Mathematical Model for Water Stage Regulation with Variable-speed Pump in Diversion Project from Yellow River into Shanxi Province

    引黄入晋工程 变速 控制 水位的调节模型

  • Some Noticeable Problems in the Design for Type-Selection of Variable-Speed Frequency Water Pump

    变频 调速 水泵选型设计中值得注意的几个问题

  • The Application of AC Induction-motor by Using Variable-speed System to the Pump Station

    交流电动机 调速系统在 泵站中的应用

  • Energy Saving Adaptive Control of Variable-Speed Pump Station

    泵站 调速节能的自适应控制

  • Variable-speed control we already know at a certain speed axial flow pump are working under and to obtain the corresponding flow lift power and efficiency .

    变速调节我们已经知道,轴流 是在一定转速下工作的,而且获得相应的流量、扬程、功率和效率等。

  • Advantages of Variable-speed Pump in Oil Product Transportation

    变频 调速 在成品油管道输送中的优势

  • Variable-speed control pump performance more economical a broader scope of application of all agricultural water pumps can be used .

    变速调节 水泵性能,比较经济,适用范围较广,对所有农用水泵均能采用。

  • The parallel-connection and variable-speed operation characters of the centrifugal pump groups are studied by conics fitting of the character curves in the high efficiency area .

    通过对离心式 水泵高效工作区的性能曲线进行二次拟合,分析了离心式 水泵机组并联 调速运行特性。

  • The article presents the energy-saving principle of variable-speed frequency water pump and points out the some problems which should be considered in the design for type selection .

    介绍了 变频 调速 水泵节能原理,指出在选型设计时应注意的几个问题。