
[vɪkˈtɔriəs, -ˈtor-][vɪkˈtɔ:riəs]


  • The victorious nation dictated the conditions of peace .


  • In lauding the victorious nations the FIFA President also made a point of praising those who missed out .

    国际足联主席不仅赞美了在投票中 获胜的国家,也高度称赞在投票中未能脱颖而出的国家。

  • The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans .


  • Soon we shall be victorious and triumphant !

    很快我们就 胜利在望了!

  • The three political struggles were victorious and this victory is embodied in the Millennium Development Goals .

    三方面的政治努力是 成功的,而且这一成功已具体体现在千年发展目标中。

  • Later there was a brief war with Spain in which Brunei was victorious .

    随后文莱和西班牙发生了一场小规模的战争,最终文莱 取胜

  • When I make sushi I feel victorious .

    做寿司让我有 胜利感。

  • Needless to say those who emerge victorious will be rewarded with spectacular spoils befitting their heroic deeds .

    不用说,那些谁 取得 胜利将与壮观的战利品符合其英勇事迹奖励。

  • She was partly responsible for organizing the victorious president 's election campaign .

    她部分地负责组织那 获胜了的总统竞选运动。

  • We cheered the victorious football team .

    我们为 获胜的足球队喝彩。

  • He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance .

    他还在为别人批评他尽管 最终 胜出但表现笨拙感到闷闷不乐。

  • Abandon your victim mentality and become victorious .

    摒弃你是个受害者的心态做 胜利者

  • We will be victorious if we have not forgotten to learn .

    如果我们没有忘记学习,我们将会 胜利

  • The victorious allies wanted defeated Germany to pay the costs of the war through what were called reparations .


  • The victorious leader was crowned with an ornament of leaves .


  • The victorious general made a triumphant return .

    这位 胜仗的将军凯旋而归。

  • The fact of being victorious ; victory or conquest .

    胜利得胜 胜利的事实,胜利或征服。

  • He is victorious ; he has been cool and brave in combat ; he is now considerate in triumph .

    胜利了;他在战斗中一直是又沉着又勇敢;他现在也没有给胜利 昏了头脑。

  • Your companions have become victorious what are you waiting for now ?

    你的同伴已成为 战无不胜的,你还在等什么,现在?

  • I expected to find that my commander at the front had been completely victorious .

    我料来我的前敌总指挥已经全线 胜利了。

  • After liberation the Catholic church in China carried out the magnificent and victorious anti-imperialist patriotic movement .

    解放后,我国天主教会开展了 轰轰烈烈的反帝爱国运动。

  • It was a happy day when our football team was victorious .

    我们很高兴,我们的足球队 获得胜利

  • We are victorious in attack .

    我们进攻 获胜

  • They had a victorious voyage around the world .

    他们 成功地进行了 环球航行。

  • Villagers rang the church bells as the victorious soldiers returned .

    战士们 凯旋时的村民们敲响了教堂的钟。

  • I led my victorious team off to the cheers of the crowd .

    在观众的欢呼声中,我把 获胜的球队带走了。

  • I feel nothing but revulsion for these dangerous people especially if they are victorious !

    我对这些危险的人只感觉到反感,尤其在他们 得胜 时候

  • We are victorious wherefore let us rejoice .

    我们 胜利了,因此让我们尽情欢乐。

  • Thanks to all this and to the assistance of the Soviet Union the Northern Expedition was victorious .

    由于这些,再由于苏联的援助,就 取得了北伐的 胜利

  • In 1978 he played for the victorious Argentinian side in the World Cup .

    1978年,他效力于 获得世界杯 冠军的阿根廷队。