

n.维罗妮卡(女子名),来源于拉丁语,含义是“真实的图像”(true image)[计] 通过Gopher使用的一种自动搜索服务

  • Veronica I do understand


  • And Ron and Veronica didn 't stay in San Diego long .

    而朗和 维罗尼卡在圣迭戈没呆很长时间。

  • Veronica : Oh no ! It 's always the same .


  • Good evening San diego . I 'm Veronica corningstone .

    晚上好,圣迭戈,我是 维罗尼卡。考宁斯通。

  • Frank and Veronica are talking by the coffee machine .

    弗兰克和 维罗妮卡在咖啡机旁聊天。

  • I 'm lead anchor Veronica corningstone .

    我是主播 维罗尼卡。考宁斯通。

  • Veronica : I have a source .

    我有一个 线

  • His wife Veronica Lario has accused him of consorting with minors and wants a divorce .

    他的夫人韦罗妮卡拉里奥( veronicalario)指控他“结交未成年人”,并提出离婚。

  • Veronica follows Michael to a jail cell in the courthouse .


  • Veronica my dear there is a cry going out all over your world for truth and justice .

    维诺尼卡,我的挚爱,你们整个世界现在都在 强烈呼吁真相与公正。

  • Veronica : The photocopier 's run out of paper .


  • When Michael says he is sure of his plea Veronica steps in and tries to convince him otherwise .

    当迈克尔表示他确定不做任何辩解时, 维罗妮卡介入并试图劝说他。

  • You can 't trust Veronica ― I know her of old .

    你不能相信 维罗尼卡――我 就知道她的为人。

  • Veronica looked at him smiling as they bowled along

    他们的车快速前行时, 韦罗妮卡面带微笑地看着他。

  • Truth to tell John did not want Veronica at his wedding .

    说实在的,约翰不想 韦罗妮卡参加他的婚礼。

  • Veronica : Have we had an early visitor this morning ?


  • My dear Veronica you are now beginning to fully understand that this is your work .

    我亲爱的 维诺 妮卡,你现在开始全面认识到这就是你的工作。

  • Veronica is going to give a presentation next week and I look forward to it .


  • Veronica had come up to him with her usual cheery smile .


  • Veronica : My mum 's making life difficult for my dad at the moment .


  • Don 't worry veronica . it 's still months away .

    别急, veronica,还有几个月呢。

  • Sebastian and Veronica flip through a book of wedding invitations .

    塞巴斯蒂安和 维罗妮卡 正在翻阅关于婚礼请帖的书。

  • Veronica : I will start with the second because I have more conflicting ideas with the first .


  • Veronica : Not half . We got to dance with some really dishy guys .


  • There are also scenes where Veronica is feverishly writing in her diary while sporting a monocle !

    这里面同样会出现 维罗妮卡在认真写她日记时所秀出单片眼镜的场景!

  • Veronica : I should say not ! I put an ad in the personals column and he answered !

    应该说不约会了!我在征婚栏 里登了个广告,他来应征。

  • This is our new secretary Veronica taylor .

    这位是我们的新秘书, 维罗妮卡泰勒

  • What 's my sister 's connection to Veronica dexter ?

    但是我的妹妹和瑞罗利卡 德克斯特有什么关系?