varactor diode

[vəˈræktɚ ˈdaɪˌod][vəˈræktə ˈdaiəud]


  • The output powers of the fundament signal and the second harmonic signal are low . The varactor diode does not implement electric tuning effectively . Further study should be carried out .

    两路信号的输出功率较低, 没能有效的实现电调谐的功能,有待进一步地研究。

  • The study of avalanche breakdown voltage for hyperabrupt varactor diode

    超突变结构 二极管雪崩击穿电压的研究

  • A millimeter-wave hybrid integrated VCO is proposed which consists of a resonant circuit based on SIW resonant and an electric tuning in parallel with varactor diode .

    在此基础上,提出整个E波段毫米波混合集成VCO的方案:采用SIW谐振器作为谐振回路,利用并联结构的 进行电调谐。

  • When the modulation sensitivity is enough the loop feedback coefficent must be decreased for decreasing the influence of varactor diode to the oscillator frequency stability .

    在确保所需调制频偏的情况下,通过调整环路反馈系数可减小 调制 电路对Gunn振荡器中心频率稳定度的影响。

  • In this method the capacitance of the varactor diode is changed by voltage .

    本文 详尽 讨论砷化镓 突变 二极管 设计原理和方法。

  • CAD Of Varactor - Tuned Gunn Diode Oscillator


  • Then based on this design varactor diode is adopted in the reconfigurable antenna and continuous alteration of antenna pattern and gain is achieved .

    接着以此为基础,将 二极管用于方向图可重构天线的设计,实现了天线方向图和增益的连续可

  • The convertor consists of double-ridge wave-guide crossbeam structure and low-loss varactor diode .

    变频器由双脊波导架、横杆结构和低耗参放 组成。

  • Because the wideband voltage-controlled oscillator which using the varactor diode as a tuning device has the advantage of small size low cost flexible design it represent a significant proportion at wideband voltage-controlled oscillators .


  • A novel microstrip directional coupler is proposed in order to transfer partial fundamental signal power to varactor diode .

    为此,设计了一种新颖的微带定向耦合器,耦合部分基波信号的能量用于 调谐

  • In the third method the parameters of a varactor diode are determined by the measurements of the input impedance only at negative biases and the junction capacitance at low frequency ;

    第三种方法是测量 二极管在各负偏压点下的输入阻抗与低频结电容C( V)来 求得 二极管的结参数;

  • The capacitance characteristic formula of a nonlinear Capacitor is obtained by establishing the basic equation of a nonlinear circuit with pure capacitor thereby deriving the characteristic equation of varactor diode and verifying the correctness of the formula obtained .

    本文通过建立纯电容的非线性电路的基本方程,得到了非线性电容器的电容特性公式,并由此导出 二极管的特性方程,验证了该公式的正确性。

  • Then it takes a single chip microcomputer to control the D / A converter and adjusts the frequency of the marginal oscillator by changing the reverse bias to the varactor diode and so it can realize the automatic search for the NMR signal and autotracking it .

    进而使用单片机控制D/A转换器输出,通过改变 二极管反向偏压调整边缘振荡器的振荡频率,实现共振信号的自动搜索和跟踪。