vacation pay

[veˈkeʃən pe][vəˈkeiʃən pei]


  • In addition to vacation without pay for service people the same plan for pilots will be introduced in the short future .

    除了日前推行的空服员无 休假外,该 公司的飞行员无 休假计划也将在近期推出。

  • Ask about severance pay accrued vacation overtime and sick pay pension benefits and eligibility for unemployment insurance .

    询问清楚遣散费,累计 假期,加班,病假 津贴,退休福利失业保障等情况。

  • To students of teenagers participating in some tourist activities means much to their growth during the vacation more and more public organizations the school parents begin to pay close attention to and attach importance to students of teenagers ' vacation travel extensively too .

    对于青少年学生来说,在 假期中参加一些旅游活动对他们的成长有着十分重要的意义,越来越多的社会团体、学校、家长也开始广泛 关注和重视青少年学生假期旅游。

  • On this basis analysis of user information query update vacation request pay to view and submit the request and other major features approval notification and other core processes .

    在此基础上,分析用户信息查询、更新、 休假申请、 工资查看等主要功能和请求提交、审批、通知等核心流程。

  • In this article the author briefly analyzed the practical requirements of people 's all-round development and the important role that vacation with pay plays in people 's all-round development .

    文章简单分析了人的全面发展的现实要求以及带 休假 休闲生活对人全面发展的重要作用。

  • The young man said he and his college roommate had overspent during their vacation and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill .

    年轻人说他和大学里的一位室友 假期花费太多,没有足够的钱 支付旅馆的费用了。

  • Perhaps I should go to the Ministry of Labour to check my claim of vacation pay .

    到劳工部去查询一下 假日 付款的进展不是很好吗。

  • You 've just had a vacation for a whole month with full pay !

    你刚刚带 了一整月的