abbr.Value Analysis 价值分析

  • The application of the Composite Pattern in VA framework is analyzed and the design pattern reuse in the development of Chinese report component is given .

    分析了复合样本在 VA构架中的应用,论述了基于 VA构架的中文报表构件开发中的设计样本重用。

  • Effects of polymerization conditions on the copolymer molecular weight and VA weight content were studied .

    考察了聚合条件对共聚物数均分子量和 醋酸 乙酯VA)质量分数的影响。

  • This paper modifies the Viterbi algorithm used in STTC encoder under the MIMO system and gives the recursive metric equation .

    本文对MIMO系统中用于 STTC编码器的 VA译码算法进行了改进,建立了 节点度量的递推方程,并给出了 分枝 转移的度量方法。

  • Inoculation with VA mycorrhizal fungi significantly increased mycorrhizal infection and enhanced seedling growth .

    苗期接种 VA菌根菌可提高菌根感染率,促进苗木生长。

  • We pray for the dead and wounded in the shooting at VA tech.

    我们为在 理工这次枪击案中遇难的人祷告。

  • Furthermore ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer ( EVA ) with different contents of vinyl acetate was mixed with MPE to analyze the different impacts on mechanical properties of MPE .

    同时还比较了两种不同醋酸乙烯基( VA)含量的乙烯醋酸乙烯共聚物( EVA 对MPE的力学性能的影响。

  • Don 't forget Russia 's Lada Nova car was such a flop in Spain because No va translated into Spanish means Doesn 't Drive .

    不要忘了,俄国的LadaNova汽车在西班牙惨遭失败仅仅是因为“no va”在西班牙语中是”别开”。

  • CONCLUSION : The application of softshell technique in phacoemulsification is effective for improving VA reducing complications and controlling surgical quality in cases with posterior polar cataract .

    结论:软壳技术的应用可以减少后极性白内障超声乳化手术的并发症,明显提高 视力,对控制手术质量有重要意义。

  • The output voltage follows VA ( t ) but the positive feedback establishing VA ( t ) sets this voltage at some fraction of the output voltage .

    输出电压跟随 VA(t),但是正反馈确定VA(t),在输出电压的某些片断设定这个电压。

  • A year-and-a-half later he went to the VA for help after months of feeling isolated depressed and anxious .

    一年半以后,他去 老兵医院寻求帮助,很多个月他感觉被孤立、抑郁并且紧张。

  • Value Analysis VA ) is part of Caltrans'standard procedures for developing projects .

    价值分析( VA)是州交通发展项目的标准程序的一部分。

  • Hallie Wilfert is a Senior Information Architect at SRA International a technology and strategic consulting firm in Arlington VA where she works mainly with government clients .

    HallieWilfert是SRA国际组织的高级信息架构师,SRA国际组织是一个技术和战略顾问公司,在 弗吉尼亚 阿灵顿,她在那里工作主要负责政府客户。

  • But he stopped taking medication relapsed and finally wound up living in Roanoke Va with his mother .

    但是他停止了药物治疗,病又发了,结果只好去了在弗吉尼亚州的罗 纳科他母亲那里。

  • Results Preoperative MRI revealed that the big twisted vertebral arteries ( VA ) deviated to the affected side and even the contralateral VA moved to the affected side .

    结果术前MRI显示粗大扭曲的椎动脉( VA)偏向患侧,甚至对侧VA也移位至患侧。

  • VA has implemented safeguards to prevent a similar situation from occurring again .


  • The call begins in . / linux / kernel / printk . c in the printk function which calls vprintk ( in the same source file ) after resolving the variable-length arguments using va_start .

    这个调用从./linux/kernel/printk.c中的printk函数开始,它会在使用 vastart解析可变长度参数之后调用 vprintk(在同一个源文件)。

  • The copolymerization emulsion of Vinyl acetate ( VA ) and Butyl acrylate ( BA ) was synthesised by batch process and semi-continue process .

    采用半连续法和间歇法合成了醋酸乙烯 、丙烯酸丁酯共聚乳液。

  • Effects of marginal vitamin A deficiency on skeleton development and expression of retinoic acid receptors of rat embryos

    边缘 VA缺乏对大鼠胚胎骨骼发育及视黄酸受体表达的影响

  • Two very important and frequently used types of loans are FHA Loans and VA Loans .

    两个非常重要和经常使用的贷款种类、贷款联会 视力贷款。

  • Inoculating effect on seedlings of Araucaria Cunninghamia by VA Mycorrhiza

    泡囊丛枝状菌根对 南洋杉幼苗的接种效应

  • When designing a switching circuit for high current ( > 1A ) pay particular attention to the maximum current maximum voltage and VA specifications of the switch card .

    在设计大电流(>1A)的切换电路时,需要特别注意开关卡的最大电流、最大电压和 VA技术指标。

  • The first Apple retail store in Tyson 's Corner VA was reportedly met with much skepticism .

    据报道,苹果公司在 弗吉尼亚 泰森角成立第一家零售店时,曾经备受质疑。

  • A method for simultaneous determination of fat-soluble VA VD3 and VE in fish tissues by HPLC is presented .

    本研究旨在探讨采用一次进样同时检测鱼体组织中的维生素 A、维生素D3和维生素E的方法。

  • C has support for defining functions with a variable number of arguments using va_list and C + + never improved on that .

    C支持使用 va list定义具有数量可变的参数的函数,C++在这 方面没有改进。

  • Secondary Development of Structural Vibration-acoustic Optimization Based on VA One

    基于 VAOne的声结构优化系统的二次开发

  • Va people tourists celebrate'Monihei Carnival ' .


  • The sentence-final particle va in Shanghai dialect is a marker for yes-no questions .

    上海话的句末助词“(口 )”用来构成是非问句。

  • VA mycorrhiza may play an important role in the evolution of Eusporangiate plants .


  • This paper based on the traditional method of function measurement puts forward application on the VA of AHP and according to the result of calculation proves that AHP has the higher accuracy .

    本文在讨论传统的功能计量评价方法的基础上,提出了 AHP(层次分析法)方法在 价值分析中的应用,并通过举例分析,说明AHP方法及结果具有较大的精确性。