Laura and I wish the vice president and Senator Lieberman and their families the very best .
劳拉和我都深深祝福 副总统戈尔以及利伯曼参议员和他们的家人。
Vice chairman John Surma announced the decision .
By the time I was Vice Chancellor Senate had become a much larger and a much more democratic body
到了我 当 校长的时候,大学评议会的人员规模已显著扩大,也变得更加民主了。
The vice president insisted that he supported the hard-working people of New York
Teachers qualified to teach in England are not accepted in Scotland and vice versa .
在英格兰有教书资格的老师在苏格兰得不到认可,反之 亦然。
He said those responsible for offences connected with vice gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction .
他说,那些被指控与 卖淫、赌博和吸毒有关的人一旦罪名成立就应该被驱逐出境。
His nominee for vice president was elected only after a second ballot
他提名的 副总统在两轮投票后才当选。
They are sunk in the depth of vice .
他们堕入了 罪恶的深渊。
Our vice principal already assumes you are going .
我已经和 副校长说过了。
In a conference call with reporters BP senior vice president Kent Wells explained .
在与记者的电话会议上,bp高级 副总裁肯特.维尔斯对这个工程进行了解释。
His only vice is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of business
他唯一的 缺点就是在成功做成一笔生意后会大喝香槟而醉。
The vice of drinking is increasing .
酗酒之 风正在增长。
I think that the vice president was in the loop
我认为 副总统是局内人。
Trollope 's hero and anti-hero personify the excess of virtue and the excess of vice which in his philosophy threatens the British golden mean .
特罗洛普的小说的主角与非正统派主角把过分的善与过分的 恶都人格化了,这按照他的哲学威胁着英国的中庸之道。
We gossip about them and vice versa .
我们议论他们,他们也 议论我们。
He is sunk in the depths of vice .
他堕入 罪恶的深渊。
The vice president 's involved in this .
连 副总统都牵涉在这件事里。
Intellectual pretension was never one of his vices .
他从来不 附庸风雅。
Xiaoping li vice chair of dugong law firm bachelor of law graduated from Southwest University of political science and law ( swupl ) and a present master in swupl .
李小平,重庆大工律师事务所 副主任、合伙律师,西南政法大学经济法系法学学士毕业,现为西南政法大学在册硕士研究生。
The Ambassador of * asks for an appointment with the Vice Foreign Minister .
某大使要求约见外交部 副部长。
He assailed the vice of the time .
他抨击当代 罪人。
When the president died the vice president was chosen to head the firm .
总裁去世后,大家选举 副总裁为公司主管领导。
He was to remain active in the association latterly as vice president for the rest of his life
他此后一生都活跃于协会中,后来还当上了 副会长。
Ingratitude is a despicable vice .
忘恩负义是 可鄙的不道德行为。
Lying and cruelty are vice .
说谎和残暴都是 道德 败坏的行为。
He violated the law and his vice would be punished .
他违反了法律,他的 邪恶将受到惩罚。
His vice president also had to resign in disgrace
他的 副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。
It was announced the vice director had filed his resignation .
已公布 副局长书面提出辞呈。
Smoking is a harmful vice .
吸烟是一种有害的 恶习。