Use with satellite satellite dish wireless network etc * to indicate a communication link .
使用卫星、碟形卫星天线、无线网络 等表示通信链路。
Also he use like * very practical examples to illustrate his skills and show that he suit the role and also the company .
他会 用 很具体的例子 来展示他的技能,以此告诉面试官他是适合应聘的职位以及公司的。
No one knows for sure why Deinocheirus had hands like this – some say they were probably too dull to use for killing * he may have just used them to climb trees .
没人知道为什么恐手龙的手长成那样。有些人说恐手龙的手可能太迟钝了,都不能 用于猎杀 ,只能 用来爬树。
Biometrics-based authentication systems that use physiological and / or behavioral traits ( fingerprint face signature * ) are good alternatives to traditional methods .
建立在生物特征识别方法基础上的认证系统是传统技术地较好改进,在其中我 应用了生理和行为上的特征(指纹、面容、签名 等)。
These early20th century carved lacquer beads use a similar technique * the black lacquer is carved away to expose the red cinnabar underneath .
这些二十世纪早期的雕漆珠子 使用了类似的工艺 。刻 去黑漆显露出下面的朱砂。
It would be possible however to use some combination of WS - * specifications to achieve the same result .
然而,完全有可能 通过组合一些Web服务 相关的规范 来实现同样的效果。
You do not have modify permission for this file . Use Save as * to save the file to a different name .
此文件不允许修改。 请选择另存为 命令 使用其他文件名保存。
Pure lines prestigious furnishings delicately-coloured fabrics and flooring intelligent use of lighting * all contribute to the ultimate refinement of this exceptional venue .
纯粹的线条、高雅的陈设、色彩协调的织物和地板、合理 利用的灯光 等等,所有元素的完美结合共同 打造了这座精致独特的酒店。
If the Set View toolbar is not currently visible use the View / Toolbars * menu item to switch it back on .
如果设置视场工具栏不可见, 在查看/ 工具栏中将其选中。