venous ulcer

[ˈvinəs ˈʌlsɚ][ˈvi:nəs ˈʌlsə]


  • When the venous ulcer is treated the insufficiency of every venous system must be corrected at the same time especially in the insufficiency of perforating venous system .

    在治疗 下肢 静脉 溃疡时,应同时纠正每个静脉系统的功能不全,尤其是交通静脉功能不全。

  • The researchers previously reported unexplainable associations between diseases treated with beta-adrenergic agents and the onset of a venous leg ulcer .

    研究人员先前报道应用β-肾上腺素能受体激动剂治疗的疾病与小腿 静脉 溃疡之间有不可解释的相关性。

  • A sociodemographic clinical study of patients with venous ulcer

    静脉 曲张 溃疡患者的社会人口学和临床研究

  • Methods : 14 varicose patients with venous ulcer in the lower extremities who had been identified with reflux in superficial and deep vein as well as with incompetent perforating vein underwent venous surgery .

    方法:手术治疗14例下肢慢性 静脉 溃疡,同时存在不同程度浅静脉倒流、交通支静脉功能不全、深静脉瓣膜功能不全。

  • Methods From May to November 2003 48 patients with chronic venous insufficiency ulcer were randomized into therapy group and control group .

    方法2003年5月-2003年11月,48例下肢 静脉功能不全 溃疡患者随机分为治疗组和对照组, 观察 腿部沉重感、夜间 腿部痉挛及 疼痛等各项症状,并测定 溃疡最大径。

  • Especially PDGFs can effectively promote the healing of some chronic refractory wounds such as diabetes mellitus ulcer chronic venous ulcer bedsore radioactivity ulcer etc. .

    特别是对一些慢性难愈性伤口,如糖尿病溃疡、慢性 静脉 溃疡、压疮、放射性溃疡等PDGFs均有明显促进愈合作用。

  • Conclusion Venous ulcer of lower limbs results from insufficiency of deep superficial and perforating venous systems .

    结论下肢 静脉 溃疡是深、浅静脉和交通静脉功能不全共同作用的结果。

  • Research of Therapy Cool the Blood and Dissipate the Blood Stasis in Treatment for Venous Ulcer

    凉血散瘀法治疗 静脉 溃疡的临床及基础研究

  • Objective To discuss the Surgical management of venous leg ulcer .

    目的探讨下肢 静脉溃疡的有效 疗法

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Venous Ulcer : Research Status and New Strategies

    慢性 静脉 溃疡的研究现状与诊治策略

  • The synthetic surgical treatment of venous ulcer in the lower limb

    下肢 静脉 溃疡的综合 手术治疗

  • Clinical observation of propofol combined with flurbiprofen axetil for venous anesthesia during electronic colonoscopy Role of Colonoscopy plus Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Color ectal Ulcer ative Diseases

    丙泊酚复合氟 比洛芬酯在无痛电子结肠镜检查中的应用电子结肠镜结合病理检查对大肠 溃疡病因诊断的价值

  • Treating Venous ulcer with external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine theory makes sense traditional Chinese medicine external treatment has obvious advantages in the treatment of venous ulcers .

    治疗 静脉 溃疡运用中医外治的理论是非常有意义的,中医外治在治疗静脉性溃疡方面有明显优势。

  • Conclusion : Yu Yang Ling ointment is an effective preparation that promotes the venous ulcer to heal up .

    结论:愈疡灵软膏是促进 静脉 溃疡愈合的有效制剂。

  • This research offers theoretical basis for TCM external therapy on treat venous ulcer and new effective therapy method for TCM clinical medical .

    本研究为中医外治疗法治疗 静脉 溃疡提供了理论依据,为临床提供了一种新的有效的治疗方法。

  • Objective To study the value of the synthetic surgical treatment of venous ulcer in the lower limb .

    目的探讨下肢 静脉 溃疡综合性手术治疗的价值。

  • Results : No clinical symptoms and ankle oedema exist chronic venous ulcer cured . black pigment stains abated .

    结果:临床症状消失,慢性 溃疡愈合,踝关节区域水肿消失,色素减退。

  • Objective : The author explores clinical curative effect and the function mechanism of cool the blood and dissipate the blood stasis on external treating venous ulcer which establishes the theoretical basis of TCM external therapy on treating venous ulcer .

    目的:探讨凉血散瘀法外用治疗 静脉 溃疡的临床疗效及其作用机理,为静脉性溃疡的中医外治疗法奠定理论基础。

  • The mechanism on leg venous ulcer induced by intradermal edema

    导致 静脉 下肢 溃疡的真皮水肿机制

  • Meth-ods : The clinical data of patients with chronic venous ulcer operated by SEPS were analyzed retrospectively .

    方法:分析 下肢深静脉 瓣膜功能不全伴 溃疡13例患者经内镜行 静脉交通支结扎术的临床资料。