


  • He was the son of the local vicar .

    他是当地 教区 牧师的儿子。

  • Armed with a torch the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on .

    牧师 着手电筒走上钟塔看看发生了什么事。

  • ' behold I show you a mystery 'the vicar read .

    “看哪,我给你们看一件神妙的事。” 牧师念道。

  • They arrived at the inn while the vicar and the village doctor were reading the stranger 's diary .

    他们到达客店时, 牧师和本村医生正在翻阅陌生人的日记。

  • When the vicar 's wife went off with a young and penniless man the scandal knew on bounds .


  • British vicar has preached his way into the record books by giving a30-hour sermon on the Old Testament .

    英国一 牧师创造了连续布道30个小时的世界纪录,他用以布道的材料是《圣经旧约》。

  • One night however our vicar woke up with a start .

    可是一天晚上,我们的 教区 牧师被突然惊醒。

  • ' You certainly did give me a surprise ! 'said the vicar .


  • You 'll have to go and ask the vicar if he 'll marry you in church .

    你必须去问那个 牧师,看他是否愿意在教堂里为你 主持婚礼。

  • A vicar with a large parish may have an assistant priest called a curate to help him .

    一个大教区的 牧师可能会有一个牧师助理协助他的工作。

  • The vicar ran out with his servant .


  • The vicar has been involved in a scandal ; he is a disgrace to the cloth .

    这位 教区 牧师卷入了一起丑闻;他是牧师 的一大耻辱。

  • The vicar left his position near the soldier and disappeared into a back room .

    牧师 位于士兵身旁的他的位置上离开,走进了后房。

  • We 'll get used to that Bill 'said the vicar .

    “大家慢慢就习惯了,比尔,” 牧师说。

  • The vicar gave a sermon on the evils of gambling .

    教区 牧师作了一次布道,宣讲赌博的危害。

  • His father also named Thomas was the vicar of Charlton and Westport .

    他父亲也叫姓托马斯,是查尔顿和韦斯特波特的 教区 牧师

  • The Vicar looked at him with open-mouthed incredulity .

    教区 牧师目瞪口呆地看着他,露出不相信的表情。

  • The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel on the estate

    当地的 牧师已经同意在庄园的小教堂里为我们主持婚礼。

  • So the vicar and his servant took them down and into the vicar 's house .


  • The vicar began to preach to the crowd .


  • What is this ? A vicar 's tea party ?

    这是什么? 牧师的茶话会吗?

  • You had me followed by the vicar .

    你让 牧师 伦敦就跟踪我。

  • The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar 's desk to answer the call

    管家迅速来到 牧师的书桌前接电话。

  • This sort of vulgar language hardly becomes a man in your position vicar .

    这种粗话和你的身份很不相称, 牧师

  • The vicar preach to the congregation for half an hour .

    那位 教区 牧师向会众讲道半个小时。

  • On the way into the village the vicar stopped him .

    在进村的路上, 牧师拦住了他。

  • I 'm not allowing a vicar to put his nose into my business he told her .

    “我不许 牧师来管我的闲事,”他对她说道。

  • Father was shamed into giving a donation to the church by the vicar 's sermon .

    父亲听了 牧师的布道深感羞愧,于是解囊给教会捐了一笔钱。