variable evaluation

[ˈvɛriəbəl ɪˌvæljʊˈeʃən][ˈvɛəriəbl ɪˌvæljʊˈeɪʃən]


  • The application of the synthetic method of variable weight to efficiency evaluation of management of construction machinery

    权综合法在施工机械管理效率 评估中的应用

  • Target level is the evaluation of AMT performance ; three rule layers are AMT basic performance shift comfortable and reliability ; twelve index variable layer is the evaluation index of each performance . 2 .

    目标层为AMT性能评价;三个准则层为AMT基本性能、换档舒适性和可靠性;十二个指标 变量层为每个性能中选取的 评价指标。

  • Besides based on the expectation operator of the fuzzy variable a new evaluation standard is established to estimate the average sharp degree of the signals .

    另外,基于模糊 变量的期望值算子做出新的 评价标准用来评价信号的平均尖端度。

  • The variable weights evaluation method is used to change the weight to punish the small indicator of the measured value . It expands its weight to make the evaluation result more reasonable and scientific .

    采用 权的 评价方法,对测量值小指标进行惩罚,扩大其权重,使得评价结果更为合理、科学。

  • In this paper a set of scientific statistics index and a method of variable weights synthesizing evaluation to measure and reflect the process of the well-off society are given .

    本文建立了科学的统计指标体系和 评价方法一 权综合 评价方法,能够对小康社会的进程进行全面地测度和反映。

  • Variable weight and its aggregation are obtained to take into account the effect of compositions of factors . Based on the variable weight principle an evaluation model is constructed .

    考虑因素的组态对权重的影响,根据 权的原理,得到因素 权的计算公式,建立了因素的变权集,并构造了 权的 综合 评价模型,使得 评价方法进一步完善。

  • Study on the Synthetic Method of Variable Weight of Effectiveness Evaluation of Maintenance Support System

    维修保障系统效能 评估 权综合法 初探研究生 教育 评估 多级 模糊 综合 评判

  • Based on single variable disturbance time-varying system performance evaluation methods for the thorough analysis and research and its main idea is according to the output of time-varying system disturbance the detection of the disturbance disturbance conducted after evaluation .

    本文对扰动时变的单 变量控制系统性能 评价方法进行了深入地分析和研究,它的主要思想是根据系统的输出,检测出扰动的变化,对扰动进行分段处理后再进行评价。

  • In the security and development of mineral resources strategic research in the field through the use of quantitative analysis method - Grey System Evaluation Model vector autoregressive model variable weights model portfolio evaluation model of its mineral resources security and the impact of the factors relations .

    论文在矿产资源安全与发展战略研究等方面,通过运用定量分析方法&灰色系统评价模型、向量自回归模型、 权重组合 评价等模型分析了短缺金属矿产资源安全与它的影响因素之间的关系。

  • Integrated Entropy Weight and Variable Fuzzy Sets Evaluation Approach for Underground Space Resource Quality Problem

    地下空间资源质量熵权与 可变模糊集组合 评估

  • Synthetic Method of Variable Weight in Quality Education Evaluation

    素质教育 评价 权综合方法

  • Variable Fuzzy Evaluation Method for Analysis of the Stability of Surrounding Rock in Diversion Tunnel of Hydro Project

    水电站导流洞围岩稳定性的 可变模糊 评价方法

  • Based on the air defence forces operational capability evaluation model the article introduces the way how to use cloud barycenter theory to determine basic assessable variable in evaluation model which strengthens the reliability and operability of the model .

    结合防空兵作战能力评估模型,运用云重心理论确定了 评估模型中各指标基本评定 ,增强了模型的可信度和可操作性。

  • Information-based evaluation based on local variable weight comprehensive evaluation method for grid corporation

    基于局部 权综合 评价法的电网企业信息化评价研究

  • Mine safe production capability is complex fuzzy and gradually variable . Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is applied in building fuzzy mathematic model to evaluate mine safe production ability .

    针对矿山安全生产能力具有复杂性、模糊性、 多样性和 渐变性的特征,采用模糊综合 评价方法建立模糊数学模型对矿山安全生产能力进行评价。

  • Application of the data processing method for the quantitative variable in nursing quality evaluation

    量化 指标的数据处理及在护理质量 评价中的应用

  • Through expert team evaluation namely the attributes importance degree of the variable fuzzy evaluation with language form the evaluation through the trapezoid fuzzy number and RAGE to transit fuzzy language into accurate numerical .

    通过收集来自专家团队的评价,即对非功能需求重要性程度进行的语言 变量形式地模糊 评价,将这些评价通过梯形模糊数、RAGE去模糊化转化成精确的数值。

  • Gray Variable Method of Evaluation on Construction Quality of Super-length Bored Pile

    超长钻孔灌注桩施工质量 评价的灰色 权方法

  • Application of Fuzzy Variable Weighting Method in the Evaluation of Communication Supports Capability

    模糊 权法在通信保障能力 评估中的应用

  • The research of variable weight evaluation method in wells and layers choice for gas wells fracturing and acidizing

    压裂酸化选井选层中的 评判方法研究

  • Study on Variable Fuzzy Evaluation for Stabilizing of Surrounding Rock in Diversion Tunnel

    基于多目标 可变模糊 评价 的导流隧洞围岩稳定性分级研究

  • Aiming at large-size steam turbine DEH governing system is complex and difficult to evaluate their conditions a method of variable weight synthesizing condition evaluation of DEH system is firstly proposed on the basis of analysis on the condition effecting factors of DEH system .

    针对大型汽轮机组数字式电液调节系统复杂,难以评价状态的问题,在分析反映系统运行状态各因素的基础上,首次提出了基于 权综合的数字式电液调节系统状态 评价方法。

  • A Method of Variable Weight Synthetic Evaluation for Safety Management of Power Business

    电力企业安全管理 权综合 评价方法

  • The variable fuzzy evaluation method was established for comprehensive evaluation of regional groundwater resources carrying capacity which is based on the theory of variable fuzzy sets .

    应用可变模糊集理论,提出了地下水资源承载能力综合评价的模糊 可变 集合方法。

  • It was demonstrated that nuclear DNA content measured by image analysis technology is an important and objective prognostic variable for in the evaluation of the prognosis of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder .

    研究资料表明,图像分析技术测定细胞核的DNA含量对判断膀胱移行细胞癌病人的 分级 预后有重要意义。

  • The algorithm adopted the decimal system coding theory variable weight comprehensive distance evaluation model and multiple-chromosomes crossover mechanism .

    同时引入 权数综合距离 评判模型和多个体交叉机制,对多目标函数进行求解。

  • Before indicator variable not correct evaluation quotes .

    指针 变量未正确 赋值之前就引用;

  • Variable Fuzzy Evaluation Model and Its Application in Sustainable Utilization of Land Arrangement

    模糊 可变模型在土地整理区农地可持续利用综合 评价中的应用

  • Variable weight approach in evaluation of crops ecological adaptability

    作物生态适宜性 评价方法

  • Variable fuzzy evaluation model and method for comprehensive evaluation of groundwater resources carrying capacity

    地下水资源承载能力 评价模糊 可变模型与方法