


v.使烦恼( vex的现在分词 )使苦恼使生气详细讨论

  • I wish your Christmas festival happiness never vexing the happiness is matchless wishing God to protect you forever .

    我祝你圣诞节快乐,永不 烦恼,快乐无比,愿上帝永远保佑你。

  • Can you offer a fresh perspective on a vexing problem that has been plaguing your managers for months ?

    你能对一个让你的经理们数月以来 脑筋的问题提供新看法吗?

  • It 's as vexing as the riddle of the Sphinx .

    这个问题和古埃及 司芬克思的谜语一样 令人费解。

  • In addition to this serious limitation there is a more vexing comparative problem .

    除了这一严重的局限性,但还存在一个更加 复杂的比较性问题。

  • It is vexing to have to wait a long time for him .

    长时间地等他真使 厌烦

  • Many psychological and physiological problems vexing an adolescent student can be readily solved in a co-educational school .

    许多 困扰青少年学生的心理和生理问题可以在男女共校的学校中解决。

  • The number of defaults required to set off such a chain reaction was a vexing unknown .

    要引发这样一个连锁反应的违约数量是个 恼火的未知数。

  • Hecklers in the crowd asked irrelevant questions for the sole purpose of vexing the speaker .

    人群中的发问者们问了些不相干的问题,只是为了 难住发言人。

  • As powerful as this exercise was for me it posed a few vexing questions .

    虽然这个的练习对我来说效力 很大,可是 有一些 头疼的问题。

  • In a vexing situation try laughing rather than snarling ;

    在令人 烦恼的情况下试着发笑而不要怒气冲冲;

  • This is particularly vexing if you 've held the same position for a number of years .

    尤其是如果你在同一职位做了几年的 这种情况尤其 脑筋

  • These vexing practical problems cannot be adequately addressed without also considering important philosophical religious and ethical issues .

    这些 令人 烦恼的实际问题,不能得到充分解决的同时考虑重要的哲学,宗教和道德问题。

  • But that will make us a better people when we do that . One of the most vexing issues John Kennedy faced while in office was civil rights .

    但是这个过程中,我们会变得更好。肯尼迪任期内最 头疼的是民权问题。

  • Our clients are asking us to partner with them on a range of vexing issues he adds .

    “目前, 世界 银行 借款客户要求我们就一系列 棘手问题同其 开展合作,”他补充说。

  • You take delight in vexing me .

    你是在 故意 气恼,好让你自己 得意吧。

  • I particularly enjoyed the IRC channels and found answers to some of my most vexing configuration problems .

    我尤其喜欢IRC频道,在它上面我可以找到一些答案,用于解决那些 恼火的问题。

  • Among the various forms of dizziness clinicians have found CSD to be particularly vexing .

    在各种类型的眩晕中,临床医生已发现 慢性主观性眩晕患者特别 易怒

  • Honeybee collapse has been particularly vexing because there is no one cause but rather a thousand little cuts .

    蜜蜂的死亡尤其令人 忧心,因为起因并非只有一个,而是有上千种轻微的破坏因素。

  • It was the choice of a washing machine however that proved most vexing .

    然而,最 烦恼的原来是 关于洗衣机的选择。

  • So I think it would be fair to say that the next four months are loaded with import for the United States as we confront vexing and important challenges in the Asian Pacific region .

    所以,我认为,可以说,在我们面对亚太地区 棘手和重要的挑战之 ,今后四个月美国有许多重要事务处理。

  • The boy kept vexing his mother with question .

    那小孩不停地 他母亲问题。

  • What 's more it provides insight into a vexing question : How can the entirety of human experience arise from tiny electrical impulses ?

    更重要的是,该研究为我们探讨一个 深奥的问题提供了启示:人类的体验作为一个整体,是如何从微小的电脉冲中诞生的?

  • Foreign currency statement translation is one of the most vexing and controversial technical issues in the international accounting .

    外币报表折算是国际会计 复杂和最具争议性的技术性问题之一。

  • How vexing !; How annoying !

    多么 烦人呀!

  • Traveling is so exhausting and vexing ; it 's apt to show a person 's true self .

    旅行是 劳顿 麻烦,叫人本 时候

  • The king reading the lettered and get a fright heart the inside is very vexing ;

    国王看了信,吓了一跳,心中很是 烦恼

  • Doing other matters usually cannot scatter to the vexing attention also be say agony 's seem cannot get away from .

    做其他事常常不能分散对 烦恼的注意,也就是说烦恼好像摆脱不了。

  • It 's a vexing question one that millions of people and their doctors face each year .

    这是一 非常 令人 苦恼 事情,每年都有一百万的人和医生,面对这样的问题。

  • Will you stop poking up and vexing me ?

    你可不可以不要 激怒我?