variable gain method

[ˈvɛriəbəl ɡen ˈmɛθəd][ˈvɛəriəbl ɡein ˈmeθəd]


  • This paper investigates the stability of 1-bit high-order ∑△ modulators by modeling the quantizer with an additive noise source model with a variable gain . A method for designing 1-bit high-order ( > 2 ) ∑△ modulators is presented it leads to a simple and effective results .

    本文将量化器等效为 增益 可变的加性噪声模型,研究了1bit高阶∑△调制器的稳定性,提出了一 设计1bit稳定高阶(>2)∑△调制器的方法,该方法简单有效。

  • This analysis formula is simple and brief the variable value gain convenience . This is a broad new method to practical in green lighting .

    该解析方法的公式简洁明了、 变量获取方便,是一种绿色照明设计中具有广泛实用性的新 方法

  • Variable gain control method for mobile robot moving to goal

    移动机器人向目标点运动的 增益控制 方法

  • MPPT variable gain extremum seeking control method for wind energy conversion system

    风能转换系统的MPPT 增益 极值搜索控制

  • This paper presents how to use a variable gain PID control method to compensate the friction in load simulator .

    介绍了利用 增益PID控制 方法补偿负载模拟器中摩擦力的 方法

  • The concept of efficient control is put forward aiming at the motion control for mobile robot . Also variable gain control method is used to control mobile robot moving to goal .

    提出了移动机器人有效控制的概念,并采用 增益控制 方法,使系统的状态单调收敛,最终到达目标点。