vertex angle

[ˈvə:ˌtɛks ˈæŋɡəl][ˈvɜ:ˌteks ˈæŋɡl]


  • The results showed that the cutting seam depth is used as vertex of the fall Angle with the increased depth of the cut seam the fall Angle gradually reduces .

    模拟结果表明,以切缝深度作为 顶点,随着切缝深度的增加,垮落角逐渐减小。

  • The reasonable ranges of the geometrical parameters are given by analyzing the influences of the vertex angle and cutting angle on impact force and penetration displacement .

    通过分析 棱柱 的几何参数对撞击力和侵入位移的影响,给出了棱柱杆主要几何参数的合理范围。

  • This paper improves on Dijkstra arithmetic in two aspects one is graphics data 's storage structure another is search strategy of shortcut vertex and advances a shortcut search arithmetic basing on Angle of Vector .

    本文从图形数据的存储结构及最短路径 顶点的搜索策略两个方面对Dijkstra算法进行了改进,提出了一种基于矢量 角度的最短路径搜索算法。

  • At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle .

    哥特式 穹顶 对角拱柱同时把该 顶点处多角形的角转换成 平角

  • Based on the3D data of vertex edges and planes which are obtained from the tri angle projection of a plane body the calculation method of the plane body formation is hence worked out .

    提出一种以从平面体三 投影中“提取” 顶点、棱线和棱面三维信息为基础,得出平面体“构型”的计算方法。

  • The ' standard ' massive flow silos designed with certain half vertex angle was only suitable for a little part of particulate solid .

    指出在一定半 顶角下设计的标准整体流料仓,只适用于很小一部分粉体物料。

  • The conventional drilling borehole curves strongly manifested as clockwise increase of the drill hole direction vertex angle hanging-down . In the drilled 9 holes only 4 of which are first class hole 163m footage is reported as worthless .

    由于岩层各向异性、软硬互层,常规施工钻孔自然弯曲强烈,表现为钻孔方位顺时针增大、 顶角出现下垂,施工9个孔,一类孔仅4个,报废进尺163m。

  • The k-Dimensional Mixed Vertex Angle of Two Sim p lices

    两个单形的k级混合 顶点

  • Troposphere vertex delay is osculation interrelation with angle of altitude ;

    对流层 天顶时延同高度 密切相关;

  • The half vertex angle was determined by particulate solid and hopper materials .

    料斗半 顶角由实际物料和料斗材料确定。

  • In this paper the concept of k dimensional vertex angle of simplex is given a class of volume formulas of simplex are established sine theorem of k dimensional vertex angle is derived and a geometric inequality about k dimensional vertex angle is obtained .

    本文给出单形K维 顶点 的概念,建立单形新的一类体积公式,导出单形K维顶点角的正弦定理,并获得关于单形K维顶点角的一个几何不等式。

  • A New Method and the Calculation Result of Analytically Calculating the One-Loop Renormalized Vertex Angle in Proton Scattering

    关于质子散射中单圈重整化 顶角的解析计算新方法与计算结果

  • Classical solution of a cylindrical orthogonal anisotropic elastic wedge subjected to a concentrated couple at the vertex become infinite when the vertex angle satisfies certain definite relationships this is a paradox .

    圆柱型正交各向异性弹性楔体顶端受有集中力偶的经典解, 当顶 满足一定关系时,其应力成为无穷大,这是个佯谬。

  • A new re-triangulation method based on normalized minimum-vertex-distance was presented to avoid long and thin triangles and it considered the vertex distance and the interior angle of triangle .

    在局部三角化中考虑了三角形 内角 顶点距离,采用规格化最小 顶点距离法实现局部三角化,避免了狭长三角形出现。

  • The structural integral evaluation index includes vertex displacement time history and elastoplastic interlayer displacement Angle and so on . Component performance evaluation indicators include studying the development of the plastic area damage degree stress and strain components etc.

    结构整体评估指标包括结构 顶点位移时程、弹塑性层间位移 等;构件性能评估指标包括研究塑性发展的区域、损伤程度,构件应力、应变等。

  • Let α be a cone with vertex M and directrix c. We denote the integral of the vertex angle of x by ω _M ( c ) .

    令α是一个以M为顶点、以c为准线的一个锥面,我们用ωM(c)表示α的 顶点

  • In this paper the thermodynamic theory of nucleation processing in V-shaped cone hole have been analysed and the effects of the vertex angle of V-shaped cone hole he depth of V-shaped hole and contact angle on nucleation processing have been discussed .

    本文对V型异质锥孔衬底上的成核及晶核生长过程进行了热力学计算,分析了锥孔的 顶角、锥孔深度和润湿角对成核过程的影响。

  • In this paper we establish some new important geometric inequalities involving the k-dimensional vertex angle of each simplex and the k-dimensional mixed vertex angle of two simplices .

    本文证明了关于两个单形的k级混合顶点角与每个单形的k级 顶点 之间的一些新的重要的几何不等式。

  • At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle . You just get improvements on the margin .

    同时把该 顶点处多角形的角转换成 平角。你只能作点边边角角的改进。

  • Through these studies draw the following conclusions : frequent occurred earthquake partial reinforced block masonry frame structure vertex displacement and maximum drift angle than the infilled frame structures were significantly reduced .

    通过以上研究,得出如下主要结论:多遇地震下,部分配筋砌体框架结构的 顶点位移和最大层间位移 较框架填充墙结构均明显减小。

  • According to definition and some characters of vertex chain code transformation between vertex chain code and alterable included angle chain is discussed .

    本文还从顶点链码的定义及性质出发,讨论了可变 夹角链码和 顶点链码的相互转换问题。

  • In case of three boreholes inclination survey data borehole vertex angle and azimuthal from three boreholes are all the same determining the occurrence of rock mass structural plane can be by the way of vector product of two vectors .

    来自3孔的3点测斜资料&钻孔 顶角和方位角完全相同情况下,可以采用两个向量的向量积方法确定岩石结构面产状。

  • Laminar Flon in Triangular Ducts of Arbitrary Vertex Angle

    任意 顶角三角形管道中的层流

  • The author proposes a 3D triangular mesh simplification algorithm with the method of vertex culling which is based on the rule of vector angle .

    提出以顶点向量 夹角为剔除准则,运用 顶点去除方法进行网格简化的算法。