variable coupler

[ˈvɛriəbəl ˈkʌplɚ][ˈvɛəriəbl ˈkʌplə]


  • The relations between the laser characteristics and the unstable resonator parameters with a variable reflectivity coupler are described .

    给出了激光参量与 反射 输出 非稳定腔的关系。

  • An unstable resonator Nd : YAG laser with variable reflectivity coupler is developed .

    研究了由 反射率 输出 耦合 构成的非稳定腔Nd:YAG激光器的特点。

  • Development of variable speed coupler reduction box for drilling machine in oil-field Technical specifications of springs for fuel pump governor and injecter of diesel engines

    油田钻机用 调速 偶合器减速箱的研制GB/T2940-1982柴油机用喷油泵、调速器、喷油器弹簧技术条件

  • Cassegrain Unstable Resonator with Variable Reflectivity Mirror ( VRM ) Output Coupler

    反镜 耦合输出的卡塞格林非稳腔激光技术研究

  • A Variable high power directional coupler for S band is described in this paper . The coupler consists of two 3 dB couplers mounted in cascade and a phase shifter . inserted between the connecting legs of the 3 dB couplers .

    文章介绍了由两个3dB耦合器串联,并在其中两个输出支路插入移相器所组成的S波段高功率 可变定向 耦合器

  • Geared turbine drive Development of variable speed coupler reduction box for drilling machine in oil-field

    涡轮机减速齿轮传动油田钻机用 调速 偶合器减速箱的研制

  • In combination with example the irrationality of constant speed throttling regulation of water feed pump in small or middle power plant was analyzed and the benefit by variable speed regulation with hydraulic coupler was discussed .

    结合具体实例对中小型电厂给水泵定速调节运行方式的不合理性作了分析,探讨了加装液力 偶合器进行 变速调节所能带来的经济效益。

  • Coil Conveyer system Variable Ferrite Coupler

    流水线输送卷料纵向自动调整铁氧体 可变 耦合器

  • The genetic algorithm and variable word collection fuzzy control method are introduced to design the intelligent fire / flight coupler and to improve the performance of integrated fire / flight control system .

    基于遗传算法和 隶属度模糊控制方法设计了智能火力/飞行 来提高综合火力/飞行控制系统的动态性能。

  • Optimizing design of variable metal mesh coupler for the HCN laser

    用于 HCN激光器 耦合 输出的F-P腔的优化设计