Venturi nozzle


  • Transmision standard of gas flow capacity & critical flow Venturi nozzle

    气体流量传递标准&临界流 文丘里 喷嘴

  • The principle and application of critical flow Venturi nozzle flowmeter s

    临界流 文丘里 喷嘴流量计的原理与应用

  • We optimized the other two important components of the catalytic water heater the venturi pipe and nozzle .

    文丘里管和 喷嘴是催化燃烧热水器的关键组分,实验中对二者进行了优化。

  • On the basis of aerodynamics this paper analyses the characteristics of the critical Venturi nozzle with a large curvature which could have a more stable discharge coefficient and a higher accuracy in practical applications .

    本文根据空气动力学原理分析了大曲率 音速 喷嘴的特性,指出其流出系数具有较高的稳定性,因而可望提高 喷嘴的实际使用精确度。

  • The superiority flow capacity equation . main characteristic parameters and some problems of critical flow Venturi nozzle as transmission standard of gas flow . capacity in application are introduced and discussed in this paper .

    文本对临界流 文丘里 喷嘴作为气体流量传递标准的优越性,其流量方程、主要特性参数及在应用中的某些问题进行了介绍和讨论。

  • Analyzing and Research of the Replacing Venturi Nozzle with the Inlet Quadrant Nozzle

    圆弧型 集流器改用为 ISO 文丘里 喷嘴的分析与试验研究

  • The Work Principle and Structure of Venturi Tube in Nozzle ' Inner

    文丘里射流 装置的结构及工作原理

  • Progress of critical flow Venturi nozzle in flow measurement

    流量测量临界流 文丘里 喷嘴的进展

  • The paper states that using critical flow venturi nozzle as the measuring value transferring standard is the developing orientation of calibration technology of gas meters .

    最后指出,采用临界流 喷嘴作为量值传递标准是煤气表标定技术的发展方向。

  • International standard ISO 9300 Gas flow measured by critical flow Venturi nozzle was issued in 1990 . The article introduces the foreign research progress in this field in over ten years past briefly . The main achievements include the following aspects : widening of useful range for Reynolds number ;

    简介颁布国际标准ISO9300《临界流 文丘里 喷嘴测量气体流量》(1990年),十余年来国际上对该流量计的研究情况,主要在以下几方面有显著的进展:雷诺数使用范围的拓宽;

  • The vacuum sonic Venturi nozzle test facility is used for flowmeter calibrate under normal pressure by domestic flowmeter manufactories .

    现在国内的流量计生产厂家大多使用负压法音速 文丘里 喷嘴检定装置进行常压下检定。

  • Toroidal throat Venturi nozzle

    喇叭口喉部 文丘里 喷嘴

  • The on the spot inspection of natural gas orifice meter is adopting the transitivity calibration method taking Venturi nozzle as calibration scale .

    天然气孔板流量计的现场检定,采用以 文丘里 音速 喷嘴作为标准表的传递型校准法。

  • Connect the venturi nozzle to the vacuum pressure gauge .

    文丘里 喷嘴连接到真空压力表。

  • In other instruments the stream is accelerated through a Venturi or nozzle .

    在其他仪器中, 液体流则是通过 文氏 喷嘴加速的。