


  • Venous system in right ventricle wall was similar in architecture to that in left ventricle postcapillary venule joined its corresponding venule in a turnip root like pattern .

    室壁静脉构筑与左室相似,亦见到 毛细血管后微静脉以萝卜根样形式汇入 静脉

  • The femoral artery and venule group was grade I imaging .

    支动脉和 静脉组为I级显像;

  • The diameter of yak 's venule which was composed of several capillaries from different arterioles sources was less than 300 μ m and the typical characteristic of the venule was tree root-like pattern .

    牦牛 静脉的直径小于300μm,呈树根样结构。一条微静脉由若干条不同来源的 毛细血管结合而成。

  • It was suggested that a large number of neutrophil adhering to the vessel wall of venule were observed during the reperfusion however no adhering leucocytes were found in arteriole .

    组织 检查提示,再灌注期 静脉 内壁 可见大量的中性粒细胞黏附,而动脉内未见明显的附壁白细胞;

  • Result LFA-1 mAb could attenuate the falling of mean arterial pressure significantly reduce the number of leukocytes adhering on the venule wall and obviously prolong the animals survival time .

    结果单抗能减缓烧伤休克大鼠平均动脉压和 静脉 血流 速度的下降 趋势,显著降低 静脉的白细胞附壁 粘着数,明显延长动物的存活时间。

  • Methods Severed limb replantation model in 40 rats was set up . The vascular patency rate was compared between bridging the defects of arteriole and venule by venule autograft and those by direct vascular anastomosis .

    方法建立大白鼠断肢再植模型40只,比较用自体小静脉移植修复小动脉或 静脉缺损组和 静脉直接吻合组的通畅率。

  • Methods : Experiments were designed with the three element two level orthogonal method and microcirculatory microscope and other devices were used to test the diameter of the capillary vessel and the venule of the experimental group in the simulated shipboard environment and the control group .

    方法:采用三因素二水平正交方法 L827)w_1787设计实验,以微循环显微镜和 照相 裂隙 显微镜检测 8次实验的暴露组与对照组兔球 结膜毛细血管和 静脉管径。

  • Morphological study on postcapillary venule of human dermal cancer

    人皮肤癌毛细血管后 静脉的形态学研究

  • The main results are as follow : 1 . Scalding increased Pa value of skin venule about threefold compared to normal skin venules ( P0.01 ) . 2 .

    主要结果:1、烫伤后皮肤 静脉 通透性增高,Pa值为对照组的3倍,P<0.01。

  • The results suggest that electret treatment have beneficial effects on regulating arteriole and venule tension preventing thrombosis and improving microcirculation .

    提示驻极体治疗具有调整细小动脉和 静脉张力,防止血栓形成和改善微循环的作用。

  • SM promoted blood capillary arteriole and venule form .

    能够促进毛细血管及 新生 小动脉形成。

  • METHODS : Thirty wo rabbits were divided into 4 groups : control group routine replantation of severed limb group femoral artery and venule group and femoral artery group . And there were 8 rabbits in each group .

    方法:32只兔,分4组,对照组、常规断肢再植组、股动脉和 静脉组、股动脉组,每组8只。

  • Exploring the source of superficial venule disorders of Chinese medicine Control and prevention of nosocomial viral infection


  • Objective To evaluate the success rate of bridging defects of venule and arteriole by venule ( 1mm in diameter ) autograft in digital replantation .

    目的研究用外径1mm左右的自体小静脉移植修复 小动脉和小静脉缺损在断指再植中的成功率。

  • Methods 1.Redness model mice were made by aminophylline iv. and were treated by GLS po velocity of precapillary arteriole and diameter of both precapillary arteriole and postcapillary venule on ear were measured after treatment .

    方法1.小鼠静注氨茶碱造成潮热模型,灌胃 GLS治疗,测定给药后耳廓微循环微动脉血流速度及微动脉与 静脉口径。

  • It can expand the caliber of arteriole and venule increase the open numbers of capillary vessel prolong the bleeding and clotting time and reduce length and weight of rat 's thrombus ;

    能扩张 小鼠 耳廓 微动静脉管径,增加毛细血管开放数,延长小鼠出、凝血时间,降低血栓长度和重量;

  • DSA features included : dilatations of brain venule could be seen and the number of brain veins increased ;

    其DSA影像学主要表现为:全脑 静脉扩张、迂曲、数目明显增多;

  • Objective To reveal the morphology feature of postcapillary venule .

    目的探讨人皮肤癌毛细血管后 静脉的形态特征。

  • Microcirculation disorders including arteriole and venule expanding blood flowing retarding blood cells aggregation bleeding and severe exudation were observed in mesentery and intestinal canal .

    肠系膜及肠壁微循环严重紊乱,微动脉、 静脉 明显扩张,血流缓慢,血细胞严重聚集,出血、渗出严重。

  • Results GLS could decrease velocity of precapillary arteriole and shrink precapillary arteriole and postcapillary venule on ear in redness model and decrease body temperature and activity of ATP enzyme in pyretic model .

    结果GLS可减轻小鼠潮热模型潮热症状,使循环微动脉血流速度降低,微动脉与微 静脉口径缩小;对热证模型大鼠, GLS可以降低体温,减少ATP酶活性。

  • Experimental study and clinical application of venule autograft in digital replantation

    断指再植中自体 静脉移植的实验研究和临床应用