vicious cycle

[ˈvɪʃəs ˈsaɪkəl][ˈviʃəs ˈsaikl]


  • It 's a vicious cycle : Each infection further narrows the already small drainage openings .

    这是一个 恶性循环。每次感染都会使得原本细小的鼻窦开口更狭窄。

  • I realized that I was caught in a vicious cycle .

    我发现自己被卷入了 恶性循环

  • Indeed poor nutrition and foodborne disease often join hands in a vicious cycle of worsening health .

    事实上,营养不良和食物传播的疾病常常在一个让健康恶化的 恶性循环中联合起来。

  • Right now our economy is trapped in a vicious cycle .

    现在我们的经济陷入 恶性循环

  • It 's a vicious cycle as people weakened by HIV are in turn more vulnerable to malaria .

    当机体免疫力被艾滋病毒削弱后,人们更加容易患上疟疾,由此 形成恶性循环

  • The lack of institutional money has led to a vicious cycle .

    缺乏机构资金已导致了 恶性循环

  • It would be a vicious cycle of higher and higher interest rates and more and more debt .

    这将是一个高的 恶性循环,更高的利率,越来越多的债务。

  • But that can become a vicious cycle it can become maladaptive and people can gain weight then in the process .

    这是一种安慰,但是能成为一种 恶性循环和对不良做法的适应,而人们在这个过程中就长胖了。

  • Mont says this vicious cycle of poverty faced by disabled people is an important issue for the development community .

    蒙认为,残疾人所面临的这一 恶性循环对发展中国家而言是一重大问题。

  • Did I hear someone mention a vicious cycle ?

    我是不是听到某人在说 恶性循环

  • This vicious cycle of life there is bound to be the largest consumption and waste .

    这样的 恶性循环,必将是生命存在的最大消耗与浪费。

  • Yet the fact that Europe and its intermediaries continue to pay has set off a vicious cycle .

    然而,欧洲及其中间人持续缴纳 赎金 做法引发了 恶性循环

  • Developing countries faced a vicious cycle of poverty and infectious diseases .

    发展中国家无法摆脱贫穷和疾病的 恶性循环

  • The creation of red-light district and should not reduce and eliminate this vicious cycle the opposite may also be exacerbated .

    开设红灯区并不能减轻和消除这种 恶性循环,相反还可能加剧。

  • This begins a vicious cycle leaving women disadvantaged for life .

    这便导致了一个 恶性循环,使妇女终身处于不利地位。

  • So malnutrition and infection act together in a vicious cycle that worsens health and can sometimes lead to death .

    因此营养不良和感染以一种 恶性循环共同作用,这种恶性循环让健康恶化,并且有时候能导致死亡。

  • Working abroad can become a vicious cycle rather than a route up the social ladder she says .

    海外工作会变成 恶性循环,而非爬上社会阶梯的通道,她说。

  • Reliance on simple household fuels and appliances can compromise health and thus hold back economic development creating a vicious cycle of poverty .

    依靠简单的家庭燃料和炉具可损害健康,并从而阻碍经济发展,形成贫穷的 恶性循环

  • The US is trapped in a vicious cycle .

    美国陷入了 恶性循环

  • Of course this vicious cycle is not unique : similar patterns often emerge when asset markets tumble .

    当然,这种 恶性循环并非独特:资产市场暴跌时,往往会出现类似情况。

  • It 's a vicious cycle and we have to learn how to break that cycle .

    这是一个 恶性循环,我们必须学会如何打破这种循环。

  • Untamed that Chinese nationalism risks starting a vicious cycle as nationalists elsewhere respond .

    就像别国民族主义者所做的回应,中国的民族主义危机不可控制的陷入了 恶性循环

  • Attempted tightening on this scale would dampen the economy and risk creating a vicious cycle of debt and deflation .

    如此大规模的紧缩尝试将对经济构成打击,并可能会制造一个债务和通缩的 恶性循环

  • This wave of unilateral competitive devaluations creates a vicious cycle that leads to trade and exchange rate protectionism .

    这股单边竞争性贬值的浪潮造成了一种 恶性循环,从而导致了贸易与汇率保护主义。

  • Or it can further ensnare people in poverty and environmental degradations creating a vicious cycle .

    反之则可能使人民进一步陷入贫困和日益恶化的环境中,从而导致一种 恶性循环

  • Now a vicious cycle has been created : You experience the feeling of being more and more tired but your body is increasingly stimulated .

    这样就形成了一个 恶性循环:你感觉越来越累,但你的身体受到的刺激却越来越强。

  • This vicious cycle is gaining momentum and frankly it has been exacerbated by policy indecision and political dysfunction .

    这种 恶性循环的势头正在加强,坦率地讲,政策方面的优柔寡断和政治失灵加剧了这种情况。

  • We can break this vicious cycle and we can do it now !

    我们可以打破这种 恶性循环,我们现在可以做的!

  • But a vicious cycle has already begun to form .

    但是,有一项 恶性循环已经开始产生了。