vertical antenna

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ænˈtɛnə][ˈvə:tikəl ænˈtenə]


  • The results show that slanting flight can improve the UAV 's jamming efficiency for vertical polarization antenna on the ground .

    结果表明,侧飞有利于增强对 垂直极化 天线的干扰效果。

  • Vertical deep-well antenna & a newtype device for electromagnetic wave observations and the preliminary results

    一种新型电磁波观测装置&深井 垂直 天线及初步观测结果

  • A Bandwidth Improvement Circularly Polarized Vertical Patch Antenna

    一种带宽改进的圆极化 垂直贴片 天线

  • With fixed round antenna and vertical antenna accepting the medium wave singal by accounting data to get the direction information .

    中波信号用固定环形天线和 垂直 天线接收,通过数据据解算获得方位信息。

  • This thesis puts emphasis on studying input impedance and gain of the vertical loaded antenna prediction techniques of radar cross section .

    本文研究了 直立加载 天线的输入阻抗、增益等 特性,以及复杂目标雷达截面的计算方法。

  • Testing mensuration of the vertical component deviation of phase center of GPS antenna combinations

    GPS组合 天线相位中心 垂直分量偏差的试验测定

  • Meanwhile by putting the edge slot waveguide into a horn the vertical plane beamwidth of the array antenna is reduced the gain and the receiving to transmitting isolation are enhanced too . 7 .

    同时通过将窄边波导放置在喇叭内减小了 俯仰面的波束宽度,也提高了 天线的增益和连续波雷达 天线收发端口的隔离度。

  • The relation between the vertical angle of emission of microwave and the critical angle of emission of the atmosphere waveguide is presented the relation between the variation of microwave vertical angle of emission and the half power angle of the antenna is also presented in detail .

    天线 高, 天线 口径,微波的垂直发射角与大气波导的发射临界角,以及微波 垂直发射角的变化量与 天线的半功率角之间的关系做了探讨。

  • A New Method for Designing the Vertical Pattern of Broadcasting Transmission Antenna

    广播电视发射 天线 垂直 方向图的设计新方法

  • Calculation and analysis of vertical directivity function for inclined planar antenna

    倾斜式板状 天线 垂直方向性·论文·函数的建立与讨论

  • By exploiting techniques of air gap vertical slots and diagonal feeding of square patch a broadband and circularly polarized reconfigurable antenna with characteristic of micro-electromechanical system ( MEMS ) switches is presented .

    利用空气间隙技术、方形贴片对角线馈电技术和 正交开槽的方法,设计了具有微机电系统(MEMS)开关控制特性的宽频带圆极化可重构的毫米波 微带 天线

  • A study of dynamic performance of mechanical structure of vertical axis radar antenna pedestal

    立轴 雷达 天线座结构动态特性研究

  • The printed dipole is adopted as radiation element and arranged in vertical and horizontal plane to construct an antenna array .

    本设计以印刷振子为辐射单元,在 垂直 和水平面排列构成 天线阵列。

  • In this paper the antenna radiation features on finite constructional bodies is studied via GTD and the calculated result of vertical antenna on cylinder is obtained .

    本文应用几何绕射理论研究了有限结构体上天线的辐射特性,并给出了圆柱体上 直立 天线的计算结果。

  • Study of Wide-band Vertical - polarization Antenna

    宽频带 垂直极化 天线的研究

  • This paper also describes the detection result of vertical slit on a highway by the same antenna interval method .

    并对某高等级公路裂缝,采用地质 雷达天线距法检测的实例结果进行了综合 分析

  • In this paper the current distribution radiation character and gain of the high gain coaxal-cable vertical antenna are analyzed by means of moment method .

    本文利用矩量法分析了 垂直同轴高增益 天线的电流分布、辐射特性及增益。

  • The quarter wave vertical antenna is usually the simplest to construct and erect although I know a great many people who would dispute that statement .

    四分之一波浪 垂直 天线四分之一波浪 垂直 天线通常最简单修建和架设虽然我知道伟大会争执那个声明的许多人。

  • A vertical polarized antenna for synthetic aperture radar

    合成孔径雷达用的 垂直极化 天线

  • Design of Driving Power Supply for Horizontal and Vertical Polarization Antenna in Set Top Box

    设计机顶盒的水平和 垂直极化 天线驱动电源

  • The Electrical Parameters Analysis of Airborne Radio Compass Vertical Antenna

    机载无线电罗盘 垂直 天线电参数分析

  • Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time ( V-BLAST ) is a novel Multi-Input Multi-Output ( MIMO ) antenna scheme . This paper focuses on the detection algorithms for V-BLAST .

    垂直分层空时码系统( V-BLAST)是贝尔实验室提出的一种基于多入多出(MIMO)传输方式的空时码系统。

  • A design scheme of antenna stable platform is introduced . The stable platform is uesd to eliminate the influence of helicopter attitude on the vertical polarized antenna .

    针对无人机机载 垂直极化 天线电轴受飞机姿态影响的问题,介绍一种天线稳定平台的设计方法。