


  • I had contracted dragon pox shortly before arriving at school and while I was no longer contagious my pock-marked visage and greenish hue did not encourage many to approach me .

    我在来学校前感染了龙疹,尽管不会再传染了,但我脸上标志似的 麻点和绿色的皮肤都使得许多人不愿接近我。

  • The town has a desolate visage .

    这个镇子有个荒凉的 容貌

  • A way of photographic vision basing on traditional aesthetics and art standards decided this visage of combination of photography and painting .

    一种基于传统审美趣味和美学标准 之上的摄影观看方式,决定着“影画合璧 面貌

  • Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage .

    活力宝珠的进阶 物品 将不再显示精神 了。

  • China has emerged with a new visage in the East .

    中国以新的 面貌出现在世界的东方。

  • The strong and darkly handsome visage was gaunt and haggard .

    那张孔武黝黑的英俊 面孔相当的疲惫憔悴。

  • Although the ethical judgment has disappeared its pictorial meaning unfolds with an unwonted visage of modernism .

    在这里,虽然道德判断消失了,但是其图像的意义却以一种少有的当代性 面貌呈现出来。

  • The83 pieces of exhibits comprehensively reflect today 's visage of Multi-Format situation in Ukraine Art circles .

    展览的83件作品,较全面反映了当今乌克兰画坛多元化格局的 面貌

  • Upon hearing of this additional expense ; misery 's long visage appeared to become several inches longer .

    一听到还需要额外费用;瘟神的长 马上又拉长了好几英寸。

  • With a smile of Christian charity great Casey 's visage shone ;

    伟大的凯 西面露基督式的微笑。

  • The maniac bellowed ; she parted her shaggy locks form her visage and gazed wildly at her visitors .

    疯子吼叫起来。她把浓密 蓬乱的卷发从 上分开,狂野地瞪着她的客人。

  • I look younger now ! Full of joy one of world 's first face transplant patients shows his new visage to the world .

    “我看起来年轻多了!”世界上第一例面部植入手术者十分高兴的向全世界展示着他的新 面孔

  • It was the visage of a demon who has just found his damned soul .

    这是一 找到了冤家的魔鬼 面孔

  • Veiled beneath a cloud was the moon 's pale visage .


  • Even on his visage it would have been impossible to distinguish anything with certainty .

    即使是从他的 面色上,我们肯定不能分辨出什么来。

  • The light was so faint in the room that Albert did not perceive the palor that spread itself over the count 's visage or the nervous heaving of his chest and shoulders .

    房间里的光线很暗,所以阿尔贝没有觉察到伯爵的脸色突然变得 苍白了,他的胸膛和肩膀在神经质地颤抖着。

  • Because they invariably have the visage of overriding importance there is always a temptation to invoke security necessities to justify an encroachment upon civil liberties .

    又因为其总是以 至高重要性的 面目出现,所以调用安全“需要”来使侵犯公民自由变得正当化就成了一种诱惑。

  • His white locks added a gentle majesty to the gay radiance of his visage .

    他那 银丝白发使焕发的 容光更增添了温柔的庄严气派。

  • Close your eyes and try to recreate his or her visage in your mind .

    闭上眼睛,试着在脑海里描绘出他的 模样

  • I didn 't mention that I had withheld a ten-franc note engraved with Voltaire 's crafty visage .

    我没说我还留着那张印着伏尔泰 狡诈肖像的十法郎纸币。

  • Its dark red scales are scarred and chipped from past struggles and its scowling visage hints at unchecked rage .

    它暗红色的鳞片上布满了过去争斗留下的疤痕和裂纹,而它 晦暗的表情表 露出的是怒不可遏。

  • Their visage too is peculiar .

    他们的 面貌也很奇特。

  • For many years past I with my white hair have been conscious that many people think they have the right to despise me ; to the poo ignorant masses I present the visage of one damned .

    多年以来,我白发苍苍,只觉得有许多人自以为有权轻视我,那些愚昧可怜的群众认为我 面目可憎

  • She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage .

    她总是用包头巾围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的 容貌

  • ( combining form ) having a face or visage as specified . a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations .

    (组合词)有一张特定的脸或者一种特定的 容貌。特定的人在特定的场合使用的词或者词组。

  • Just by seeing your visage with its terrible teeth blazing like the fire of universal annihilation I know not the cardinal points nor can I obtain contentment .

    您的 燃着的宇宙灭绝之火一样闪耀,牙齿恐怖,仅仅看到这些,我就不知要点而无法获得满意的答案。

  • His visage is a fine and venerable one .

    他的 容貌很漂亮,很可敬。

  • The past has a visage superstition and a mask hypocrisy .

    古有 面目就是迷信,也有套假面具, 就是虚伪。