

n.水汽,水蒸气,无实质之物自夸者幻想 [药]吸入剂 [古]忧郁(症)


  • The phenomenon of condensation of low-pressure vapor in a horizontal tube is studied .

    结合 蒸发式冷凝器的设计,对水平管内低压 蒸汽冷凝现象进行了实验研究。

  • Water vapor in the rising warm air condenses to liquid water .

    上升的暖空气中的水 蒸气冷凝成液体的水。

  • The vapor from the upper container is condensed the condensate is collected and its volume measured .

    上面容器中的 蒸气冷凝,将凝结液集中并测量其体积。

  • Rust is the product of a slow combination of iron with atmospheric oxygen and water vapor .

    锈是铁和空气中的氧和水 蒸汽缓慢结合的产物。

  • The car windows were fogged with vapor .

    车窗上满是 雾气

  • The experimental system of oil vapor pump has been widely used in education scientific research and production department .


  • The intrinsic resistances and gas sensing performance of the samples to ethanol vapor were tested .

    对这三种厚膜传感器的本征电阻及对乙醇 蒸汽的敏感特性进行了测试。

  • A technique called cleaning by water vapor for live power equipment was investigated .

    研究了电力设备带电水 蒸汽清洗技术。

  • Water vapor feedback in the tropical upper troposphere : model results and observations .

    热带对流层高层 水气反馈:模式结果和观测。

  • The synthesis of acrolein by means of the catalytic vapor phase condensation of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde was studied .

    利用冷凝甲醛和乙醛的 相催化法,来研究丙烯醛的合成。

  • Methanol vapor and liquid will seriously injure eyes and mucosa .

    甲醇 蒸汽与液体能严重损害眼睛和粘膜。

  • Most of atmosphere 's water vapor comes from evaporation of sea water .

    大气中的 水汽大部分来自海水蒸发。

  • Lithium bromide is a kind of effective vapor absorbent and atmosphere humidity regulator .

    用途溴化锂是一种高效 蒸气吸收剂和空气湿度调节剂。

  • The vapor pressure changes with the temperature the pressure and the kind of liquid .


  • So if you start with sodium vapor and chlorine gas electron transfer will occur .

    所以,如果从以钠 蒸汽和氯气开始,电子传递就会发生了。

  • In the paper the application of Enhanced Vapor Injection in heat pump air conditioning is introduced .

    本文介绍了喷气增 技术在热泵空调中的应用。

  • A differential resistance model was established to describe the permeation of water vapor across the hollow fiber composite membrane .

    建立了水 蒸气在中空纤维复合膜中渗透的微分阻力模型,用实验验证了模型的可靠性。

  • That the vapor pressure of the solute is related to the mole fraction in the solution .

    溶质的 蒸汽压,和溶液中溶质的摩尔分数成正比。

  • Water vapor in the air combines with nitrogen and forms nitric acid .


  • It elaborates gas and vapor explosion as well as gas dispersion modeling using examples for applied methods .

    通过一些实用方法的例子,阐述了气体和 蒸气爆炸和气体扩散模型。

  • The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide .

    两种主要的燃烧产物是水 蒸气和二氧化碳。

  • Experimental data processing program for measuring saturated vapor pressure of liquid ;

    本文对“液体饱和 气压的测定”实验的改进进行了全面的研究。

  • Meanwhile the crystal damage derived from water vapor adhesion is resolved .

    同时,解决了 激光器低温工作时的 水汽附着导致的晶体损伤问题。

  • Where you measure the pressure the vapor pressure as a function of temperature .

    在实验中你可以测量 蒸汽压,作为温度的函数。

  • Water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere .

    大气中压缩的水 蒸气成滴降下来。

  • Effects of Temperature on Gas and Water Vapor Permeability of Preservative Film

    温度对保鲜膜透气和 透湿性能的影响

  • The cold wind condenses vapor into rain .

    冷风使 蒸气凝结成雨。

  • Water molecules adhere to the gels surface because it exhibits a lower vapor pressure than the surrounding air .

    坚持以水分子凝胶表面,因为它表现出了周围的空气低 气压比。

  • The transfer of water vapor has two sources of the Bay of Bengal and the East China Sea .

    这次 暴雨 水汽输送源地有两个,分别是孟加拉湾和东海海面;