


  • Finally through the route planning simulation with tactical software the veracity and validity of the method was proved .

    最后结合战术仿真软件进行航迹规划模拟,验证了该方法的 准确性和实效性。

  • He was shocked to find his veracity questioned .

    发现自己的 诚信受到了质疑,他很震惊。

  • Simulation and testing results prove that this arithmetic has a high veracity and practicability in estimating delays between channels in data acquisition system .

    仿真与测试结果表明,该方法在数据采集系统通道间延时的评价中,具有很强的 准确性和实用性。

  • Compared with the traditional method it has remarkable advantage in speed meantime keep a good veracity .

    相对于传统方法具有明显的速度优势,而且保持了较高的 准确

  • The veracity of absolute measurement is assessed availably to the degree of uncertainty in measurement .

    评定了在一定测量不确定度范围内脉冲中子产额绝对测量的 准确性

  • The veracity of rotor flux orientation is also improved though the speed estimation .

    通过对转速的估计,间接矢量控制中转子磁场定向的 准确 也大大提高。

  • I can speak to his veracity .

    我可以证明他是 诚实的。

  • An interactive processing technique of full wave sonic logging data is developed to enhance the veracity of various wavelets .

    开发了声波全波列测井资料的人机交互处理技术, 大大提高了各种分波 信息 处理 准确性

  • A questioner can challenge the witness 's veracity or memory ;

    提问者可质疑证人的 准确性和记忆力;

  • The mathematic model 's veracity is verified after analyzing an engineering example .

    通过工程实例分析,验证了所建数学模型的 准确性

  • The Secretary 's letter questions my veracity and impugns my motives

    部长的来信怀疑我的 诚实,质疑我的动机。

  • The reattacking sense in physical training comprises objective of technique objective of action and veracity of judgement .

    体育再进攻意识的训练应包括技术的目的性、行动的目的 、判断的 准确性等。

  • In the process of design it is emphasized the veracity of calculating the expense and running efficiency .

    在设计的过程中,更加注重了 系统计费的 准确性和运行的高效性。

  • Are you questioning my client 's veracity ?

    你在质问我的当事人的 诚实吗?

  • We have total confidence in the veracity of our research

    我们对我们调查的 真实 有十足的把握。

  • Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that this algorithm improves a lot on veracity of shape recovering and smoothness and continuity of the curved face .

    理论和实验证明,该算法在恢复形状的 准确性和曲面的光滑性,连续性上有较大改进。

  • Since you have lied to us in the past you should not wonder that we doubt your veracity .

    既然你过去曾对我们说过谎,对于我们怀疑你的 诚实就不应该感到惊讶。

  • I doubt the veracity of these data please recheck them .

    我对这些数据表示 怀疑,请你复验一次。

  • Many people have questioned its veracity and suggested that digital technology may have been used to alter the image .

    许多人置疑其 真实 ,并提出,数码技术可能用于修改这张照片。

  • The inspection tools should be accurate and in the period of validity to ensure the veracity of the inspection .

    检验使用的器具要在准确、有效期内。确保检验的 准确性

  • Applying effective measure to evaluate the veracity of FEA result is quite necessary .

    采用有效的方法对有限元分析结果的 准确 进行估测,是十分必要的。

  • Verify the veracity and reliability of measurement system .

    确认测量系统的 准确性和可靠性。

  • The experiment shows that the speed and veracity are improved by far than the ordinary net retrieval .

    实验表明,该系统较网络检索在速度和 准确 上都有明显的改进。

  • However having the test runs made by my colleagues produce different results would seem to challenge the veracity of the results .

    但是,我的同事在运行这些测试时产生了不同的结果,这似乎对测试结果的 真实 提出了挑战。

  • A new two-parameter decision method was used to decide the correlator signal and the deciding veracity was improved .

    采用一种新的双参数判别方法对相关信号进行判别,提高了判别的 准确

  • Supercomputers can check the conjecture 's veracity but only up to a point .

    超级计算机可以验证 哥德巴赫猜想的 正确 ,但只能是在一定的限度内。

  • After to confirm six item movement perception index of serve veracity the author makes a comparative experiment .

    结果表明,运动感知觉指标中,用力与知觉 反馈对发球的 准确性 稳定性显著相关。

  • But I have no doubt as to the veracity of his experience .

    但我相信他的经历的 准确性

  • I can testify to this man 's veracity and good character .

    我可以作证,此人 诚实 可靠,品德良好。