vapor density

[ˈvepɚ ˈdɛnsɪti][ˈveipə ˈdensiti]


  • By the theoretical model this paper gets the moist air enthalpy and the water vapor density of moist air and the water temperature and the mass transfer coefficient at every node of the metallic fill .

    利用已建立的理论计算模型,计算出了填料内部各个节点上空气的含 湿 和焓值、冷冻水水温以及金属填料的传质系数。

  • The average absolute deviations of this equation for gaseous phase pressure vapor pressure and liquid density are 0.296 % 0.213 % and 0.148 % respectively .

    该方程计算HFC-227ea的pVT数据与实验数据比较:气相压力平均绝对值偏差0.296%, 饱和 气压平均绝对值偏差0.213%,液相 密度平均绝对值偏差0.148%。

  • And the leakage of combustible liquids is also studied when the vehicle is steering because of the undefined factors during the highway transportation course of flammable liquid and its vapor density spread models in the atmosphere is set up .

    因不确定因素致使运输车辆行驶过程中易燃液体泄漏,并建立其 蒸气在大气中的 浓度扩散模型。

  • The vapor pressure and saturate liquid density of the five compounds were determined in high temperature .

    同时测定了以上五种物质在高温范围内的 饱和 蒸汽压和饱和液体 密度

  • After the essential accidental parameters are inputted the course of the change of the vapor density distribution and the influential areas with the time can be simulated and shown on the computer after the leakiness of the combustible liquids during road transportation .

    系统在输入必要参数后,能在计算机上模拟显示公路运输易燃液体泄漏后其 蒸气 扩散 浓度分布、影响范围等;

  • The molecular parameters of12 halogenated ethanes were fit to experimental data for vapor pressure and saturated liquid density .

    本文拟合得到了12种 乙烷族卤代 烃类物质的方程参数。

  • The density functional theory and statistical associating fluid theory are used to establish equation of state for binary liquid-liquid system . The parameters of segments are correlated by simultaneously fitting the saturated vapor pressure and the liquid density data .

    应用密度泛函理论和统计缔合流体理论建立了二元液液界面的状态方程,通过纯流体 平衡时的压力数据和液 密度数据回归了非极性流体和极性流体的链节参数。

  • Liquid water content first increased and then decreased with height . Water vapor mixing ratio vapor density and liquid water were all biggest in summer and least in winter .

    水汽混合比和水汽密度随高度递减,液态水含量先增大后减小,水汽混合比、 水汽 密度和液态水含量均为夏季最大,冬季最小。

  • The simulation results show that the collector plate clearly influences the atomic vapor . As the vapor density and temperature increase in the plates the velocity decreases .

    模拟结果表明:收集板中间, 蒸气 密度增加,速度下降,温度上升;

  • Parameters are fitted to vapor pressure density and mean ionic activity coefficient data .

    参数由拟合 蒸汽压、 密度和离子平均活度系数数据获得。

  • In this text Delphi software is used to develop the systematic user 's interface and work out the calculation module and Matlab software is used to calculate and analysis the spatial distribution of the vapor density and the influential area .

    本文以Delphi软件作为系统用户界面开发与计算模块编程工具,采用Matlab计算软件分析 蒸气在空间中的 浓度分布及影响区域。

  • High precision vapor pressure equation and orthobaric density equation have been developed in the wide range for temperature from 0.003 K to the critical point 3.3157 K of ~ He .

    ~3He气液饱和 密度方程提出了0.003K~临界点3.3157K温区的高精度氦-3 气压方程和饱和密度方程。

  • The group-contribution method for saturated vapor density 's calculation of Freon of ethane class

    推算乙烷系氟里昂饱和 液体 密度的基团贡献法

  • A multiparameter equation of state can calculate simultaneously vapor pressure and liquid density accurately .

    采用多参数方程能同时较准确地计算 气压和液相 密度

  • Inside the screen-house the vapor density around canopy was higher than those near ground surface and the converse temperature distribution occurred .

