vesical calculus


  • Urinary calculus is a common disease in the urinary system including calculus of the kidney ureteral calculus vesical calculus & urethral calculus .

    泌尿系统结石是泌尿系统常见的疾病,包括肾结石, 膀胱 结石,输尿管结石,尿道结石,其 发病明显 地区性。

  • Surgical removal of a stone or stones from the urinary tract . vesical calculus

    膀胱 切除术切除尿道中的结石的外科手术

  • Conclusion The method is characterized with less bleeding small wound less complications quick recovery and short hospitalization time which is a safe and effective method for the treatment of senile BPH with vesical calculus .

    结论该方法是同期处理良性前列腺增生合并 膀胱 结石的安全有效治疗方法,具有出血少、创伤小、并发症少、康复快、住院时间短的特点。

  • Double location electromagnetic wave was used to treat 387 patients with urinary stone 197 of them had calculus of kidney 158 ureterolith 32 vesical calculus . Results showed that the stone grind rate was 99.8 % one failed .

    用双定位电磁波碎石机治疗泌尿系结石387例,其中肾结石197例,输尿管结石158例, 膀胱 结石32例,结果结石粉碎率为99.8%,1例不成功。

  • Canine Urinary calculi also called urinary calculus was the joint name of Renal calculus ; ureteral calculus and vesical calculus .

    犬尿石症又称尿路结石,是肾结石、输尿管结石、 膀胱 结石 尿道 结石的统称。