uterine segment

[ˈjutərɪn ˈsɛɡmənt][ˈju:tərain ˈseɡmənt]

[医] 子宫分段

  • Significance of Color Doppler Sonography Determining Scar Thickness of Lower Uterine Segment Scar during Late Trimester of Pregnancy in Trial of Vaginal Delivery

    彩超检测妊娠晚期 子宫瘢痕厚度对阴道试产的意义

  • Analysis of High Incisions in Treating 100 Cases by Lower Uterine Segment of Zhou 's Caesarean Birth

    运用周氏剖宫产术 子宫切口100例分析

  • Results The causes of neglectful postpartum hemorrhage consisted of mental factors ( 6 % ) cervical erosion ( 6 % ) poor contraction of lower uterine segment ( 14 % ) and hemorrhage after placental separation ( 8 % ) .

    结果易忽视的产后出血原因有精神因素占6%,宫颈糜烂占6%, 子宫收缩不良占14%,胎盘剥离后出血占8%。

  • Ultrasonographic evaluation of lower uterine segment thickness in patients of previous cesarean section

    超声检测有剖宫产史孕妇 子宫的厚度

  • In control group traditional hysterotokotomy were used for instance incision of lower uterine segment were sutured after manual removal of placenta or massage fundus of uterus and used the same uterine contraction drugs as the experimental group .

    对照组采用传统的方法按摩宫底或经人工剥离 娩出胎盘后再行缝合 子宫切口。缩宫素的应用同实验组。

  • Lower uterine segment blood sinus open 4 / 90 cases ( 4.4 % );


  • Objective : To explore the diagnosis methods and treatment for the lower uterine segment pregnancy in the first trimester after caesarean section .

    目的:探讨剖宫产后 子宫疤痕早期妊娠的诊断和处理。

  • Clinical analysis of 3 cases of pregnancy in lower uterine segment


  • Changes of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and effect of diazepam on its expression in uterine lower segment during delivery

    分娩状态下 子宫组织中基质金属蛋白酶9表达的变化及地西泮对其的影响

  • Here is the gross appearance of a normal uterus with fundus lower uterine segment cervix vaginal cuff right fallopian tube left fallopian tube right ovary and left ovary from a young woman .

    图示:肉眼观一年轻女性正常的子宫, 子宫,宫颈,阴道断端,双侧输卵管及卵巢。

  • Immunohistochemistry ( with SP method ) and computer image analysis technology were utilized to measure the expression of ICAM-1 and MMP-9 in the lower uterine segment tissue specimens .

    用免疫组织化学SP法检测ICAM-1和MMP-9在各组 孕妇 子宫 层中的表达,用光镜观察局部组织病理变化,并用计算机图像分析对其表达水平进行定量分析。

  • Cases of cesarean section of lower uterine segment were clinically analysed which included rate and indications of cesarean section compared hemoglobin white blood cell count temperature before and after operation .

    本文对 子宫剖宫产116例进行了临床分析,包括剖宫产率、剖宫产指征、术前与术后Hb、WBC计数、体温差异等。

  • Clinical analysis of lower uterine segment pregnancy with heavy hemorrhage in inducing abortion


  • Objective : To compare two kinds of lavage methods for trophoblastic cells in the lower uterine segment in an effort to investigate a kind of a non-invasive safer sample collection method for early prenatal diagnosis of trophoblastic cells .

    目的:通过对两种冲洗法在 子宫获取滋养细胞的比较研究,探索一种适合于孕早期产前诊断的、安全无损伤的获取胎儿细胞的取样方法。

  • The time of delivering the fetus inadequate lower uterine segment incidence of newborn suffocation maternal complications of observe group were higher than that of control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

    观察组取胎时间、新生儿窒息发生率、产妇并发症均明显高于对照组(P<0.01),观察组 子宫形成不佳明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。

  • Objective : Discuss correlation factor and protection measures of laceration of transverse incision of lower uterine segment in cesarean section .

    目的:探讨剖宫产术 子宫横切口撕裂伤的相关因素及预防措施。

  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect and side effect of the treatment of hysteromyoma by uterine artery embolism with polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) and natural silk segment .

    目的:评价聚乙烯乙醇(polyvinylalcohol,PVA)与真丝 线段栓塞 子宫动脉治疗子宫肌瘤的临床疗效及副反应。

  • Seldinger method was employed to puncture the femoral artery . After the site of uterine artery and hysteromyoma was confirmed by angiography ultra-selective arterial cannulation was performed and PVA particles and natural silk segment was injected into uterine artery to block the blood supply of hysteromyoma .

    采用Seldinger方法经皮股动脉穿刺,血管造影确认 子宫动脉及肌瘤所在部位后,超选择性子宫动脉插管并经导管注入PVA颗粒或真丝 线段,阻断子宫肌瘤血供。

  • Application of Intervention Technique for Termination of Lower Uterine Segment Pregnancy in the First Trimester after Caesarean Section

    介入技术在终止剖宫产后 子宫疤痕早期妊娠的应用

  • With dilation of the cervical orifice the collagenous fiber network in the myometrium of the lower uterine segment are dissolved gradually in order to adapt to a puerperal demand which expounds the histological changes of the human lower uterine segment in course of term parturition .

    随着宫颈的扩张, 子宫组织中的胶原纤维网逐渐出现溶解和消失,阐明了分娩过程中人类子宫下段肌层的组织学变化。

  • Objective To discuss the diagnosis and management for lower uterine segment pregnancy .

    目的探讨 子宫妊娠的临床特点及治疗方法。

  • MMP - 8 and MMP - 9 concentrations have been shown to increase in the lower uterine segment during labor in parallel with changes in cervical dilatation .

    在分娩过程中MMP-8和MMP-9浓度在 子宫表达增高与宫颈的扩张相平行一致。