    网室内冠层附近 水汽 密度高于近地面处的水汽 密度,且出现逆温分布。

  • Thought water is a good refrigerant it is difficult to be used directly in a common compression refrigeration system due to its very low pressure and vapor density at the evaporation temperature .

    由于 蒸发压力低、 比容大使得水作为制冷剂直接用于压缩式制冷系统还有很大的困难。

  • Structure and vapor adsorption of low - density silica aerogels

    密度SiO2气凝胶的结构与 吸附特性研究

  • Analysis on vapor pressure equation and saturated liquid density equation of isobutane

    异丁烷的 饱和 蒸汽压方程及饱和液体 密度方程研究

  • High-precision and wide-range saturated vapor density compensator is put forward to solve this problem .

    研究建立高精度、宽范围的 密度补偿模型对饱和 蒸汽 流量进行精确测量;

  • The model is then employed to explore the influence of various factors on void fraction profiles in the moderator cell including the diameter of the boiling vapor bubbles the density and viscosity of the fluid the total heating power .

    利用该模型探讨了冷包截面含 率的影响因素如气泡直径,工质液体的 密度、粘性,加热功率等。

  • Research on Saturated Vapor Density Compensator Under Varied Working Condition

    变工况条件下高温高压饱和 蒸汽 密度补偿模型的研究

  • In addition the vertical distribution and temporal evolvement characteristics of temperature relative humidity water vapor mixing ratio vapor density and liquid water content were analyzed in a precipitation process and a sand-dust weather process .

    另外选取降水和沙尘天气个例,分析了降水和沙尘天气出现前后及持续过程中大气温度、相对湿度、水汽混合比、 水汽 密度以及液态水含量等气象要素随高度和时间的变化。

  • Gold Vapor Laser was used as light source . Power density in irradiating was 200 to 400mW / cm and energy density was 200 to 300J / cm .

    应用金 蒸气激光器作为治疗光源,激光波长627.8nm,功率 密度200~400mW/cm,能量密度100~300J/cm。

  • The numerical results show the evaporation rate of the metal increases with the power of the electron gun so the vapor density increases and the vapor temperature decreases and the vapor velocity increases .

    数值计算结果表明,随电子枪功率增加,金属的蒸发速率增加, 蒸气 密度增大、温度降低而速度升高。

  • This paper uses the microwave radiometer observation data to retrieval the atmospheric temperature profiles and the water vapor density profiles with the multiple linear regression method and the BP neural network method .

    本文主要包括以下几点研究内容:1.利用微波辐射计观测数据,使用多元线性统计回归方法和BP神经网络方法分别对大气温度和 水汽 密度廓线进行了反演。

  • This paper discusses the influence of SiC anti-oxidation coating formed by chemical vapor reaction on density mechanical properties and microstructure of 3 D braid C / C composite .

    研究了采用化学 反应法制备的SiC抗氧化涂层对3D整体编织C/C复合材料的 密度、力学性能以及微观结构的影响。

  • The existing density compensator model does not fit high temperature and pressure saturated vapor the density compensator precision is low and causes big error in saturated vapor measurement .

    现有的密度补偿模型不适合高温高压饱和 蒸汽 流量测量, 密度补偿精度较低,导致蒸汽流量测量误差较大。

  • Use of Calcium Carbide Weighing Method to Determine Vapor Density in Case of Reduction of Synthetic Catalysts

    电石称重法分析合成触媒还原时的 水汽 浓度

  • It is showed that among the Equations of State PT EOS is the best to calculate the vapor pressure and density for water and carbon dioxide .

    结果表明,PT方程对水、二氧化碳的 蒸汽压及 密度预测较佳。

  • The supersaturation ratio is the ratio of the excess vapor density to the saturation value .

    过饱和比是超过 饱和值的 蒸汽 密度与饱和值的比。