


  • P2P Video-On-Demand Client Caching Mechanism Research and Implementation

    P2P 视频 点播客户端缓存机制研究与实现

  • Already running several experiments including online video site Hulu and a variety of video-on-demand trials Apple will not be stealing a march on a declining industry this time .

    包括在线视频网站hulu在内的多项实验以及各种 视频 点播 服务尝试都在进行当中,这一次苹果将无法悄悄抢得一个逐渐衰退行业的先机。

  • At present the video-on-demand ( VOD ) - based network teaching model is rapidly developed in medical distance education .

    目前在卫生专业的远程教学中,基于 视频 点播方式的网络教学模式得到了快速地发展。

  • Optimize buffering strategy for P2P video-on-demand systems

    P2P 视频 点播系统中数据缓冲策略的优化

  • In fact there was a view that they 'd skip over the PC and they 'd connect up TVs for video-on-demand .

    事实上,有他们将会结束跳越个人计算机的视野,而且他们将会为 视讯 服务在电视上面连接。

  • Communicator could not retrieve preferences from the directory server XX because the preference map could not be found . The operator gets involved only in delivering the premium services such as video-on-demand .

    通信器无法从目录服务器XX检索首选项,因为找不到首选项映像。而运营商唯一要考虑的就是 怎样才能 经营 好像 自选 影片这样额外收费的服务。

  • Video-on-Demand System for Excellent Courses Based on . NET

    架设基于.NET精品课 视频 点播系统

  • Even so major movie studios eager to tap into the increasing popularity of video-on-demand systems at a time when domestic box office sales are declining have experimented with making new releases more readily available in the home .

    即便如此,由于美国国内票房销售在下降,大型电影公司也渴望进入越来越受欢迎的 视频 点播系统。它们试着让新发布的电影更易于在家中看到。

  • Lost ' is an industry leader in DVD sales video-on-demand and iTunes downloads which add several million viewers not included in Nielsen ratings ABC executives say .

    美国广播公司的高管称,《迷失》DVD销量、 视频 点播量和iTunes下载量领先整个行业,这几方面的观众有数百万,尼尔森公司(Nielsen)的收视率调查没有将其计入。

  • China Network Television ( CNTV . cn ) offers programs on news sports and entertainment as well as an online community network and video-on-demand services .

    中国网络电视提供新闻、体育、娱乐节目,还有在线社区网和 视频 点播服务。

  • In addition IPTV services are usually bundled with broadband Internet access and other video services such as video-on-demand .

    此外,iptv服务通常与宽带网络连接以及其它视频服务(比如 视频 点播 捆绑在一起。

  • Based on the analysis of traditional video-on-demand system this paper introduces the design model function and characteristics of the VOD system based on cluster sever especially the key techno1oi and method in its realization .

    摘要在对传统 点播 视频系统进行比较分析的基础上,给出了一种支持服务器集群的视频点播系统的设计模型、功能与特点,并重点介绍了该系统实现的关键技术和方法。

  • On cache at clients in a peer-to-peer based streaming media video-on-demand system

    基于P2P的流媒体 点播系统中客户端缓存的研究

  • Film studios could boost their revenues up to 16 per cent if they released titles simultaneously in cinemas to DVD rental chains and via video-on-demand according to a new study .

    一项新研究表明,如果电影公司能够在影院、DVD出租连锁店以及通过 视频 点播 Video on demandVOD 同步发行影片的话,其收入可能会增加至多16%。

  • But the distribution platform that has the most potential many believe is video-on-demand .

    但很多人认为,潜力最大的销售平台乃是 视频 点播 video-on-demand简称VOD

  • In the meantime they are focusing on their video-on-demand streaming services as such time-shifted viewing continues to grow .

    目前这些提供商将主要精力放在了 视频 点播流媒体服务上,此类时移节目的收视量正在持续增长。

  • In recent years the company has begun offering downloadable music for sale and also has a streaming video-on-demand service in the United States .

    近年来,亚马逊开始提供音乐下载销售服务,并在美国开始了流媒体 视频 点播业务。

  • Research on Data Dissemination for Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand Systems

    对等 点播系统数据分发关键技术研究

  • Research on Data Distribution Strategy of Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand System Design and Implementation of a Distributed VOD System

    高质量视频 点播服务的P2P数据分发策略研究一种分布式网络 视频点播系统的设计与实现

  • The move has big implications for the DVD rental industry as well as cable and satellite operators which are waking up to the power of video-on-demand .

    此举不仅对dvd出租行业有重要影响,对正日益意识到 视频 点播威力的有线电视和卫星运营商也意义重大。

  • Amazon 's website already features a range of TV shows and movies in its video-on-demand section that are generally available for sale individually from $ 1.99 .

    亚马逊的网站已经展出一系列电视节目和电影在它的 电视 点播专区,那些通常从1.99美元起出售。

  • Research and Application of Video-On-Demand Technology ( VOD ) Base on Streaming Media

    基于流媒体的 视频 点播(VOD)技术研究与应用

  • Enables full motion playback ( decode ) on your mobile phone including video-on-demand and streaming video playback .

    让您的行动电话能 支援全动态播放(解码)功能,其中包括 支援 视讯以及播放串流影片。

  • A P2P Based Video-on-Demand System

    基于P2P网络的 视频 点播系统设计

  • As the major telecom carriers deploy services there will be an escalating battle for subscribers between cable satellite IPTV and Internet TV / video-on-demand .

    随着主要电信运营商逐步展开它们的业务,有线电视、卫星电视、iptv以及网络电视/ 视频 点播等业务对用户的争夺战将逐步升级。

  • His latest comments gave voice to widespread concern in Hollywood that restrictions on legitimate imports of western films have encouraged piracy and hit prospects for home entertainment revenues from DVD and video-on-demand sales .

    默多克的最新言论渲 了好莱坞的普遍担忧,即针对合法引进西方电影的种种限制, 不但鼓励了盗版行为,还打击了源自dvd和 视频 点播销售的家庭娱乐收入前景。

  • An Optimal Path Based Request Migration Algorithm in Distributed Video-on-Demand System

    一种基于最优路径的分布式 服务器请求迁移算法

  • Video-on-demand will be the main revenue driver – whether it 's internet VOD or cable television VOD Mr Hirsch says .

    赫希称: 视频 点播将成为主要的收入增长源&不管是网上的视频点播,还是通过有线电视系统点播。

  • Video-on-demand and other multi-media interactive services are ready to be rolled-out in one of the first large-scale commercial exercises in the world .

    视像 自选 服务和其他多媒体互动服务现正蓄势待发,开展全球其中一项崭新的大规模商业行动。

  • Application of Load Balance Algorithm in Distributed Video-on-Demand System

    负载平衡算法在分布式 视频 点播系统中的应用