video module

[ˈvɪdiˌo ˈmɑdʒul][ˈvidiəu ˈmɔdju:l]

[计] 显示模件

  • Through the test of the basic system module and the video processing module the effect of the algorithms is verified .

    通过对系统基础模块和 视频处理 模块的测试,验证了算法的有效性。

  • The embedded gateway network communication and video server module are introduced in detail and gives based on Qt application development realization intuitive and specific introduction to the gateway of the development environment and programming principle .

    首先对嵌入式网关的网络通信和 视频服务器 模块进行详细的介绍,并给出基于Qt的应用开发实现,直观而具体地展示了网关的开发环境和程序设计原理。

  • It also discusses detailedly about the main parts namely as the control circuit and the control panel and elucidates exactly the control principle of the controlling module the switch between audio and video module and the control panel module .

    具体分析了主控制模块、音 视频切换 模块和控制面板的设计原理,对其中部分电路提出了多种实现方法。

  • Hardware design includes hardware system management module image processing module audio processing module video processing module digital rights management module and external storage module .

    硬件设计包括硬件系统管理模块、图像处理模块、音频处理模块、 视频处理 模块、数字版权管理模块和外部存储模块。

  • A system was introduced which combines the 32-Bit ARM processor and DSP video compressing module the practical GPRS and video transfer speed was considered the system uses the JPEG coding .

    介绍了一种监控系统,系统采用32位ARM处理器与DSP 视频压缩 模块相结合,并考虑了实际的GPRS与视频传输的速度匹配问题,采用JPEG编码方式。

  • On the software side introduces software platform structures including the Linux kernel transplantation and the video module and log module design .

    在软件方面,主要介绍软件平台的搭建包括Linux内核的移植以及 录像 模块和日志模块的设计。

  • It also completes the functional design of virtual instrument design of data processing function and functional design for RF and video functional module .

    完成了虚拟仪器功能设计、数据处理功能设计、射频和 视频功能 模块功能设计。

  • For example a video module can create a new node type based on a vanilla node .

    例如,一个 视频 模块能基于vanilla节点创建一个新节点类型。

  • This paper describes the process that establishes the coherent clutter video signal module and the design and realization of real-time simulation system in radar multi-target simulation system .

    阐述了在雷达多目标仿真系统中杂波相干 视频信号 模型的建立过程和实时仿真系统的设计及实现。

  • Video display module is the interface between the system and the user so video display module is a critical part of the video system .

    视频显示 模块就是系统与用户的接口,在系统中具有不可或缺的地位,因此视频显示模块是视频业务中一个重要的组成部分。

  • Using the video and audio card software development kit We have development a video player and video playback module controls the client .

    使用视音频卡的软件开发包SDK编写了视频播放服务 模块 视频播放客户端控件。

  • LED 8-by-96 Matrix Video Module


  • Minor degradations are detected for some critical patterns in the 8 × 8 case . LED 8-by-96 Matrix Video Module

    在8×8矩阵时对 电视 测试 上的少量特殊图形有轻微的失真。 LED8×96矩阵显示模件

  • Sound and video module support common sound and video playing task .

    音频 模块 视频 模块提供常见的音频和视频播放支持。

  • Video capturing module image processing module and serial communicating module was designed based on their functions .

    根据功能,设计了由 视频采集 模块、图像处理模块和串行通信模块构成的电视跟踪测量系统,并给出了各模块的具体实现。

  • On the actualization of real time manufacture and control module we explained that the manufacture system is made up by moving control module logic module parameter module and video module . We also explained the concrete way to realize those modules .

    在实时加工模块的实现上,讲述了加工系统由运动控制模块、逻辑模块、参数模块以及 显示 模块 组成,并介绍各模块的具体实现方法。

  • The main contributions of this thesis are as follows : Firstly we design and implement a virtual advertisement system video capture module to capture real-time HD SDI video .

    论文所做的研究工作和创新点如下:首先,设计并实现了虚拟广告系统中的 视频采集 模块,实时采集SDI高清视频。

  • Platform interface layer includes graphics platform main interface physics sound video module .

    平台接口层包括图形 模块,平台主接口 模块,物理 模块,音频 模块 视频 模块

  • There are main modules such as video gather module local play module and network transmission module in this subsystem .

    该子系统主要由 视频采集 模块、本地播放模块和网络传输模块等组成。

  • The LFD 8-by-96 Matrix is used folr building up the video module of computer instruments Address to LED matrix unit assumes horizontal drive in regular sequence and vertical gating .


  • Implementation and Optimization of Video Processing Module in MCU

    视讯系统多点控制单元中 视频处理 模块的实现与优化

  • The hardware designing is delaminated from the top down and emphasizes the explanation of wireless module and video module .

    在设计硬件系统时,采用由上到下分层设计的方式,重点对无线射频收发模块和 视频 处理 模块进行说明。

  • The system includes main control module detection module and wireless video transmission module .

    该样机包括主控模块、检测模块、无线数据通信模块和无线 视频传输 模块

  • Video capture module uses the Video for Windows ( VFW ) platform .

    视频采集 模块采用了VideoforWindows(VFW)平台实现。

  • The application of embedded terminal includes video capture module video process module and video transmission module .

    嵌入式终端的应用程序包含 视频采集 模块、视频处理模块和视频传输模块。

  • The video module format is the same as the print format of the micro-printer and shares with the latter the literal pool of the print-control program .

    显示 件的格式与微型打印机的打印格式一致,并共用控制打印程序中的字库。

  • In addition we designed a highly efficient video capture module .

    此外,设计了一个高效的 视频采集 模块

  • Inside of FPGA design the video collecting module image pretreatment module and so on .

    在FPGA内部设计了 视频 图像采集和预处理的各个 模块,能够实现图像的快速采集、滤波和阈值分割。

  • Software includes the video detecting module the license plate orientation and recognition module the controlling module .

    软件部分分为三大模块,即 视频检测 模块、车牌定位识别模块和控制中心模块。