



  • Furthermore the reform leads to broaden the management right to fulfill disposition right and to ensure usufruct .

    并且进一步拓宽了经营管理权,完善了处置权并确保 收益

  • The rural residential land usufruct is a very important right in the farmers ' land rights .

    宅基 使用 是农民土地权利中的一项非常重要的权利。

  • Question about the Legitimacy of Forbidding the Usufruct of Collective Land for Construction Entering the Real Estate Market

    禁止集体建设用地 使用 进入房地产市场的正当性质疑

  • We sell patent right and usufruct of riaf and provide tech support .

    出售专利权, 使用 ,并提供技术支持。

  • Consumption is people 's exhaustion and enjoyment of consumption goods to satisfy their personal demands and the right of disposition and usufruct .

    消费是使人们为满足生活需要而对消费资料的消耗、享用、享受、观赏以及支配权和 使用

  • Part three clarifies the connotation of land usufruct land granting and land granting fee .

    第三部分,土地 使用 出让及土地 使用权出让金。阐明土地 使用 、土地 使用 出让和土地 使用 出让金的特征和内涵。

  • In the same way interest shall be paid for equalization payments to be made by the owner of the allocation of additional land that is subject to a usufruct .

    同样,须对将由 用益 的额外土地的所有者支付的平衡支付支付利息。

  • Comparing and Evaluation of the Pattern of Agricultural Land Usufruct Circulation

    现行农地 使用 流转的模式比较及效应评价

  • Research on the Usufruct Structure of Resource Use Right & An Analysis on Article 123 of the Law of Right in Rem

    论资源利用权的 用益 物权 性质& 析《物权法》第一百二十三条

  • Explore and Anslyze on the Usufruct Circulation of Rural Collective Land Use in Quanzhou

    泉州市农村集体土地使用 的流转探析

  • Analysis on the Rational Usufruct of the Libraries under the Network Environment

    浅析网络环境下图书馆的合理 使用

  • The term of rural land usufruct is more logical and more scientific than that of land contract .

    使用“农村土地 使用 ”这一 称谓要比土地承包 更为严谨、科学。

  • Right includes the right of occupying usufruct punishing and surplus value gaining .

    对财产的权利包括占有权、 使用 、处分权和收益

  • The usufruct of land and buildings ' ownership is one of hot topics in law science of real estate .

    土地 使用 与地上建筑物所有权是房地产法学的热点问题之一。

  • An Appraisal of Usufruct of Immovable Property System in Property Law

    对《物权法》中 用益 物权制度的评析

  • During our industrialization there has long been an unfair transaction of factors usufruct which specifically hurt the benefits of weak factors .

    要素 使用 交易的公平性与效率模式对一个国家的工业化 路径 选择 宏观经济 运行具有长期而重大的影响。

  • Innovation on the Transferring System of the Usufruct of Collective Construction Land

    创新集体建设用地 使用 流转制度的思考

  • Mutual Usufruct Infringement Constitution and Legal Liability Research

    共有 用益 物权的侵权构成及法律责任探究

  • Space right divided into ownership of space and usufruct of space .

    通过将空间权分为空间所有权和空间利用 ,对空间 权利的内容 更好 进行了 界定

  • According to the provisions of law rural residence land usufruct is forbidden to transfer in China .

    农村宅基地 是否可以 自由 流转,关乎农民的 切身 利益。我国相关法律禁止农村 宅基地流转。

  • The paper puts forward three methods of calculating land usufruct returning price and discusses their difference and application condition .

    本文提出了三种 安置 地的价格计算方法,并研究了三种价格形式的区别和适用范围。

  • Obviously the reform of farmland usufruct system will be the rational choice .

    由此可见,农地 使用 制度的改革应该是我们的理性选择。

  • On the Nature of the Specific Usufruct in the In-a-limited-sense Contractual Right to Land Business and the Usufructuary Protection in Land Circulation

    狭义土地承包经营权特殊 用益物权性质及其流转保护

  • On Improving the System on the Transfer of Usufruct of Rural Residence Base

    完善我国农村宅基 使用 流转制度的 法律思考

  • Legislative support to ownership and public features of water right in China ; Research on the Usufruct Structure of Resource Use Right & An Analysis on Article 123 of the Law of Right in Rem

    我国水权物权性与公共性的法律保障分析论资源利用权的 用益 物权 性质& 析《物权法》第一百二十三条

  • Collective should enjoy the rights of possession use usufruct disposition of ethnic village tourism resources .

    集体应该享有民族村寨旅游资源的占有权、使用 收益 、处置

  • In July 1974 the Cameroonian government issued its land reform decree aiming to reform the usufruct of land in Cameroon .

    1974年7月,喀麦隆政府颁布了土地改革令,旨在改革土地 使用和占有的 权限

  • The countryside homestead usufruct system is a characteristic legal system of China .

    农村 宅基 使用 制度是我国特有的一项法律制度。

  • Moreover the homestead system in rural areas will be improved and farmers ' usufruct rights of homestead will be ensured . A pilot program will be carried out in some areas to discover other channels for improving farmers ' income .

    改革完善农村宅基地制度,保障农户宅基地 用益 物权选择若干试点,探索农民增加收入渠道。

  • Estates of contracted land is a kind of usufruct of real property unique in China the declaration of which indeed is similar to that of personal property .

    土地承包经营 是中国特有的不动产 用益 物权,其 设立的公示 方式实际上采用了动产的 公示方式。