vice versa

[ˌvaɪs ˈvɜ:rsə][ˌvaɪs ˈvɜ:sə]


  • Talking to me means that when you talk I listen and vice versa .

    跟我说话是你说我听和你 我说。

  • Their enthusiasm excites you and vice versa .

    别人的激情会让你兴奋起来, 反之 亦然

  • Am I through with politics ? I would say vice versa .

    我会从政?我要说的 刚好 相反

  • You can either know the state that all participants will have but not when ; or vice versa .

    你可以知道所有的参与者的任一状态,但不知道何时到达; 反之 亦然

  • Once you encounter a strong competitor you will automatically become stronger and vice versa .

    一旦你遭遇了很厉害的对手,你会自动变身的很强悍, 反之 亦然

  • What 's good for the country is good for general motors and vice versa .

    对国家有利的就是对通用汽车公司有利的, 反之 亦然

  • You need to convert a string from uppercase to lowercase or vice versa .

    你需要将一个字符串从大写转换为小写,或者 相反

  • Transfer from Beijing to Shanghai and vice versa .

    从北京到上海和 反之 亦然转移。

  • This capacitance can couple noise or other signals from the contacts to the control lines and vice versa .

    该电容可将来自于触点的噪声或其它信号耦合至控制线, 相反 亦然

  • But it is vice versa – they work so they do not need to do this essential task .

    但是 反之 亦然,他们工作,所以他们不需要从事这项非常重要的任务。

  • What has Chinese politics contributed to the field of comparative politics and vice versa ?

    中国政治研究对比较政治领域有什么贡献, 反之是否 亦然

  • We spy on their new products and vice versa .

    我们暗中打探他们新产品的 信息反之 亦然

  • What strengths do your competitors have that you may lack and vice versa ?

    你的竞争者有什么样的实力而你缺乏, 反之 亦然

  • If you are pro-China you must be anti-America ; and vice versa or so some believe .

    如果你支持中国,你就一定反美国; 反之 亦然,至少一些人是这样认为的。

  • I hope that I 'll occasionally be able to visit you or vice versa .

    希望我有时候能去看你, 反之 希望你能来看我。

  • This can make genetically male plants produce female flowers and vice versa .

    这可能导致遗传上雄性的植物产生雌花, 反之 亦然

  • This primitive can be used within a flow to convert native data to a business object and vice versa .

    该原语可以在流内部使用,将本地数据转换为业务对象, 反之 亦然

  • Did RUP shape the integration of tools or vice versa ?

    RUP形成了工具的集成吗,或 反之 亦然

  • We gossip about them and vice versa .

    我们议论他们,他们 议论我们。

  • There are important capabilities and concepts in SOA that are not included in Information On Demand and vice versa .

    在SOA中,有一些重要的功能和概念是InformationonDemand中没有的, 反之 亦然

  • If I do the shopping he cooks and vice versa .

    若我去买东西,他就做饭, 反过来 一样

  • Service activities enable your business process to communicate with other services and vice versa .

    服务活动使您的业务流程能够与其他服务通信, 反之 亦然

  • That which is today considered to be impermissible will possibly be admissible in the near future and vice versa .

    今天被认为是不可允许的可能在不远的将来就变成了可以允许的, 反之 亦然

  • The Scots and Welsh are not English and vice versa .

    苏格兰人和威尔士人不是英格兰人, 反过来 一样

  • Broadcom and Qualcomm will have unparalleled access to the detailed functions of IT chips and vice versa .

    博通和高通将空前接触德州仪器芯片的详细的功能, 反之 亦然

  • It 's rare that a good object model will make a good database schema ( or vice versa ) .

    一个好的对象模型很少会生成一个好的数据库模式( 反之 亦然)。

  • You will be benefited by your mother and vice versa .

    你会受益于你的母亲, 反之 亦然

  • Teachers qualified to teach in England are not accepted in Scotland and vice versa .

    在英格兰有教书资格的老师在苏格兰得不到认可, 反之 亦然

  • If you 're timid loud and aggressive people are probably not good for you and vice versa .

    他们的观点有可能会影响到你,如果你胆小,那么嗓门大的,咄咄逼人的人有可能不适合你。 反过来 也是 一样

  • The general direction we should take is to be more open to China and vice versa he says .

    他说:我们应走的大方向是对中国大陆更为开放,而 大陆 台湾更开放。