violent death

[ˈvaɪələnt dɛθ][ˈvaiələnt deθ]


  • He died a calm / a dog 's / an unnatural / violent death .

    他泰然而死/狗般地死去/ 死于非命/遭横祸 而死

  • Darcy is so violent that it would be the death of half the good people in Meryton to attempt to place him in an amiable light . I am not equal to it .

    一般人对达西先生都存 那么深的 成见,你要叫别人对他有好感,麦里屯有一半人 也不愿意。

  • But in the aftermath of that I was subjected to a barrage of violent rape and death threats .

    但之后我收到了一系列 暴力 死亡威胁。

  • Four cases died of machanical violent and 42 were sudden death .


  • France has declared a national disaster after violent storms battered parts of the country leaving death and destruction in their wake .

    暴风 席卷法国部分地区,造成 人员 伤亡和建筑物毁坏,总统宣布这是 一起国家灾难。

  • But when one of their number dies a violent death they soon realize that what happens in their dreams happens for real and the only way to stay alive is to stay awake .

    然而,在他们中的一个遭遇 横死之后,他们很快意识到梦境中发生的一切都是真的,要保住性命,唯一的办法就是保持清醒。

  • Results of autopsy showed that 35 cases were sudden death 81 pathological death and 24 violent death .

    其中病理性死亡81例, 暴力死亡24例,猝死35例;

  • An inquest has to take place where death is violent or unexpected where death can be murder or manslaughter where a prisoner dies and when police is involved .

    对下列情况的 死亡必须进行死亡调查: 暴力或意外 死亡,谋杀或误杀以及涉及警察的囚犯死亡。

  • Like what ? Like he died a violent death ?

    会有什么事?比如他 惨死

  • Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accidents .

    喜剧演员根据悲剧情景诸如 暴死,重大事故制造笑料。

  • She cannot help associating the house with a scene of violent death .

    她不禁想起这房子里出过 凶杀案。

  • It usually means that they 've had a sudden or very violent death .

    一般都意味着他们是突然或被 暴力 致死的。

  • Besides the color red also bears some particular symbolic meanings which are blood anger violent passion and death .

    红色具有鲜血,愤怒, 暴力死亡等广泛的象征意义。

  • She died a violent death .


  • ' Be no more ' is a euphemism for ' be dead ' his violent death was euphemistically referred to as a passing away .

    他的 突然 死亡被委婉地称作去世。

  • Which is worst of all continual fear and danger of violent death and the life of man solitary poor nasty brutish and short .

    试着翻译一下:最糟糕的是人们一直处于因 暴力 导致 死亡的恐惧和危险中,人的生命也孤独、贫乏、龌龊、粗野而且短促。

  • He was the silent of the storm that erupted after the violent death of Diana Princess of Wales .

    在威尔士王妃戴安娜遇难 去世后的风暴里, 特雷弗·里斯-琼斯是平静的风暴。

  • May he die a violent death !

    他这 不得好

  • Her family are still trying to come to terms with her violent death .

    她家的人还难以接受她因 暴力 致死的现实。

  • Through to the violent crime death penalty legal precedent analysis summarizes the judicial practice common several kind of discretion of punishment plot .

    通过对 暴力犯罪 死刑判例的分析,总结出司法实践常见的几种量刑情节。

  • The marks left no doubt that the boy had died a violent death .

    这些伤痕确凿无疑地表明这个男孩系 暴力 致死

  • Shortly after the birth of their son Luke Cave returned to London with his family and began to work on a new album comprising songs about violent death .

    两人的儿子卢克出生后,凯夫带全家回到伦敦,开始创作新专辑,写一些关于 暴力 死亡的歌曲。

  • Animal rights activists argue that foxes suffer a cruel and violent death ( after a very stressful chase ) .

    动物权利保护者认为,在经过紧张的追逐后,狐狸将会 惨痛 死去

  • So they have no doubt about the possibility of flashbacks and visions in those who meet violent and sudden death .

    所以他们不会怀疑遇到 暴力的人也有可能闪回造业的行为和看到来生的景象。

  • The World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion is a platform for sharing the latest scientific knowledge on preventing violent and injury-related death and disability .

    世界伤害预防与安全促进大会是分享关于预防与 暴力和伤害有关的 死亡和残疾的最新科学知识的平台。

  • It 's called sick humour . Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accidents .

    喜剧的力量蕴含在一些比较令人难以料想的情节中,就像 暴力 死亡或者一些严重的事故。

  • As Libyans draw strength from their faith a religion rooted in peace and tolerance let there be a rejection of violent extremism which offers nothing but death and destruction .

    当利比亚人从他们的信仰基于和平和宽容的宗教中汲取力量时,必须摒弃只能带来 死亡和破坏的 暴力极端主义。

  • The system is just in the beginning so it has many problems such as applicable narrow only to few serious violent crimes and other charges to the death penalty and the much-fancied such as taking bribery and corruption is not involved .

    死缓限制减刑制度刚刚起步,所以存在着不少的问题,比如说适用面窄,只针对少数严重 暴力性犯罪,而对其他 死刑罪名和呼声很高的贪污受贿罪等并没有涉及。

  • And like all ecosystems with an abundance of life there is always the danger of violent death .

    而且,与一切生物繁多的生态系统一样,这里总有 死于 暴力的危险。