vasomotor rhinitis

[ˌvezoˈmotɚ raɪˈnaɪtɪs][ˌvæsəuˈməutə raiˈnaitis]


  • Partial middle and inferior turbinectomy for vasomotor rhinitis

    中下甲部分切除术治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎

  • Transpalatine vidian neurotomy for treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

    经腭翼管神经切断术治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎疗效观察

  • Objective : To investigate the effect and mechanisms of botulinum toxin type A ( BTA ) on vasomotor rhinitis .

    目的:探讨A型肉毒杆菌毒素(BTA) 治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎的作用及机制。

  • Sphenopalatine ganglion injection of absolute ethyl alcohol for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

    蝶腭神经节无水乙醇注射治疗 常年 鼻炎

  • Objective : To observe the effect and postoperative reaction of YAG laser tissue coagulation treatment in patients with vasomotor rhinitis .

    目的:观察YAG激光组织凝固治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎的效果和术后反应。

  • The roles of three peptides in the pathogenesis of vasomotor rhinitis

    3种神经肽在 血管 运动 鼻炎发病中的作用

  • Conclusion : BTA can induce the degeneration of glandular cells in nasal mucosa and thus obviously relieve over rhinorrhea of patients with vasomotor rhinitis . No other complications were found .

    结论:BTA可引起鼻黏膜腺细胞变性,明显减轻 血管 运动 鼻炎 溢液亢进的症状12例患者有一过 鼻干 注射 当天鼻溢液加重,无其他并发症。

  • The influence of botulinum toxin type A on vasomotor rhinitis and morphological study

    A型肉毒杆菌毒素对 血管 运动 鼻炎的作用及组织形态学影响

  • JIG SCREEN Ligation of anterior ethmoidal nerve through orbital for treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

    经眶筛前神经结扎术治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎

  • Result : After 4 ~ 6 months of follow up 4 cases out of 5 with vasomotor rhinitis were effective and 1 improved .

    结果:随访4~6个月, 显效4例,有效1例。

  • A clinic observation on YAG tissue laser coagulation therapy in patients with vasomotor rhinitis

    YAG激光组织凝固术治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎的临床观察

  • Conclusion Ligation of anterior ethmoidal nerve through orbital is a efficient and feasible treatment for the patients of vasomotor rhinitis .

    结论经眶筛前神经结扎术是治疗 血管 运动 鼻炎有效、可行的方法。

  • A preliminary analysis on surgical treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in cacoplastic nose

    血管 运动 鼻炎合并鼻结构异常手术治疗的初步分析

  • Treatment of allergic and vasomotor rhinitis by the local application of 15 % silver nitrate

    15%硝酸银 鼻腔局部应用治疗变态反应性 鼻炎 血管 鼻炎

  • Method : A retrospective study of 32 patients with vasomotor rhinitis who received BTA injection at 4 points in bilateral nasal cavities with 2.5 units at each point had been done .

    方法:32例 血管 运动 鼻炎 患者 鼻腔注射BTA,每侧鼻腔各注射两点,每点2.5U, 总量10U。

  • Conclusion : One-third part of the front area of middle turbinate is the most sensitizing area of nasal mucous of those vasomotor rhinitis and is the best laser remedy spot .

    结论:中鼻甲前1/3段是 血管 运动 鼻炎 患者鼻粘膜最敏感的区域,是最佳激光治疗点。

  • Choice of laser radiation of nasal mucous sensitizing area of vasomotor rhinitis

    血管 运动 鼻炎激光治疗鼻腔粘膜致敏区的筛选

  • Objective To research an effective method of the operation treatment for vasomotor rhinitis .

    研究目的探讨 血管 运动 鼻炎手术治疗的有效方法。