


  • To a farmer a rabbit is vermin because it eats young plants .

    对农民来说,野兔是一种 害兽,因为它吃幼嫩的作物。

  • Skin breeds lice or vermin .

    因为 他的皮肤上 繁殖虱子或 跳蚤

  • I have vermin to kill .

    我要杀一 黄鼠狼

  • Filth breeds disease and vermin .

    污秽引起疾病和 害虫

  • Is there adequate protection ( screening ) against birds animals and vermin ?

    是否有足够的保护措施来防止鸟,鼠和 等?

  • He says that football hooligans are vermin .

    他说足球流氓是 社会 害虫

  • We tried putting down mice and other small vermin with poison .

    我们试图用毒药 平抑老鼠和其它 害虫

  • Vermin roamed the halls now extremely loathe to leave .


  • Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects .

    某些传染病只通过 害虫和昆虫来传播。

  • Any and Every piece of VERMIN

    任何和每一件的 害虫

  • We need to exterminate these vermin .

    我们要彻底铲除这些 害虫

  • This is not your party you toothless vermin .

    这不是为你而开的,你这个没有牙齿的 寄生虫

  • I am paid well to kill vermin like you !

    我就是被雇来杀死你这样的 害虫的!

  • Well as you can well imagine there 's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system .

    唔,你可以想得到,没有一个可以比下水道系统更完美的地方适合 那些 歹徒和邪恶生物了。

  • Their ancestors were bred to hunt and kill vermin .

    它们的祖先是被培养来捕猎 害兽

  • The child 's hair was crawling with vermin .

    那孩子的头发生满了 虱子

  • From 1066 to the 17th century the fox was looked upon as vermin .

    从1066年到17世纪,狐狸一直被视为 害兽

  • They are everyday dying and rotting by cold and famine and filth and vermin .

    他们这些人由于寒冷、饥荒、污秽、 害虫,天天都在死亡,烂掉。

  • A little pre-seasoning may make the vermin head for the border and you won 't turn your backyard into a toxic wasteland .

    一个小小的预防就可以将 害虫赶走,也避免了把你的后院变成有毒的荒原。

  • I did it because they are vermin !

    我那样做是因为他们是 蛀虫

  • Not only can vermin arise from decaying matter but that lice can originate form sweat .

    不仅从腐烂的物质中能产生 寄生虫,而且从汗液中能产生 虱子

  • Are effective measures taken for control of animals birds and vermin ?

    是否采取了有效措施 防止鼠,鸟和

  • You vermin are our ancestors .

    你们的 下等 动物是我们的祖先。

  • This man is a little better than vermin .

    这个人就比一只 害虫好点儿。

  • Whereas you mangy vermin will be the french .

    而你们这群肮脏的 寄生虫将是法军。

  • In most landfills operators spread earth over the most recent garbage to keep rats flies and others vermin away .

    在大多数的垃圾掩埋中,工作人员通常在最新的垃圾上盖一层土,以驱逐老鼠、苍蝇和其他 寄生虫

  • GarBage invites rats flies and other vermin to move in .

    垃圾会引来老鼠、苍蝇和其他 害虫

  • He thought all terrorists were vermin and that prison was too good for them .

    他认为所有的恐怖主义者都是 蟊贼,监禁对他们来说太慈善了。

  • Nothing 's better than fire to kill vermin .

    拿火烧 害虫 好不 的了。