ventilation test


  • The pulmonary ventilation test showed that FEV1 and sIL-2R were negatively correlated especially during an acute attack .

    通气 功能 检查表明FEV1(第一秒钟最大呼吸量)与sIL-2R呈负相关,其相关性在哮喘发作时明显。

  • Designing of Ventilation Test Model On-line Data Collecting System of A power Station

    某电站 通风 实验模型及在线数据采集系统的设计

  • Ventilation during Exercise Test in Mitral Valve Disease

    二尖瓣病变患者运动负荷 测验 通气 功能特点

  • Heat Recovery Ventilation and Test Methods

    交换器及其 试验方法

  • In the process of particle concentration increase caused by ventilation concentration increasing curve is different from theoretical curve mass balance equation is thus revised to be more accordant with test value .

    在由 通风引起的 室内颗粒物浓度增长过程中,浓度增长曲线与假设室内浓度均匀的理论曲线有很大差别,课题通过 实验对质平衡方程进行修正,得到更加符合 实际的理论公式。

  • Study on ventilation filter test by air particle size and concentration counting efficiency

    用大气尘计径计数效率 测试 通风过滤器的研究

  • The tracer gas technique also be used to study the effects of organized ventilation and we analyse the effects of the reducing energy consumption of the organized ventilation systems with heat recovery combines with the test of opening windows temperature field in the heating room .

    并应用示踪气体法对有组织换气的效果进行了 实验研究,结合供暖房间开窗温度场 测试 数据对带热回收的有组织 换气系统降低能耗的效果进行了计算分析。

  • Use the similitude theory the author calculated uncompress fluid flowing in the stationary diameter pipeline carrying on dimensional analysis and similitude theory counts designed long-huge highway tunnel ventilationg model constructing build the highway tunnel ventilation simulated test terrace .

    利用相似理论对不可压缩流体在水平等直径管道中的定常流动进行量纲分析和相似理论计算,设计长大公路隧道通风模型,构建了长大公路隧道 通风模拟 试验平台。

  • Ventilation test of geosyncline with capped distributor showed that the effect of ventilation with the capped distributor in the geosynclinal ventilation duct doubled as compared with the uncapped distributor and produced approximately the same ventilation result as the ground cage ventilation tunnel .

    对带有分配器的地槽分配器加罩进行了加罩 试验试验结果表明:地槽分配器加罩后的 通风效果要比原风道的效果提高一倍左右,可取得与地上笼风道相近的通风效果。

  • Experimental Investigation of the Cooling Performance of Tailrace Tunnel Ventilation in Hydropower Stations ; Performance Test and Internal Flow Field Analysis of Pressure Reducing / Sustaining Valve for High-pressure Water Supply

    水电站无压尾水洞引 换热试验研究高压供水减压稳压阀的性能 试验与内流场分析

  • Study on the optimum angle between the exhausting duct orifice and the longitudinal axis of a highway tunnel with longitudinal ventilation through shafts by model test

    公路隧道 竖井 通风排风口角度优化模型 试验研究

  • Author by the actual test of ventilation resistance should pay attention to proceeding summarized Meanwhile More than 6000 the actual test data are arranged .

    作者通过对 通风阻力实际测试中应该注意的事项进行了总结。同时,对实际 得的6000多个数据进行整理。

  • A study of blowing-in ventilation in railway tunnel with no portal cur-tain device is presented and justified herein by model test data .

    本文论述铁路隧道无帘幕吹入式 通风的计算方法,并与模型 试验结果进行验证。

  • This article briefly introduces the status quo of ventilation system of Dongxiang Copper Mine including its technique level the method to test its economic factors and the comment on this system .

    对东乡铜矿 通风 系统现状作了简述,介绍了该矿 通风系统技术、经济指标 测定的方法,并对该矿 通风系统作了评述。

  • Entry by a worker into any confined space shall be under the control of a suitable written procedure meeting all legislated employer and employer 's representative requirement for testing ventilation recording of test data and personal protection .

    工人应在适当书面程序控制下进入任何密闭区域,该程序在试验、 通风试验数据及人员防护记录方面满足所有法律、业主及业主代表的要求。

  • Ventilation and Temperature-rise Test of Hydraulic Generator in Hydroelectric Power Plant

    水电厂发电机 通风温升 试验

  • Underground Ventilation Test for fan Station Without Ventilation Wall

    井下无风墙机站 通风 工业 试验

  • General lung ventilation and impedance with impulse oscillometry were measured before and after the cough provocation test .

    在咳嗽激发前、后进行常规肺 通气 功能以及多频脉冲振荡呼吸阻力 测定

  • A plan is proposed for improving crankcase ventilation and oil consumption of 4105 diesel engine . Verification test proved that the plan is effective and has been applied in mass production .

    通过分析4105柴油机一度存在的曲轴箱 通风不畅和机油消耗高的情况,提出了新的改进方案,经过 试验验证,效果良好,并已在生产上应用。

  • Hence flexible pipe ventilation technique is developed and tested in the No.24 tunnel of a water engineering some of the test results are introduced in this paper .

    因此,中国铁道建筑总公司组织石家庄铁道学院、铁十五工程局有关科研人员,在“引大入秦”工程24号隧洞开展软管 通风技术的研究和试验。本文是该课题的部分 测试结果。

  • Objective To assess the value of pulmonary ventilation test in evaluating the prognosis of cardiac surgery patients .

    目的研究术前肺 通气 功能在评价心脏外科手术预后中的价值。

  • And with the theory of tunnel ventilation using the method of combining numerical simulation and physical model test study U-type complementary longitudinal ventilation system of highway tunnel with non-symmetric wind volume demand .

    论文介绍了国内外公路隧道 通风技术的发展历程以及研究现状,运用隧道 通风理论,采用数值仿真模拟与物理模型 试验相结合的方法,研究特长公路隧道非对称风量U式互补纵向通风系统。

  • Abnormity and Causal Analysis of Ventilation Shaft Inspection Hole Pumping Test in Fenglong Colliery

    丰龙 风井检查孔抽水 试验异常及原因分析

  • Package to fight Wai temporary ventilation stack deal with high-moisture corn test

    包打围临时 通风垛处理高水分玉米 试验

  • Application tactics of mobile smoke ventilation equipments in subway fire ground are systematically elaborated-positive pressure ventilation and negative pressure ventilation and hydraulic ventilation of firefighting nozzle is analyzed through test and research .

    系统的阐述了地铁中移动式排烟装备的应用战术&正压送风,负压排风,并通过 试验分析了消防水枪水力 排烟在地铁火场中的应用。

  • A brief introduction of the air-conditioning & ventilation system and automatic control system in high-low temperature test room .

    介绍了某发动机高低温 测试室空调及 通风系统、自动控制系统的设计。