



  • The right of mining is a sort of the qualified right in rem and it contains usufructuary right and security interest .

    采矿权是 物权,是 用益 物权和担保物权的 统一

  • Personal servitude is a superior concept in civil code it can be derived many specific usufructuary rights .

    人役权作为一种古老的役权制度,在现代大陆法系民法典中是一种上位的 用益 物权,其 功能 在于克服物权 法定 原则 局限性。

  • It is a pipe which introduce public regulation into the usufructuary right .

    它是将公法规范引入 用益 物权中的管道。

  • The Servitude plays an important role in the usufructuary right system .

    地役权在在 用益 物权体系中占据着重要的地位。

  • In our country the integrated usufructuary right system should include five rights : superficies using right for rural land servitude inhabitancy right and hock right .

    完整的 用益 物权体系应当包括土地上的用益 物权(地上权、农用权、地役权)和建筑物上的 用益 物权(居住权和典权)。

  • The right of mining also have some usufructuary right and security interest branches .

    采矿权,又包含若干具有 用益 物权和担保物权 性质的权利分支。

  • This paper puts it belongs to the category of usufructuary rights .

    本文将 采矿 归属到 用益 物权的范畴。

  • The usufructuary right of house sites is received by the public and property law has recognized it which provides a theoretical and legal basis for the free transferring of housing sites .

    宅基 使用 属于 用益 物权已成 说并由《物权法》确认,这为宅基地使用 自由转让提供了理论和法律基础。

  • In the draft of Property Law and Civil Law there are many different opinions on how to form the system and structure of usufructuary right .

    已经出台的物权法建议稿和民法典草案对 用益 物权体系都提出了各自的看法,但还存在 概念和调整范围之争,有待 理论上的 进一步 明确和统一。

  • The right to the use of residence base is a unique kind of usufructuary rights in our country .

    宅基地使用权是我国所特有的一种 用益 物权 形态

  • The right to use the sea areas is a new rights and it is classified as a typically usufructuary rights rather than quasi-property rights .

    海域使用权是一新颖的物权,且属于典型 物权 用益 物权,而非准物权。

  • In the first part the author researches the concept of usufructuary right and the basic questions on the systematism .

    第一部分研究了 用益 物权及其体系化的基本问题。

  • Property law while defining a homestead right of use as usufructuary right legal status but the homestead right of use the related important problems were not solved severely hinders the development of the rural economy and rural residents living level rises .

    物权法虽然确定了宅基地使用权作为 用益 物权的法律地位,但宅基地使用权涉及的重要问题并未解决,严重妨碍了农村经济的发展和农村居民生活水平的迅速提高。

  • During the legal system design the equity is the aim for the land usufructuary allocation and the efficiency is the internal power to realize the function of land usufructuary system .

    在法律制度设计中,公平是土地 用益 物权配置追求的目标,效率是实现土地用益物权制度功能的内在动力。

  • Superficies are an important usufructuary right in the civil law of the continental law system and space superficies is one of superficies established on the space or the land .

    地上权是大陆法系民法中一项重要的 用益 物权,而空间地上权则是设定于空中或地中的地上权。

  • On the Nature of the Specific Usufruct in the In-a-limited-sense Contractual Right to Land Business and the Usufructuary Protection in Land Circulation

    狭义土地承包经营权特殊 用益物权性质及其流转保护

  • The promulgation of Real Right Law in 2007 concluded discussions . Basing on the Real Right Law allocated land-use right is the usufructuary right a usufructuary right holder is entitled to possess use and seek proceeds from it in accordance with law .

    2007年,《物权法》的颁布解决了这种 性质的争议,根据《物权法》的规定,划拨土地使用权是一种 用益物权,使用权人对其享有占有、使用和收益的权利。

  • Analysis on Reasonableness of the Collection of Usufructuary Fee for Woodland : Case Study of Yong ′ an City

    征收林地 使用费合理性分析&以福建省永安市为例

  • The rural collective construction land tenure is the usufructuary rights .

    农村建设用地使用权属于 用益 物权

  • As an important kind of usufructuary right usufruct is already existed in west countries .

    用益权作为用益 物权的一种重要类型,为西方国家所 固有

  • Natural resource using right is a special usufructuary right with representatives at its object and property transfer .

    自然资源利用权作为一种特殊 用益 物权,其客体与产权流转有其自身特殊性。

  • The right to the use of house site is one of the usufructuary rights in The Property Law it is the basic property right of farmers .

    宅基 使用权是 国物权法 明确规定的一种 用益 物权,它是农民享有的一项最基本的财产权利。

  • Usufructuary right as a property form used to adjust property use comes into being and develops as a result of solving the practical contradictions of property ownership or property use .

    用益 物权是调整财产利用 关系的物权形式,是人类为解决财产归属与财产利用之间的现实矛盾而产生和发展起来的。

  • They attempted to construct a collective land real right system with collective ownership as the basis and collective land usufructuary right as the focus .

    试图在我国集体土地上设计一个,以集体土地所有权为基石、集体土地 用益 物权为重心的集体土地物权体系。

  • The right to the use of farmland should be used to express usufructuary which is created for farmland on agricultural purpose in order to distinguish the contracted management rights of rural land which is creditor 's right from the contracted management right of rural land which is right in rem.

    为了区分债权性的土地承包经营权和物权性的土地承包经营权,应该用农地使用权来表示在农用土地上为农用目的而设立的 用益 物权

  • Perfect rural land system strictly house-site administration according to law safeguard farmers homestead usufructuary rights .

    完善农村宅基地制度,严格宅基地管理,依法保障农户宅基地 用益 物权,由此可见宅基地使用权制度是我国治国之本,富国之路。

  • The Study of Legal Issues on Usufructuary Right of Radiospectrum Resources

    无线电频谱资源 用益 物权法律问题研究

  • The essay makes a comparative analysis on the conception of water right and argues that water right is the right which entitles the subject of right to consume surface water and groundwater and benefit from them . Water right belongs to a special kind of usufructuary right .

    对水权的概念进行了比较分析,认为水权是指权利人对地表水和地下水取得使用和收益的权利,水权属于一类特殊的 用益 物权

  • Meanwhile the exercise of the rights will also been restricted by other usufructuary and duration .

    同时权利的行使也将受到其他 用益 物权以及期限等的限制。

  • The article closely around the ownership of marine resources the contents of the usufructuary and security interests usufructuary right the infringement of a security interest in violation of the ownership of marine resources were analyzed and classified .

    文章紧紧围绕海洋资源所有权、 用益 物权和担保物权的内容,对侵犯海洋资源所有权、用益物权、担保物权的侵权行为进行分析归类。