[ˌvi:eɪtʃ'ef][ˌvi: eɪtʃ ˈef]

abbr.very high frequency<术>(无线电的)甚高频

  • A New Analysis Method on the Hidden Terminals in Self-Organized TDMA VHF Datalink

    一种新的自组织时分多址 高频数据链隐藏终端分析方法

  • I 'd like to use your VHF ( Very High Frequency ) telephone to contact our company .

    我想用一下你的 高频电话同公司联系一下。

  • The Design and Research of Control System for VHF Communication Radio


  • VHF SSB mobile radio set This PC is the fastest on the market .


  • Broadcast television utilizes a wide range of frequencies of operation in the VHF and UHF bands along with a variety of digital TV standards .

    广播电视使用的频率范围宽的操作在 VHF和UHF波段随着各种数字电视标准。

  • This radio station broadcasts only on VHF .

    这家电台只用 高频广播。

  • All solid state VHF and UHF TV transposer

    全固态 高频和特高频电视差转机

  • The new radio station which is on a VHF frequency will provide a mixture of music and talk .

    这新的无线电台用的是 高频频率,可以混合播出音乐和谈话。

  • Research on dynamic range of VHF / UHF band receiver


  • VHF SSB mobile radio set


  • Research on the VHF Data-Link Transmission Loss Based on Satellite Navigation Ground-based Augmentation System

    基于卫星导航陆基增强系统 VHF数据链中的传输损耗研究

  • Attention : All vessels within VTS area shall keep watch on VHF CH09 .

    注意:所有在VTS管理区域内的船舶应在 VHF09频道保持守听。

  • GPS Technology in Mining Area of Surface Observation Stations Set up Mobile Application vehicle-to-ground VHF telemetry

    GPS技术在矿区地表移动观测站建立中的应用甚 高频空间对地球遥测技术

  • VHF and UHF Doppler radar


  • VHF / FM transmission was introduced for broadcasting in both Chinese and English channels .

    超短波发射启播,中、英文台开始采用 超短波调频广播。

  • Construction of VHF / UHF Virtual Radio Monitoring System


  • Computer Simulating Design of VHF Broadband Power Amplifiers


  • A novel VHF broadband twin-whip antenna is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了一种新型的 超短波宽带双鞭天线。

  • Development of a Power Amplifier for VHF Frequency-hopping Communication System


  • The design method and techniques for low-cost signal processing module of ultrashort wave or VHF ( Very High Frequency ) radio are introduced .

    介绍了 超短波通信电台的低成本信号处理模块的设计方法和技巧。

  • I heard it on VHF last night .

    我昨晚在 频率 广播中听到那件事。

  • VHF-band ultra-wideband high-power amplifier circuit was described in this article .

    本文介绍了一 VHF 波段超宽带、大功率放大器电路。

  • Design and Simulation of Zero Intermediate Frequency Receiver of VHF Radio in Armored Vehicles

    装甲车载 超短波电台零中频接收机设计与仿真

  • VHF mini-trunking radio system


  • Master : Cargo shifting in the hold ! Broadcast a distress call on VHF .

    船长:货舱内货物移动。通过 高频播发遇险信号。

  • Based on Infrared Thermal Imaging / VHF Bridges Early-warning Navigation System Research

    基于红外热成像 /VHF的大桥预警导航系统研究

  • Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars .

    自动调节 高频接收器现在普遍应用于汽车。

  • Design of VHF-band ultra-wideband high-power amplifier

    VHF 波段超宽带、大功率放大器设计

  • Weifang VHF / UHF Radio Monitoring Network Fixed Radio Monitoring Station Selected Location Project Research

    潍坊 VHF/UHF无线电监测网固定监测站建设项目选址研究