
abbr.value 价值valuation 估价vice 副volume 体[容]积

  • Haynes v. United States 390 U.S. 85 ( 1968 ) .

    及“海恩斯 合众国 ,载于《美国最高法院判例汇编 390 85页(1968)。

  • So Charles V. 's wall suffered the fate of that of Philip Augustus .

    因此查理 五世的城廓也遭受菲利浦&奥古斯都的城廓的命运。

  • The set E may be thought of as a binary relation on set V.

    集合E可看成集合 V上的一个二元关系

  • This is the magnitude of that v.

    这里 v 表示 速度的大小

  • And then the bounds would be much easier to set up with u and v.

    于是,通过u和 v的表示,积分限就更容易设立了

  • But we just figured out dS / dV This is dp / dT at constant V.

    此外我们刚刚发现恒定温度下的,等于恒定 体积下的dp/dT,what, dS/dV,at,constant,T,is ,这个公式很简洁

  • The accuracy and reliability of the approach are verified by the design example of an optical system with spherical and conic surfaces designed by CODE V.


  • I and the infatuation flowers twitter low v.


  • In1922he married Princess mary only daughter of King George v.

    1922年他和乔治 五世国王的独生女玛丽公主结婚。

  • Right now I am thinking of it as a function of two variables u and v.

    把它看做是u和 v两个变量的函数。

  • In other words u is a function of T and V.

    话句话说,u是T和 V的函数

  • V Let 's try to figure out these vectors U and V.


  • V So the plane of motion contains r and v.


  • The simulation model of wave packets is designed by computer algebra system Mathematica v.


  • Thank you for your help . It 's been very v.

    谢谢你的帮助,你的帮助太 有用了。

  • In this particular case the range happens to be the entire container v.

    在这些特殊的情况下,发生的范围在整个容器 v

  • The second method setColor has a signature of ( Ljava / awt / Color ;) V.

    第二种方法 setColor具有(Ljava/awt/Color;)V签名

  • More will be said about this in Section V.

    关于这一点,在 后面 v节中还要更详细叙述

  • V'is a nonempty subset of V.

    v'是 v的一个非空子集

  • And we are going to try to draw what it looks like in terms of u and v.

    画出这些边,接下来,我们将要尝试,得到关于u和 v 图形是什么样的

  • The decision Michigan v. Environmental Protection Agency No. 14-46 was a setback for environmentalists .

    最高法院对14-46号 、密歇根州 环境保护局(Michiganv.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)的判决对环保人士来说是个挫折。

  • Justice Scalia believes that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overturned .

    法官Scalia认为Roe V.Wade 的判决是错误的,应该被推翻。

  • A notable example in a case involving DNA was United States v.

    涉及到DNA证据的一个很著名的案件是UnitedStates v。

  • That is just a vector with components is given as a function of u and v.

    它就是向量,由u和 v的函数给出

  • Void completed ( V result A attachment ) executes if a task completes with a result of type V.

    voidcompleted(Vresult,Aattachment)在任务完成结果中具有类型 V时执行

  • Programs that have not been debated and they are all lumped v.


  • But it becomes much easier in terms of u and v.

    但是,以u和 v的形式表示就要简单的多了

  • V Let 's control T and V.

    我们控制温度T和 体积