vapor lamp

[ˈvepɚ læmp][ˈveipə læmp]


  • The photolysis of acetochlor in water was studied under a 100W medium pressure quartz mercury vapor lamp illuminating .

    研究了乙草胺在100W中压石英 汞灯的光照下的光解动态。

  • A high pressure Hg vapor lamp was used for the UV photo-degradation and simultaneously for the fluorescence excitation .

    这个系统使用同一个高压 汞灯既作为有机污染物的UV光降解辐射源,同时也作为荧光激发源。

  • Electric discharge lamp or vapor lamp : Lighting device consisting of a transparent container within which a gas is energized by an applied voltage and made to glow .

    “放电灯,亦称 蒸气 ,一种照明器件,由一透明外壳构成,其中的气体被外加电压激发而发光。”

  • Suitable for incandescent lamp mercury vapor lamp high-pressure sodium vapor lamp metal halide lamp .

    可配装白炽灯、 汞灯、高压钠灯、金卤灯。可按用户要求配装灯伞。

  • Suitable for incandescent lamp mercury vapor lamp .

    可配装白炽灯、 汞灯、金卤