vertical coverage

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈkʌvərɪdʒ][ˈvə:tikəl ˈkʌvəridʒ]


  • The impact on vertical coverage by the phase pattern has been calculated and the concept of phase pattern synthesis is presented .

    计算了相位波瓣对 威力 覆盖的影响,提出了相位波瓣综合的研题,结果可用于超分辨算法以及雷达 威力 覆盖设计。

  • The aetiology vector serum horizontal & vertical surveillance are carried out from 1989 to 1996 . RESULTS The coverage rate of surveyed epidemic areas and the population were 72 . 65 % and 5 . 46 % respectively .

    结果:病原学横向监测流行乡镇 覆盖率达 72.65%,人群 覆盖率达5.46%。

  • The vertical time span and horizontal coverage of customary laws is greater than the dominant state laws and regulations ' and paying close attention to customary laws has great current significance for considering how to promote cultural harmony with the rules .

    少数民族习惯法在人类社会中 纵向的时间跨度与横向的 覆盖面在民间都大于显性的国家法律法规,关注少数民族习惯法对于思考如何以规矩促进多元文化和谐的问题具有启示意义。

  • This technique combining the advantages of other techniques provides vertical profiles of trace gas with high vertical resolution comparable to that of occultation measurements and with significantly better global coverage as nadir observations .

    这种临边探测技术结合了天底和掩星两种技术的优点:提供如天底模式一样高 空间分辨率全球 覆盖的大气痕量气体分布,且能与掩星模式相媲美的高 垂直分辨率的气体廓线。

  • Although the vertical structure of community can be divided into tree layer shrub layer and low coverage herb layer Leucaena leucocephala dominated in tree layer and shrub layer .

    垂直结构单调,虽可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层,但乔灌层均以新银合欢占优势,草本层 盖度低。

  • Meanwhile 1m 2 of vegetation within each plot was used for recording plant species vertical height coverage and weight .

    同时,也在每一样区任取面积1m2之植被样方,记载样方内植物的种类、 垂直高度、 覆盖 和植物鲜重。

  • To a certain extent the vertical search engine resolves the problems of low coverage of information for professional areas and specific subjects which a common search engine has .

    垂直搜索引擎的出现在一定程度上解决了通用搜索引擎对专业领域及特定主题信息 覆盖 过低的问题。

  • Our work shows that after deploying and optimizing vertical sectorization with two carriers both coverage and capacity performances of the network are improved .

    结果表明,采用双载波的 垂直扇区能够显著提高系统的容量和 覆盖性能。