variable speed gear

[ˈvɛriəbəl spid ɡɪr][ˈvɛəriəbl spi:d ɡiə]

[机] 变速机构, 变速机

  • Based on the concept of variable input speed mechanisms this paper presented an inverse kinematic method for designing variable input speed mechanisms driven through noncircular gear drives .

    运用变输入转速机构的设计理念,提出一种非圆 齿轮驱动 输入 转速机构的运动反求设计方法。

  • Take the manufacture of Z535 variable speed gear box for example to analyze the causes of gear noise and effective technological means of noise control .

    以制造Z535 变速 齿轮箱为例,分析了齿轮噪声的产生原因和控制噪声所采用的有效工艺手段。

  • Study of Variable Speed Ratio Transmission for Gear and Rack Type Steering Gear of Motor Vehicl

    汽车 齿轮齿条式转向器 变速比传动的研究

  • A experimental system to investigate the friction transition in movement of the mechanism'with periodic variable speed ( engaging of gear ) was set up .

    为了研究周期 变速机构在运动中(例如 齿轮在啮合过程中)的摩擦过渡现象,研制了一试验装置。

  • Starting from the mechanisms such as gearing principle relative motion and hysteresis phenomenon etc the paper sets forth the rules of motion of eccentrical gear sector pair of nonlinear variable speed ratio steering gear and deduces out mathematical model between main geometrical parameters .

    从齿轮原理、相对运动和滞后现象等机理出发,阐述了非线性 变速转向 偏心齿扇副的运动规律,推导出主要几何参数之间的数学模型。

  • A New Machining Method for Variable Speed Ratio Gear Sector of Motor Vehicle

    汽车 变速比扇 齿加工新方法

  • The stepless variable speed gear s drive and its motion analysis

    齿轮无级 变速传动及运动分析

  • In the contrast new magnetic variable speed device such as the magnetic gear is a non-contact torque transfer structure and therefore it has the advantages of no vibration lower noise and self-protection in the overload condition .

    相比而言,永磁 齿轮等新型磁力 变速装置是一种无接触式力矩传动机构,具有无振动、噪声小以及过载自保护等特点。

  • Variable Speed Theory of Gearing Infinitely Transmission & Analysis of Internal Gear ' Outline

    啮合式机械无级变速系统的 变速原理及内 齿轮 齿形分析

  • Introduced is the principle of stepless variable speed mechanical device-variable speed planetary gear .

    介绍了一种先进的无级 变速机械装置&变速行星 齿轮的原理;

  • First of all the application situation of various driver such as steam turbine industrial gas turbine variable frequency drive ( VFD ) and variable speed planetary gear ( VORECON ) were introduced .

    首先介绍了汽轮机、工业燃气轮机、变频电动机(VFD)和 变速行星 齿轮(VORECON)等各种驱动机的应用情况;