


  • Direct alloying with calcium vanadate

    钙的 还原 直接合金化

  • The thesis simply summarizes the history present situation and prospects of the rare earth vanadate .

    本论文简要的概述了稀土 发光 材料的历史、现状和前景。

  • Determination of Sulfide Thiosulfate and Sulfite in Alkaline Vanadate Solution

    碱性 溶液中硫化物硫代硫酸盐和亚硫酸盐的测定

  • Comparison of two methods Diazonium method and vanadate oxidation method for assay of the total bilirubin

    重氮法与 氧化法测定总胆红素的方法 比较

  • Evaluation of the vanadate oxidation method for assay of total bilirubin and direct bilirubin in serum


  • A study on effects of sodium vanadate blood cells and hemoglobin in mice


  • Preparation of Bismuth Vanadate Pigments


  • Synthesis Crystal Structure and Vibrational Spectrum of Inorganic-organic Transition Metal Borate and Vanadate

    无机&有机过渡金属硼 的合成、晶体结构和振动光谱

  • Organic-inorganic hybrid materials of the manganese vanadate can be formed through the combination and synergistic interaction of the manganese vanadium building blocks and some organic compounds .

    氧化锰、钒 簇构筑块经与有机组分组合可形成新型结构的锰 无机-有机杂化材料。

  • It is a good reference to the application of yttrium vanadate prisms .

    这为 钇棱镜在偏光器件中的应用提供了重要的参考价值。

  • A new indicator for uranium determination used in titrimetry using ammonium vanadate

    一种用于 铵滴定法测定铀的新指示剂

  • Study on Preparation and Luminescence of Red Vanadate Phosphor


  • Investigation on a new analytical method for determination of Vanadate (ⅴ) based on the combination of electrochemical parallel catalytic wave effect and chemiluminescence signal sensing

    基于电化学平行催化波效应与化学发光信号传感相偶合测定 V(Ⅴ)的分析新方法

  • Determination of phosphorus content in hydroxyapatite with color comparison method of ammonium vanadate - molybdate


  • Phase relations in and crystal chemistry of the li ( mg Zn ni ) vanadate system

    Li-(Mg、Zn、Ni) 体系相关系和结晶化学

  • Investigation on LD-Pumped Passively Q-switched Vanadate Microchip Lasers

    LD泵浦 晶体被动调Q微型激光器研究

  • As the phosphate radical can react with ammonite vanadate molybdate to form phosphorus molybdenum heteropoly acid in the medium of nitric acid ( 1 + 9 ) the phosphorus can be determined by color reaction .

    在硝酸(+)液中,磷酸根与 钼酸铵形成稳定的磷钼钒络合物,经显色后可测定磷。

  • A mineral consisting of chloride and vanadate of lead ; a source of vanadium .

    一种含铅的氯化物和 的矿物,是钒的来源。

  • The Influence of La_2O_3 on Concentration of V ~ ( 4 + ) in Vanadate and Phosphate Binary Glass

    La2O3对 磷二元玻璃中V~(4+)浓度的影响

  • Ceria and ammonium meta vanadate were selected as the feedstock with microwave heating cerium vanadate was obtained in short time .

    以二氧化铈和偏 铵为原料,微波加热快速合成了钒酸铈。

  • The novel non-toxic bismuth vanadate pigment can be the effective substitute for yellow toxic inorganic pigments .

    新型无毒的 铋颜料可作为毒性无机黄颜料的一种良好替代品。

  • Preparation and Properties of Vanadate Series Crystals

    系列 激光晶体制备和性能研究

  • Effect of vanadate derivatives on blood glucose levels in type ⅱ diabetic mice


  • Study on Synthesis and Properties of Bismuth Vanadate Pigment


  • Study on the Co-effect of Coprinus Comatus Fermentation Liquid and Sodium Vanadate in the Process of Inhibiting Ascension of Blood Glucose in Mice

    鸡腿蘑发酵液与 协同抑制小鼠血糖升高作用的研究

  • Results : Sodium vanadate of certain concentrations could present proliferation inhibition effects on EC109 cells .

    结果:一定浓度的 钠对食管癌细胞系EC109有生长抑制作用。

  • This article has reviewed the properties uses and preparation approaches of bismuth vanadate pigment .

    综述了 铋颜料的性能、用途及其制备方法。

  • A3 steel encountered not only serious vanadium corrosion but also sulfidation in the molten vanadate ;

    在熔融 物中,A3钢遭受到严重的钒腐蚀,而且出现了硫化;

  • The effect of vanadate on glucose metabolism and its mechanism in STZ diabetic rats were studied .

    观察了 对STZ糖尿病大鼠糖代谢的影响,并对这一作用产生的机理进行了探讨。

  • Bismuth vanadate and other substitutes for lead - free pigmentation

    铋和其它无铅色 用颜料