Some questions about Ming Dynasty 's usurious interest rate
关于明代 高利贷 资本利率的几个问题
The Reserve Bank hands the money over to a'holding bank'who lavishly loans the money to Third World countries for usurious rates of interest .
储备银行手中的钱给一个'举行银行贷款谁华丽的钱第三世界国家的 高利贷利率。
Snowballing interest of usurious loans created debts which could never be repaid by even succeeding generations and debts involving a guarantor resulted in the bankruptcy of both the debtor and the guarantor .
高利贷 利滚利,造成永远还不完的子孙债和以借贷人和担保人全部破产而告终的连保债。
By comparison living in my overpriced apartment walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor .
相比之下,生活在我收费不菲的公寓,步行去工作经过散发着腐臭的袋袋街头垃圾,缴纳给地方和各州政府 高利贷 般的税款,我常常对这一切是深恶痛绝。
Seen from the viewpoint the so-called usurious exploitation in fork loan does not come from the credit action itself but lies in the cruel competition in credit market .
从这一角度出发,民间借贷关系中所谓的 高利贷剥削就不是出自于借贷行为本身,而在于借贷市场的残酷竞争。
Impacts of usurious loan on the processes of agricultural modernization in China and India
中印 农村 高利贷对农业现代化进程的影响
Among these the usurious loan credit was the predominant and had deep influences on social and economic life .
其中, 高利贷信用是一种主导信用形式,对社会经济生活影响较为深远。
Every debt he owed in the world including the pawnshop with its usurious interest amounted to less than a hundred dollars .
他在世界上欠下的每一笔帐,包括 高利贷的当铺债务,加在一起也不到一百元。
In the Tang and Song Dynasties promoted by the development of commodity economy credit business appeared in the social and economic life taking the forms like usurious loan credit commercial credit consumption credit and state credit .
唐宋时期,在商品经济发展的促动下,社会经济生活中发生了诸多信用业务。主要有 高利贷信用、商业信用、消费信用和国家信用等形式。
In several incidents I know about they have been unnecessarily short-term and unpredictable ignoring long-term relationships and using excuses to withdraw facilities summarily or charge usurious fees .
在我知道的一些事件中,它们 表现出无谓的 目光短浅和不可预测,忽略长期关系,利用各种借口迅速收回贷款,或收取 高额费用。
The second chapter mainly talks about the differences of loan on credit folk debit and usurious .
第二章,介绍了民间借贷、信用社贷款和 高利贷的基本概述 及其区别。
Usurious capital in modern Chinas tea industry
近代中国茶业中的 高利贷 金融资本
The annual interest rate for usurious loans was very high while that for money borrowed from monasteries was 30 percent and for grain 20 or 25 percent .
高利贷年利率 一般都很高,向寺庙借钱利率为30%,借粮为20%或25%;
On the basis of the previous study results this paper will make an attempt to discuss objectively about the interest of loan and holds that in the prevalence of the usurious loan the Buddhism monastery still provided interest-free loan for the local people .
本文在 借鉴、 尊重前人研究成果的基础上,客观地对 敦煌寺院 出贷的利息问题做了尝试性的讨论,认为在 当时 高利贷 风行 的 敦煌 地区,佛教寺院依然在为民众提供无息借贷。