vertical analysis

[ˈvɚtɪkəl əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈvə:tikəl əˈnæləsis]


  • Vertical vibration analysis of transversely isotropic saturated soils with elastic superstratum

    上覆弹性土层横观各向同性饱和地基 竖向振动 分析

  • Doing a vertical analysis to the consistency of SO2 、 NO2 and TSP for 17 years .

    其中对SO2、NO2和TSP浓度变化进行了17年 纵向 分析

  • The vertical analysis of six national minority university students ' physique health standard test results in Yunnan Province

    云南省6个少数民族大学生体质健康标准测试结果 静态 分析

  • The process in vertical value analysis is divided three step . Firstly vertical value chain is ascertain .

    纵向价值链 分析的过程中,分为三个步骤,首先是确定企业的纵向价值链;

  • Vertical Economic Analysis of the Colliery 's Running the power plant

    煤矿办电的 纵向经济 分析

  • Vertical Specialization Analysis Within the Framework of the O-ring Theory

    从圆圈理论的角度 分析国际 垂直专业化

  • More and more complicated structures have been built in recent years among which the cantilevered structure and its vertical earthquake analysis has attracted much attention .

    近年来随着复杂结构形式的出现,悬挑结构的 竖向地震作用 分析得到工程设计人员的重视。

  • Vertical Analysis of the Inter-industry R & D Spillovers in Three Industries of China

    中国三次产业间R&D溢出效应 纵向比较 分析

  • For the crustal vertical deformation analysis higher-order kernel function is not sortable .

    就地壳 垂直形变 分析的实际情况而言,不宜采用高阶的核函数。

  • The changing equation between GPS earth core coordinate and geography coordinate is a common one in GPS application . The equation deduction was performed to only change the elevations so as to evaluate the measured errors of the antenna height and perform the vertical settlement analysis .

    GPS地心坐标与地理坐标变换公式是GPS应用中的常用公式,对其进行只改变大地高的公式推演可以用来估计天线量高误差及 垂直沉降 分析

  • Striped fabrics are printed or woven balanced or unbalanced horizontal or vertical . Analysis of Misunderstanding in LED Roadway Lighting Luminaire 's Photometric Design & Illuminance Uniformity is not Luminance Uniformity

    条子面料分为印染的或机织的,均匀的或不均匀的,水平的或 垂直的。LED道路照明灯具配光设计的误区 分析&照度均匀性并非亮度均匀性

  • Vertical Traffic Analysis and Research on Elevator Group Control

    垂直交通客流 分析与电梯群控制优化研究

  • The vertical analysis is the study on the relationship of each item to the total figure in a single statement .

    垂直 分析是对一张报表内各项目与总体金额之间关系的研究。

  • The information flow chart provides a clue for vertical analysis of NWL .

    核测井信息流程图提供了对核测井进行 纵向 分析的线索。

  • Third from a vertical analysis of historical development and horizontal analysis of reality existence it is historic advancing abundant and systematic .

    三是从历史发展的 纵向和现实存在的横向 分析,它具有历史性和发展性、丰富性和系统性。

  • Vertical Mechanical Analysis of Pile Groups with Rigid Cap in Layered Soils

    层状地基中刚性承台群桩 竖向力学 分析

  • Vertical deformation analysis of pile group based on variational theory

    基于变分原理的群桩 位移 计算方法

  • Vertical Vibration Analysis of Axisymmetric Saturated Soil

    轴对称饱和地基 竖向振动 分析

  • Vertical vibration analysis model for vehicle / track coupling system is developed by means of finite element method .

    利用有限元法,建立了车辆-轨道耦合系统 竖向振动 分析模型。

  • Based on the Biot 's dynamic equations the vertical vibration analysis of strip foundation are studied in this paper .

    本文基于Biot动力控制方程,深入研究了条形基础的 竖向振动 特性

  • In observation of vertical distortion the existence of gross error will change the real information about the vertical distortion which may degrade the reliability of vertical distortion analysis .

    对于建筑物的垂直变形观测,粗差的存在必将严重改变垂直变形信息,影响 垂直变形 分析结果的可靠性,因此,粗差的定位和剔除极为重要。

  • The Vertical Response Analysis of the Slip Table of the Shaker and the Design of Reinforced Panel

    电动振动台水平滑台 正交 方向响应 分析及加强台面的设计

  • Heavy Metals Vertical Pollution Analysis of Sediment from DW Sampling Point of Poyang Lake Area

    鄱阳湖水域DW采样点底泥重金属 垂直污染 分析

  • Guangzhou New TV Tower Vertical Seismic Analysis

    广州新电视塔 竖向地震作用 分析

  • Prospecting test of hidden fault and vertical lithological analysis was carried out by using joint exploration method of shallow seismic refract and reflect waves at Yihe river bridge seat along Beijing-Shanghai expressway . The prospecting test was conducted on water which is about 400 meter wide .

    用浅层折射和反射联合勘探方法在京&沪高速公路 沂河桥址区进行隐伏断层和岩性 垂直 带探测试验,试验是在宽约400m的水面上进行的。

  • Vertical displacement analysis of erect column in deep foundation pit

    深基坑立柱 竖向位移 分析

  • Vertical stress analysis of rock-socketed pile group

    埋藏斜坡上嵌岩桩桩群 应力 分析

  • The vertical analysis shows the vertical links between the textbooks of the first and second grade .

    纵向 分析结果显示,一、二年级教材之间具有纵向系统性。

  • The Grains Vertical Movement Analysis of Producing Big Grain Urea Through Spray Granulation Process

    喷淋造粒生产大颗粒尿素工艺颗粒 下落运动 分析