vertical deflection

[ˈvɚtɪkəl dɪˈflɛkʃən][ˈvə:tikəl dɪˈflekʃən]


  • The horizontal swing detection of the steel bridge by using the new type of detecting instrument of bridge deflection and the phase relation between the horizontal swing and the vertical deflection are presented .

    介绍了采用新型桥梁挠曲度检测仪对横向摆动过大钢桥的检测,以及横向摆动和 竖向 曲度间相位的关系。

  • In the theory of steel-concrete composite beams the effective width of concrete slab is a very important parameter of the section . Its value influences the bearing capacity and vertical deflection of the beam directly .

    在钢-混凝土组合梁的计算理论中,混凝土翼板的有效宽度是一个极其重要的截面特征量,它的取值直接影响到组合梁的承载力及 挠度的计算。

  • Research conclusion : The vertical deflection value of temporary beam under effect of real load is very close to the calculated result after considering the impact factor by adopting the research method .

    研究结论:便梁在实际荷载作用下实测的 竖向 挠度值与利用本研究方法在考虑了冲击系数后得到的计算结果十分接近;

  • For the control of the vertical deflection of pipes the functions of pipe stiffness and composite modulus of soil reaction are analyzed and some noticeable results are obtained .

    针对管道 竖向 变形的控制,分析了管刚度和土的组合模量的作用,并得出了一些值得引起重视的结果。

  • This paper analyses the relationship between the vertical deflection and flexility of buried flexible pipe and discusses how to determine the reasonable allowable deflection for pressure pipes made of different material .

    本方分析了地下埋设的柔性管的 竖向 变形与管壁弯曲性能的关系,讨论了几类不同材质管道承受一定的工作压力时它们的竖向变形的合理取值。

  • Effects of vertical deflection correction on sea surface height model from Altimetry Data

    垂线 偏差对用卫星测高数据建立海面高模型的影响

  • The concept of mantle convection potential field is introduced to calculate stress field as easily as calculating vertical deflection .

    引入地幔流位场概念,使地幔流应力场推算与 垂线 偏差计算获得统一而简化。

  • With the promotion of road grading the control of vertical deflection in bridge design is becoming more important .

    随着道路等级的提高,桥梁设计中 竖向 挠度的控制显得尤为重要。

  • The vertical deflection of hook block is a key factor affecting the positioning accuracy .

    核电站环行起重机吊钩组 升降运行的 垂线 偏差,是影响定位精度的关键因素。

  • Grid mean free-air anomaly is used widely in the determination of the gravity model vertical deflection disturbing potential and height anomaly .

    网格平均空间异常广泛应用于恢复地球重力场模型、 垂线 偏差、扰动位以及高程异常中。

  • In this paper the truncation errors of the height anomaly and vertical deflection are estimated and the approximate expressions of the higher order truncation coefficients are derived .

    本文对高度异常及 垂线 偏差的截断误差进行了估计,导出了高阶截断系数的近似表达式。

  • The vertical deflection is inversed from JASON-1 satellite altimetry data and the effect of vertical deflection correction on the sea surface height is analyzed .

    利用JASON-1卫星测高数据反演了海洋 垂线 偏差,分析了垂线偏差对用卫星测高数据建立海平面高模型的影响。

  • Verification works on vertical deflection sensitivity and horizontal sweep speed of digital oscilloscope are summarized .

    总结了数字示波器 垂直 偏转灵敏度和水平扫描速度的检定工作。

  • Transistor vertical deflection circuit single-crystal spinflip laser

    晶体管 垂直 偏转电路单晶自旋反转激光器

  • During tied-beam prestressing the tension forces of CFRP hangers vertical deflection and stresses of tied-beam and steel tube arch were measured .

    在系梁施加预应力过程中,对CFRP吊索拉力、系梁与钢管拱的 竖向 挠曲 变形及应力的变化进行了测试。

  • Then the influence of vertical deflection on INS is discussed by taking the gravity vertical deflection components into the INS equation .

