


  • In the chairman 's absence the vice-chairman will act for him .

    主席不在时, 主席将代理他 主持工作。

  • The method of election of the chairman and vice-chairman is specified in the articles of association .

    董事长, 董事长的产生办法由公司章程规定。

  • She is Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Rural Health Association and Vice-Director of the China Academy of Health Policy .

    她是中国农村卫生协会 主席和中国卫生政策研究中心副主任。

  • A Vice-Chairman post has been created in each District Council to assist the Chairman in handling council business .

    各区区议会还增设了区议会 主席一职,协助区议会主席处理议会事务。

  • The vice-chairman accepted the paper unfolded and read it .


  • The bank opened last year with senior executives including its vice-chairman deputy chief executive chief risk officer director of wholesale banking and head of consumer banking from Standard Chartered .

    渤海银行去年开业,其 董事长、副首席执行官、首席风险官、批发银行业务主管和消费银行业务负责人等高管均来自渣打银行。

  • Currently he is member of Chinese calligrapher 's association vice-president of the Calligraphy Seminar of state planning commission vice-chairman of Yu youren 's callgraphy seminar of china chairman of Haian calligrapher 's association .

    现为中国书法家协会会员,国家计委书法研究会 会长,中国于右任书法研究副会长,海南省书法协会主席。

  • Try JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon and former Fed vice-chairman Donald Kohn .

    比如,摩根大通(JPMorganChase&Co.)的首席执行官杰米•戴蒙和前美联储(Fed) 主席唐纳德•科恩。

  • Ruohong Cai : former vice-chairman and consultant of China Artists Association vice-chairman of Chinese Painting Research Institute .

    蔡若虹:原中国美术家协会副主席,中国美协顾问,中国画研究院 院长。

  • Committee may from time to time elect among themselves a Chairman a Vice-Chairman .

    在理事会内部选举产生理事会理事 理事

  • Through the reviews in the past year to club work and activities president vice-chairman Zhang Cheng and Wei Wei respectively summarized the harvest and insufficient in the past year .

    通过对过去一年俱乐部工作和活动的回顾,主席 主席章桦和 魏薇分别总结了一年的收获与不足。

  • The Board of directors has a chairman and may have one vice-chairman if necessary .

    董事会设董事长一人,可以视需要 董事长

  • ICBC will also nominate two non-executive directors to the board one of whom would be a vice-chairman .

    工行还将向标准银行派驻两名非执行董事,其中一名 担任 董事长

  • The chairman and the vice-chairman are designated from among the directors by the state-authorised investment institution or the state-authorised department .

    董事长、 董事长,由国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门从董事会成员中指定。

  • The vice-chairman of the Welsh Arts council .

    威尔士艺术委员会 主席

  • The council also had 50 members who elected the chairman and vice-chairman from among themselves .

    临时区域市政局亦有议员50名,主席和 主席均由议员互选产生。

  • Levin is gone now and his replacement Richard Parsons has brought Turner back into the fold in a new vice-chairman position .

    如今莱文已经离开了,接替他的理查德·帕森斯把特纳接了回来,安置在一个 董事长的新位置上。

  • Chavalit said that he was extremely happy to meet vice-chairman liu .

    差瓦立说,他十分高兴会见刘 主席

  • The company founded in2006 is the vice-chairman unit of the arts and Crafts Association in Chongqing .

    公司成立于2006年,是重庆工艺美术行业协会 会长单位。

  • The Class Chairman and Vice-Chairman were given the honour to invite the teachers personally to the hall .

    礼堂被 彩色 气球 横幅 的富丽堂皇。每个班级的主席和 主席很荣幸地去邀请他们的老师。

  • Currently the is member of Chinese Calligrapher 's Association member of the Lettering Committee of Chinese Calligrapher 's Association vice-chairman of Guangxi Calligrapher 's Association .

    现为中国书法家协会会员,中国书法家协会刻字研究会委员,广西省书法家协会 主席

  • Last year he joined modern bank as vice-chairman and is also an investor and client .

    去年, 蒙塔纳加盟现代银行担任 董事长,他同时还是该行的投资者和客户。

  • Gut feelings often guide Mr Buffett and his business partner vice-chairman of the board Charlie Munger .

    巴菲特和他的商业伙伴伯克希尔董事会 主席 查理孟格(charliemunger)常常凭直觉行事。

  • Vice-chairman of ISO9000A Painting and Calligraphy Artist Qualification Certification Center .

    国际 ISO9000A书画艺术家资格认证中心 主席

  • Cnooc vice-chairman Yang Hua will replace Mr Wang .

    中海油 董事长杨华将接替王宜林的职位。

  • He is a member of Chinese Writers Association and vice-chairman of Cixi Writers Association .

    中国作家协会会员。慈溪市作家协会 主席

  • Candidates for chairman vice-chairman or member of such special committees shall be nominated from among the deputies by the Presidium and shall be approved by the National People 's Congress .

    各专门委员会的主任委员、主任 委员和委员的人选由主席团在代表中提名,大会通过。

  • The wages and welfare during the term of office of the full time chairman vice-chairman of the trade union of enterprises institutions and other organizations shall be contrasted with the related regulations of country or city .

    企业、业单位和其他组织专职工会主席、 主席任职期间的工资和待遇按照国家和本市有关规定执行。

  • Many members were absent notably the vice-chairman .

    许多成员都缺席,特别是 主席也未到场。