variable test

[经] 变量测试

  • Study on the variable test method of kinetic parameters of tractor and rotary tiller

    旋耕机运动参数 动态 试验方法的研究

  • You can reference a per-user variable from another test by declaring a variable with the same name and setting its scope to All tests for this user in the second test .

    通过声明带有相同名字的变量,并将其范围设置为“Alltestsforthisuser”,您可以从其他的 测试中引用一个前用户 变量

  • Research on the Dissipation Factor Measurement Technique for the Variable Frequency Test

    变频谐振 试验电压下介质损耗测量技术研究

  • For statistical test of a difference between two constituent ratios if the number of samples is large enough one can use the standard normal distribution variable μ test .

    在进行差异显著性检验时,如果样本数n较大,则组成百分率可用标准正态 变量μ 检验

  • Comparing with the cylinder and taper mandrels the main advantages and design points of a new type of expanding mandrel which can measure the variable test diameter are described .

    通过与传统的圆柱心轴、锥度心轴对比,介绍了一种新型的 检测变径胀轴的优点、设计要点。

  • Via analysis Carson model can fit confluence variable test data better .

    经分析,卡森模型能较好的拟合浆料 流变 试验的数据。

  • Variable test parameters included velocity sliding distance and lubricants and comparisons were made among the parameters .

    各种 参数包括速度、滑动距离和润滑剂进行了比较。

  • If you do not use an existing datapool variable Functional Test uses the same literal values ( the values that Functional Test captured when you recorded the test script ) each time you run the script .

    如果您不使用一个已有的数据池 变量,Functional Test就在您每次运行脚本时,使用相同的文字值(FunctionalTest在您记录测试脚本时捕获的值)。

  • From canonical correlation Analysis between nine variable of live test traits and ten variable of slaughter test traits in ninety specimen of Hubei white pigs three canonical variable which determined the correlative relation of these traits were obtained .

    通过对湖北白猪新系90头样本的话体测定性状的9个 变量与屠宰 测定性状的10个变量之间的典型相关分析,得出了决定两组性状间相关关系的三对典型变量。

  • During execution a test that uses a datapool replaces a value in the recorded test with variable test data that is stored in the datapool .

    在执行过程中,一个测试会使用一个带 可用 测试数据的数据池来取代已记录测试的值。

  • Variable SRR traction test revealed that in the linear region traction coefficient was very sensitive to the increase of SRR and at high SRR traction coefficient increased .

    可变滑滚比 试验表明,在线性区,汽油的摩擦系数对滑滚比的增加十分敏感。

  • Figure 7 shows a complete test depicting all of the steps for creating and setting a test variable in a test .

    图7显示了完整的测试,它描述了 测试中创建和设置一个测试 的所有步骤。

  • Approaches for testing the differences between / among the experimental data of two or more groups are studied under variable test parameters and can be linearly regressed .

    研究 试验参数 变化情况下,具有线性回归特征的多组试验结果差异性的对比分析方法。

  • Through the single variable T test and regression analysis found that the company can be handling financial restated profits should plan significantly higher than the restatement of the company and earnings management is more serious .

    通过单 变量T 检验和回归分析发现,财务重述公司的可操纵性应计利润显著高于非重述公司,盈余管理更严重。

  • Based on liquidity adjustment plan should be performance model was handling accrued surplus of earnings management agency as variable robustness test .

    本文还以业绩调整的流动性应计模型得到的操纵性应计盈余作为盈余管理的代理 变量进行稳健性 测试

  • Second it is not perfectly rational that the average displacement of vertical length of the rock sample is taken as a control variable in test .

    以试件纵向长度上的平均位移来作为控制 参量有不合理之处,最好能以若干 局部位移作为 控制 参量而进行 实验

  • You can replace recorded test values with variable test data or add dynamic data to the test .

    您可以用 各种 测试数据来代替所记录的测试值,或者向测试中添加动态数据。

  • Through the result of the variable load test the performance of the coordinated control system has improved dramatically and achieved the thermal control request .

    通过机组的 负荷扰动 实验,表明了优化后的协调控制系统在性能上有了明显的改进,达到了热工控制的要求。

  • Variable displacement swabbing test technology for fluid producing profile measuring was developed to accurately find out the water production interval of oil wells .

    为准确找出油井的出水层段,研究了 排量抽汲 测试产液剖面技术。

  • On-Line Measurement and Record of the Rotation Variable in Tribological Test

    摩擦学 试验中多个旋转 变量的在线测量与记录

  • A theory calibration curve to measure the fraction coefficient of superplastic material and a variable cross-section tensile test method to measure the strain-rate sensitivity coefficient were put forward .

    提出了测定超塑材料摩擦系数的理论校准曲线和应变速率敏感性指数的 截面拉伸 试验法;

  • The method of EPA protocol conformance test is developed . The test process of the EPA protocol conformance test system is presented through an example of the implementation of variable WRITE service test .

    研发了一种EPA协议一致性测试的方法,并以 变量写服务的 测试为例,说明了EPA协议一致性测试系统的测试过程。

  • Therefore the NH-1 wind tunnel transonic variable porosity walls test section has been calibrated and adjusted successively . The result indicates that the improved transonic flow quality attains the advanced domestic level .

    为此,我们对 NH&1风洞跨音速 开孔壁继续进行了综合参数调试的 实验研究,结果表明,改善了跨音速流场品质,达到了国内较先进水平。

  • The purpose of this paper is to find the applying region of the t test i.e. the necessary and sufficient conditions for a two dimension variable forms a test which possesses a t distribution .

    本文的目的是研究t检验的适用范围,给出了二维 随机 向量构成服从t分布 统计量的充要条件。

  • You can define a variable in one test to capture and store test data and then reference the test variable in a second test .

    您可以在一个 测试中定义一个 变量,以获取和存储测试数据,然后在第二个测试中引用测试变量。

  • A variable valve test bench is set up and preliminary experiments are carried out to test the response performance of the variable valve system including the different inlet pressures and valve control signals .

    搭建了 可变气门 试验台架并进行了 可变气门的初步试验。测试了可变气门系统的响应性能和不同进油压力、气门控制信号对可变气门性能的影响。

  • Detection of Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis of Dichotomous Variable & Egger Test and Begg Test

    分类 变量Meta分析中偏倚的检测 &Egger 和Begg法

  • Design and Experimental Study on Simulative Variable Load Food Test Chamber

    模拟 负荷食品 试验箱的建立及其实验研究