    通过将重力垂线偏差分量引入惯性导航方程,改善传统方程的缺陷,探讨了 垂线 偏差对惯性导航的影响。

  • The inhibition action of raft foundation vertical deflection of the side column in Model 1 the annex side column and corner column in Model 2 is remarkable .

    当筏板 产生 纵向 挠曲时,单体模型边柱、大底盘模型裙房角柱和边柱抑制 纵向 挠曲作用显著。

  • Fast Determination of the Vertical Deflection and Its Precision Analysis of Any Point on the Land and Sea in China

    中国陆海任意点 垂线 偏差的快速确定及精度分析

  • This paper gives the gravitational potential coefficient model and the factorial square model and shows the method of computing the vertical deflection and the height anomaly by using the disturbing gravity and the terrain data in regional gravity field .

    给出了基于扰动重力的引力位系数模型,得出了扰动重力的阶方差模型。在局部重力场方面,给出应用扰动重力与地形数据计算 垂线 偏差和高程异常的计算方法。

  • This paper describes the static and dynamic test of the three reinforced concrete simply supported T-beam bridges by vehicular load test . The dynamic methods can be used to measure the bridge coefficient of lateral distribution and vertical deflection etc. To show the static results .

    本文通过用车载对三座钢筋混凝土简支T型梁桥的静、动态试验对比,表明可以用动态方法测量桥梁横向分布系数、 竖向 挠度等来表示静态结果。

  • In course of dealing with data the author make the software which has many functions such as transforming the coordinate system transforming the disturbing gravity and the gravity anomaly gridding the disturbing gravity and computing the vertical deflection and the gravity anomaly .

    在数据处理计算的过程中,编写了坐标系统转换、重力异常与扰动重力转换、扰动重力格网化、扰动重力计算 高程异常与 垂线 偏差软件。

  • After roundly discussing the influence of disturbing gravity and gravity vertical deflection on INS and considering the real situation two gravity error compensation methods are put forward .

    在全面论述了扰动重力和重力 垂线 偏差对惯性导航的影响的基础上,结合实际情况提出了进行重力场误差补偿的两种方法。

  • Effect of digital zenith camera axis error on measurement precision of vertical deflection and its correction

    天顶摄影仪轴系误差对 垂线 偏差测量精度的影响及其修正方法

  • Generalized formulas for computing the influence of distant zone comparted into arbitrary form on geoid separation and vertical deflection

    任意形状远区域对大地水准面差距和 垂线 偏差影响的通用公式

  • The main work is as follows : ( 1 ) The static model of hook block of polar crane is established and the hoisting vertical deflection analysis system is developed .

    本文主要工作如下:(1)建立了核电站环行起重机吊钩组的静力学模型,开发了核电站环行起重机吊钩组升降 垂线 偏差分析系统。

  • In this paper the uncertainties of the main performance parameters of the analogy oscilloscope such as the vertical deflection factor the scanning time factor and the pulse instantaneous response are presented in detail .

    对模拟示波器的主要性能参数( 垂直 偏转系数、扫描时间系数、脉冲瞬态响应)的不确定度评定做了详细介绍。

  • The results show that the optimal structure can reduce total steel mass and maximum vertical deflection ; the internal force distributions of members become more reasonable .

    结果表明,ANSYS优化后结构用钢量在减少的同时,又适当地减小了结构的最大 竖向 位移,并能使各杆件的内力更为合理。

  • On account of the facts that the static method ignores the dynamic characteristics of the model and dynamics method only supports the approximate model of the simple ratio ropes this paper integrates static and dynamic methods to research the hoisting vertical deflection .

    考虑到静力学方法忽略了模型的动力学特性,而动力学方法只能支持简单倍率钢丝绳的近似模型,因此本文综合静力学和动力学的方法研究吊钩组升降 垂线 偏差

  • The methods of computing marine vertical deflection are studied and compared . ( 4 ) The 5 ? ? 5 ? grid geoid height of local area is computed .

    研究了海洋 大地 水准面的计算方法,并利用其中的直接法求解了局部海域5??5?格网大地水准面高。