ventricular rhythm


  • The results indicated that mortality in patients occurring with QTc prolongation 、 left ventricular hypertrophy 、 bundle branch block 、 junctional rhythm or sinus tachycardia was high .

    结果发现QTc延长、左 肥厚、束支传导阻滞、交界性 心律或窦性心动过速时,死亡率增高。

  • Objective : The purpose of the study is to discuss the relationship between left ventricular hypertrophy ( LVH ) and abnormal blood pressure circadian rhythm in mild to moderate hypertension with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ( ABPM ) and echocardiography .

    目的:借助动态血压监测(ABPM)和心脏超声探讨轻中度高血压患者其左 肥厚与血压 昼夜 节律的关系。

  • But in these trials only a small minority of patients had left ventricular dysfunction and therefore the lack of benefit from maintenance of sinus rhythm may not apply to patients with heart failure .

    值得一提的是,在这些试验中,仅有少数患者合并左 心室功能不全,因此这个 结论也许并不适用于心衰患者。

  • Among the cardiac aetiology group 21 had VF ( ventricular fibrillation ) as initial rhythm 4 ( 19 0 % ) of them were discharged alive . the compression of graphics for storage or transmission .

    心源性患者中以 为初始心电图者21例,4例(190%)存活出院。把图像或者图形压缩以方便储存和传输的压缩技术或者活动。

  • Objective To study the change of left ventricular diastolic function under sinus rhythm in elderly patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation ( PAF ) .

    目的探讨老年阵发性心房颤动(PAF)患者在窦性 心律状态下 心脏 舒张功能的变化。

  • QRS morphology of the tachycardia was same as that of ventricular premature beat during sinus rhythm .

    窦性 心律时有与宽QRS波心动过速同形态 性早博。

  • Production of rapid and high-amplitude ventricular complexes followed by the restoration of sinus rhythm .

    产生快速、高幅 心室律,尔后恢复为窦性 节律

  • Accelerated ventricular rhythm in the neonatal period : A review and two new cases in asymptomatic infants with an apparently normal heart

    新生儿快速 异位 心律:综述和2例心脏看似正常的无症状新发病例

  • Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Chinese-Western-Combined Therapy for Recurrent Ventricular Rhythm

    中西医结合治疗频发 早博疗效观察

  • Effect of felodipine on left ventricular and abnormal circadian rhythm of blood pressure in senile patients with essential hypertension

    非洛地平对老年高血压左 肥厚与血压昼夜 节律异常的影响

  • Method The ventricular rhythm of 156 cases with heart valve replacement was recorded in 5 ternary within 60 hours . The results of operation method serum potassium concentration aortic clamping time cardio-thoracic ratio heart function grade and extra-corporeal circulation time were compared .

    方法观察记录156例心脏瓣膜置换术后60h内5个时间段, 心律失常发生情况,按术式、血清钾浓度、主动脉阻断时间、心胸比、心功能等,进行分析对比研究。

  • Doppler tissue image of premature ventricular arrhythmias and demand pacing rhythm

    早搏与按需起搏 心律的彩色多普勒组织成像

  • There was significant difference in atrial and ventricular area and diameter between elderly AF patients and sinus rhythm patients ( P < 0.01 ) .

    老年房颤患者的 房室径及面积与窦性 心律患者间差异有显著性(P<0.01);

  • Objective To investigate effect of coronary artery disease and risks of coronary artery disease on ventricular repolarization time and its circadian rhythm .

    目的探讨冠心病和冠心病高危因素对 心室复极时间及其昼夜 节律的影响。

  • An important example is the chaotic behavior of ventricular fibrillation a severely abnormal heart rhythm that is often life-threatening .

    一个重要的例子是 心室颤动的混沌行为,严重的经常可威胁生命的心脏 节律异常。

  • Prolonged ventricular repolarization an electrical conduction anomaly that could lead to heart rhythm abnormalities .

    心室复极延长,一种能引起 心律失常的异常电传导。

  • Objective : Study the clinical results of radiofrequency catheter ablation on idiopathic ventricular tachycardia from His - Purkinje system during sinus rhythm .

    目的:探讨窦性 心律下射频导管消融(RFCA)起源于希蒲系统特发性 性心动过速(IVT)的临床结果。

  • Objective : To observe the effectiveness and safety of lowdose digoxin combined with metoprolol for controlling ventricular rate of continuous atrial fibrillation and changing the continuous atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm .

    目的:观察用小剂量地高辛和倍他乐克控制持续性房颤的 心室率或转复窦性 心律的有效性及安全性。

  • Which is the primary therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation ventricular rate control or sinus rhythm maintenance ? & Introduction of AFFIRM clinical trial

    对于反复发作心房颤动病人控制 心室率还是维持窦性 心律?&AFFIRM临床试验介绍

  • The incidence of stroke and cardiac events and the mortality rate were compared between 43 patients with restored rhythm on cordarone and 39 patients on digoxin and / or betaloc for ventricular rhythm control .

    比较43例复律患者与39例地高辛或倍他 克控制 率患者心脑事件的发生率与死亡率。

  • Atrial fibrillation : rate as important as rhythm ⑥ Ventricular escape rhythm was slower .

    心房颤动:心率与心律同等重要⑥ 心室波的逸搏灶低下,在束支或分支阻滞平面以下, 频率慢。

  • Clinical Significance of AMI with Accelerated Idio - Ventricular Rhythm

    急性心肌梗塞并发加速 性自主 节律的临床意义

  • Ventricular fibrillation is a severely abnormal heart rhythm ( arrhythmia ) that can be life-threatening .

    心室颤动是一种可致命的重度 心律异常(心律失常)。

  • Background Ventricular repolarization timed had circadian rhythm with was response for variation of heart rate .

    背景: 心室复极时间存在昼夜 节律,主要取决于心率的变化。

  • Equilibrium radionuclide angiography ( ERNA ) phase image analysis was performed after operation . Ventricular activation sequence and biventricular contraction synchrony during RVS and RVA pacing were compared with those of the intrinsic rhythm .

    术后进行核素心室显像位相分析,对比自身 心律与RVA和RVS起搏时 心室激动顺序和双心室同步性的差异。

  • Ventricular Fibrillation are malignant cardiac rhythm and easy to trigger the phenomenon of sudden cardiac death .

    心室纤颤(VentricularFibrillation,VF)是恶性 心律,易引发心脏猝死现象。

  • It will be used for diagnosis of concealed left A-V pathway if there is no ventricular preexcitation wave during sinus rhythm and atrial pacing .

    如果窦 时及心房调 搏时均不出现预激图形,可据此诊断为左侧隐匿性旁道。

  • Contrast of the Ventricular Repolarization Tim and Its Circadian Rhythm in Healthy Subjects Patients of High Risk Factors and with Coronary Heart Disease

    健康人和冠心病人的 心室复极时间昼夜 节律对比研究

  • The effective criteria was defined as decreased ventricular rate < 100 bpm or returning to sinus rhythm .

    用药后 心室率降至100次/分以下或转复窦性 心律为有效。