venous pressure

[ˈvinəs ˈprɛʃɚ][ˈvi:nəs ˈpreʃə]


  • The Effect of Different Level of Low Central Venous Pressure on Hemodynamics and Blood Loss in Pig Animal Model of Injury of Hepatic Vein

    不同水平低中心 静脉 对猪血液动力学及肝静脉损伤出血量影响的研究

  • Central venous pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure also decreased remarkably .

    中心 静脉 和肺毛细血管楔压有显著下降。

  • Therefore intrathoracic blood volume index appears to be more appropriate for volume management in necrotizing pancreatitis than central venous pressure or hematocrit .

    因此,胸腔内血容量指数比中心 静脉 和红细胞压积更适合应用在坏死性胰腺炎患者的容量管理。

  • Contrast Analysis of Two Central Venous Pressure Monitoring Methods Among Inpatients after Extracorporeal Circulation Operation

    体外循环术后患者两种中心 静脉 监测方法的对比分析

  • Go under the knife The Study on the Tolerance of Controlled Low Central Venous Pressure in Patient Undergoing Hepatolobectomy

    ph.1.接受手术肝叶切除术中控制性低中心 静脉 的耐受性探讨

  • Application of monitoring central venous pressure in treating acute right ventricle myocardial infarction

    中心 静脉 监测在救治急性右室心肌梗死中的应用价值

  • All the patients were anesthetized with double lumen tube artery and central vein catheterized for continuous invasive blood pressure and central venous pressure monitoring .

    所有患者均在有创动脉压监测下予麻醉诱导行双腔气管导管插管,并建立中心 静脉 监测,以丙泊酚、芬太尼等维持麻醉。

  • 【 Conclusion 】 Through monitoring the central venous pressure CSWS can be quickly differentiated from SIADH .

    【结论】通过中心 静脉 测定,可以迅速区分CSWS和SIADH;

  • Venous return and central venous pressure and their influencing factors ;

    静脉回心血量、中心 静脉 及其影响因素;

  • Central Venous Pressure and Inferior Vena Cava Distensibility Index on Assessment of Volume Status in Septic Patients with Mechanical Ventilation

    中心 静脉 和下腔静脉扩张指数评价机械通气脓毒症患者容量状态的临床意义

  • Objective To explore the value of monitoring central venous pressure ( CVP ) in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation .

    目的探讨监测中心 静脉 (CVP)在机械通气患者中的应用价值。

  • Effect of Posture and Positive End-expiratory Pressure on Central Venous Pressure in Patients with Mechanical Ventilation

    机械通气患者体位及呼气末正压对中心 静脉 的影响

  • Conclusions Embolization of APS can decrease portal venous pressure with the mean decreasing rate over 20 % .

    结论栓塞APS能显著降低门 静脉 压力,平均降幅达20%以上;

  • Blood-saving effect of low central venous pressure in patients undergoing hepatic lobectomy

    低中心 静脉 对肝叶切除术病人的血液保护效应

  • The application of combining the acute hypervolemic hemodilution with low central venous pressure on hip replacement

    急性高容血液稀释联合低中心 静脉 在髋关节置换术中的应用

  • When intracapsular pressure exceeds venous pressure this impedes vascular flow in the femoral head .

    当囊内压超过 静脉 时会阻碍股骨头血供。

  • On Emic Approach and Etic Approach of Psychological Anthropology ; Effect of Different Transducer Positions on Central Venous Pressure in Different Positions

    论心理人类学研究中的主位方式与客位方式不同体位传感器位置对中心 静脉 的影响

  • The lower extremity venous pressure before and after pneumoperitoneum as well as after position alteration .

    测定气腹前后及体位改变后下肢 静脉

  • The Clinical Observation of Comparison of Stroke Volume Variation and Central Venous Pressure in Guiding Intraoperative Fluid Management of Renal Transplantation

    比较每搏量变异和中心 静脉 指导肾移植术中液体管理的临床观察

  • Measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient ( HVPG ) is a standard method for the assessment of portal pressure and correlates with the occurrence of its complications .

    静脉 压力梯度(HVPG)测定是评估门脉压力的标准方法,且HVPG也与其并发症的发生有关。

  • The effect of changes in splenic arterial flow and venous pressure on splenic blood and red cell accumulation

    脾动脉流量和脾 静脉 压力的变化对脾脏储存血液和红细胞的影响

  • Influence of low central venous pressure anesthesia combined with selective right or left hepatic arterial regional blockade on bleeding after hepatic lobectomy

    低中心 静脉 麻醉联合选择性肝左、右动脉阻断对肝叶切除术出血的影响区域性肝血流阻断在肝切除术中的应用

  • What is his central venous pressure now ?

    他的中心 静脉 现在是多少?

  • Conclusion Monitoring the central venous pressure has guiding significance for the diagnosis and treatment of SIADH and CSW .

    结论中心 静脉 的监测对其诊治具有指导意义。

  • Objectives To study the value of ambulatory venous pressure ( AVP ) measurements in diagnosis and treatment for disease of deep vein valve of lower extreme .

    目的为了研究 下肢动态 静脉 (Ambulatoryvenouspressure,AVP)测定在下肢深静脉瓣膜病变的诊断和治疗中的价值。

  • Effect of Different Transducer Positions on Central Venous Pressure in Different Positions

    不同体位传感器位置对中心 静脉 的影响

  • A flexible extension tube connects the catheter with a multiway valve for connecting venous pressure means and supply means to the patient .

    一个灵活的延伸与管连接导管连接多个阀门的 压力意味着和供应方式 静脉 注射的病人。

  • The portal venous pressure of control group were measured at the same time .

    对照组行门 静脉 压力测定和造影。

  • Predictive value of elbow venous pressure monitoring on postoperative bleeding after pacemaker implantation

    静脉 监测对起搏器术后并发出血的预测价值

  • Several studies suggest that intrathoracic blood volume index might be superior to central venous pressure with regard to preload assessment .

    多项研究认为在评估前负荷上胸腔内血容量指数要优于中心 静脉