vapor pressure lowering


  • Colligative properties are the properties like the vapor pressure lowering when you have a mixture in a liquid instead of having a pure substance you have amixture of substances here .


  • And we also drew a phase diagram to show how this vapor pressure lowering was going to imply freezing point depression and boiling point depression .

    我们来画相图, 蒸汽 下降,意味着凝固点降低,和沸点降低。

  • There is vapor pressure lowering .

    蒸汽 下降

  • And the first thing that you can use this for is to look at your first colligative property which is vapor pressure lowering .

    你可以利用这个定律的第一个地方,是我们的第一个依数效应,在这个效应中 蒸汽 下降

  • It 's going to come from the vapor pressure lowering not from the osmotic pressure which we 'll do next .

    我们可以从 蒸汽 得变化,而不是渗透压,得到这个结果。