varicose veins

n.静脉曲张( varicose vein的名词复数 )(尤指腿部的)静脉曲张

  • You also might experience backaches cramps swollen legs and ankles and varicose veins .

    你可能会体验背痛、抽筋、脚和脚踝肿胀或者 静脉 曲张

  • I 've got varicose veins .

    我有 静脉 曲张

  • The company specialises in non-invasive outpatient treatment of varicose veins which plague women in their 40s and 50s . About 25m people in the US suffer from varicose veins and another 40m in western Europe .

    这家公司专门对 静脉 曲张进行非侵入式门诊治疗。这种病症困扰着四五十岁的女性。美国约有2500万人患有静脉曲张,西欧有4000万患者。

  • Modified M ü ller Therapy on Varicose Veins of Lower Extremity in Young Women

    改良Müller术治疗年轻女性下肢 静脉 曲张

  • It also provides citrus bioflavonoids that help stabilize capillaries helping to heal varicose veins bloodshot eyes and hemorrhoids .

    还提供了柑桔类黄酮,以帮助稳定毛细血管,有助 舒缓 静脉 曲张,眼睛充血和痔疮。

  • High Ligation Endovenous Laser Treatment ( EVLT ) in Great Saphenous Varicose Veins : Our Experience in 156 Patients

    高位结扎加腔内激光闭合术治疗大隐 静脉 曲张156例效果观察

  • Twelve percent is varicose veins brought on by pregnancy .

    有12%的 可能是怀孕带来的 静脉 曲张

  • Clinical Analysis of 63 Patients of Recurrence in Patients with Varicose Veins of Lower Extremity

    63例下肢 静脉 曲张 后复发的临床分析

  • The condition of having varicose veins .

    静脉 曲张具有 静脉 曲张 血管的状况。

  • In treating varicose veins butcher 's broom has been found to relieve not only leg pains but also swelling itching numbness cramping and the heavy sensation in the leg .

    于治疗 静脉 中,花竹柏不但被发现可舒缓脚痛,亦可舒缓肿胀、痕痒、麻痹、抽筋和脚部的沉重感觉。

  • The causes of hemorrhoids are similar to the causes of varicose veins .

    导致痔疮形成的原因 静脉 的形成原因差不多。

  • Dr Nawaz said that apart from being an eyesore varicose veins can be painful .

    纳瓦兹医生表示,除了作为一个眼中钉, 静脉 曲张可以是痛苦的。

  • Diabetes or diabetes-prone high blood pressure varicose veins phlebitis multiple sclerosis epilepsy porphyria hands and feet used with caution in patients with convulsions and small chorea .

    糖尿病或糖尿病倾向、高血压、 静脉 曲张、静脉炎、多发性硬化症、癫痫、卟啉病、手足抽搐及小舞蹈病患者慎用。

  • Incidences of varicose veins among women will increase .

    而且女性 静脉 曲张发病率会增加。

  • Varicoceles is a condition like varicose veins where the blood vessels in the scrotum become tangled and swollen .

    精索 静脉 曲张就是阴囊的 静脉血回流所经过的精索静脉变得扭曲和扩张。

  • Objective : To evaluate TriVex phlebctomy and electrocoagulation combined with encircling constriction of superficial femoral vein for treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities .

    目的:探讨腔内激光加高位结扎加股浅静脉瓣膜戴戒术治疗 发性下肢深 静脉瓣膜 功能不全的疗效和应用价值。

  • If you stand for long periods without moving around blood can pool in the legs and increase your risk of varicose veins .

    如果你久站不动,腿部会充血, 静脉 曲张的风险。

  • Objective : To evaluate the effect of early surgical treatment for primary lower limb varicose veins complicated by thrombophlebitis .

    目的:探讨原发性下肢 静脉 曲张并血栓性浅 静脉炎早期手术治疗的效果。

  • Horse chestnut The medicinal qualities of their conkers leaves and bark soothe varicose veins . A dead leaf fell on Soapy 's foot .

    七叶树七叶树的果实、叶子和树皮的药效能减缓 静脉 曲张。一片枯叶掉落在索皮的脚上。

  • Laser treatment combined with high ligation of the great saphenous vein for varicose veins in the lower extremities : clinical analysis of 56 cases

    激光联合大隐静脉高位结扎术治疗下肢 静脉 曲张56例临床分析

  • Horse chestnut the medicinal qualities of their conkers leaves and bark soothe varicose veins .

    七叶树七叶树的果实、叶子和树皮的药效能减缓 静脉 曲张

  • And as far as I know none of them had varicose veins or carotid atherosclerosis or any of the other things doctors warn of .

    据我所知,他们当中没有人患有 静脉 曲张、颈动脉粥状硬化,或者任何医生们会告诫你注意的其他疾病。

  • If you have varicose veins consider wearing elastic support hose .

    如果患了 静脉 曲张,可以考虑穿弹力护腿袜。

  • Ginkgo 's ability to improve blood circulation and reduce the discoloration of varicose veins .

    银杏可改善血循环和减少 静脉变色。

  • Aescuven forte treatment after clinical observation of varicose veins

    迈之灵治疗 静脉 曲张 后的临床观察

  • My mother has had unsightly varicose veins for years

    我母亲多年来一直患有难看的 静脉 曲张

  • Endovenous Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins of Lower Extremities : Prevention and Treatment of Recurrence

    激光治疗下肢 静脉 曲张术后复发的原因及防治